
Creative man

Eric was flabbergasted, nobody had ever refused his handshake, men and women would pay to be in the same room as him yet here was this tall nerd looking man that avoided him like he was some kind of a walking-talking germ. He didn't know anything personally about him just his work so he was taken back by his attitude, Eric decided to brush off what mr Chen did and get down to business immediately, he did not get him there for pleasantries anyway.

"You've received the information about my missing wife, how long til you get her back for me?" Eric asked while pouring himself and his guest some whiskey.

"I like to know my clients first before I do any jobs for them" Mr. Chen said. "Also don't call me mr Chen, you can call me Greg please" He interjected. Greg had done some investigation into Eric, he knew his past and present, he knew all the people he had crossed and killed or tortured or even jailed to get to where he is. Secrets that Eric thought that he had hidden well were easily accessed by him.

"Oh, what would you like to know?" Eric asked and then handed Greg his glass. Eric was surprised by what Greg said, shouldn't he be concerned with finding his woman? He had already paid him three million dollars and was going to pay him the other half once the job was done so why bother knowing who he was. "Mr DeGrasse I understand that you have an unhealthy obsession with a woman who can't stand you so much that she has to run away, finding her is easy I'm just interested in you for now" said Greg with a wider grin this time.

It's true that he had already been paid half of the fee he asked for but the fee was for him to simply appear in front of Eric to hear him out, Greg was picky about the jobs he took on he did not particularly care about the people involved but wanted to see if he's interested in doing the job.

"Well, I'm sure you know all there is to know about me, even the things that I've left off the records" Eric replies and sipped his drink to ward off the headache. Having heard how skilled mr Chen was it was obvious that he knew all there is know about him so why bother explaining himself to him like a child.

"You're right, but I don't mean that, I mean what is it about Lily Duke that you love so much that you've turned into a madman?" Greg asked with the same grin he had since he sat down. He wanted to hear what the maniac had to say about his pathetic toxic love he had for the young woman on the run because of him.

"Well, she's the love of my life, ever since I met her in high school I knew I'd never be able to live without her" Eric responded seriously and honestly to the question not that it was any of Greg's business. Greg looked at him and chuckled, he had seen many people like him before, people who would force their affections onto other people who did not reciprocate their affection.

Usually people like him would turn the very people they loved into mentally disturbed people or would end up dead from their torture. In his line of work Greg learned that forced connections or forced love was often fatal and not healthy for the mind at all but the pursuer often pushed their victims in spite of that.

"So I find her and bring her back for you to lock up in that maximum pretty prison cage you created for her, is it going to change her feelings toward you, is it going to change the fact that she gave her virginity to someone else and not you, is it going to change the fact that she loves another man and not you?" Greg asked and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees to support his head in his hands.

He wanted Eric to understand that even if he got Lily back for him nothing about her feelings toward him would change, she'd probably hate him more every day and try to escape or take her own life instead of living him day in day out. Eric's blood began boiling upon hearing the heart piercing questions that he already knew the answers to but he still wanted her by his side by all means necessary.

"Greg, is it? Focus on getting my wife back and I'll deal with everything else, Kapish?" Eric said and looked away without expecting an answer.

"Mr DeGrasse rest assured that I'll bring her back, in fact I'll lure her back to your arms for you, but I have my reasons for doing so" Greg grinned and got up to leave. He only wanted to do the job because he found Lily and Chris very interesting, he wanted to see what they'll do to stay together once Eric got between them, he was going to enjoy watching them from the sidelines, he was secretly rooting for Lily and Chris but he first needed to put the couple through trials and tribulations to strengthen them. "I'll be leaving now, I've got so much to do before I catch that wild flower of yours, tata!" Greg left without looking back or listening for a reply.

Eric sat in his chair and thought that mr Chen was indeed a weird man, but that did not matter, he wanted results from him and soon.