
Chapter 18 The Ancestral Artifact of the Shangguan Family - The Origin of the Mysterious Yin Yang Jade Luop

Translator: 549690339

"By the way, Fusu, quickly take a look at Linda; she just told me her head hurts a bit and her memory seems a bit jumbled," said Xuanyuan Wuji, suddenly recalling Linda's unusual behavior upon waking up, and with furrowed brows, he casually mentioned it to Nalan Fusu.

"What? Empress, do you still recognize your Brother Zifeng? I was the one who unearthed you. Please don't forget me, we're both from the Shangguan Family. Oh, right, I also have this half of the Jade Pendant. It can join with the half you carry on your waist to become whole again. Do you remember now?"

As soon as Shangguan Zifeng heard Xuanyuan Wuji's words, his fur bristled. Darn it, he had just brought his family's living ancestor out of the ancient tomb at Immortal Peak, and they had been having a great time these past two days. How could she just faint and forget him completely? The youngster couldn't stand this at all.

"How dare you, thief, to steal my brother's Jade Pendant! Have you lost your mind?"

As soon as Linda saw the half of the Jade Pendant in Shangguan Zifeng's hand, she reached out immediately and performed the mystical technique of telekinesis, her skills astounding the three men present, who were dumbfounded like geese. They thought they had only seen such special effects in television dramas, which were fake, right? Why would such things exist in real life, especially right in front of their own eyes? It was unscientific, truly unscientific.

Nalan Fusu and Xuanyuan Wuji witnessed the Empress's unscientific and supernatural abilities for the first time, leaving them in disbelief for quite a while. However, Shangguan Zifeng recovered much quicker, having already braced himself for even more bizarre and mysterious situations. Having seen so many oddities, nothing surprised him anymore.

"Brother, this is your Jade Pendant. You must keep it safe and not let it be stolen again, okay?" Linda glared fiercely at Shangguan Zifeng, and then stuffed the Shangguan boy's Jade Pendant into the hands of the petrified Nalan Fusu.

"Empress, this truly is our Shangguan Family's ancestral Jade Pendant. It was given to me by my grandfather. If you don't believe it, just ask in the Shangguan Family later, you'll understand. I really didn't steal it; my innocence is clear as day, as the heavens and earth can witness, as the sun and moon can attest," Shangguan Zifeng moaned pitifully to their little family matriarch. Not only had the Empress forgotten him, but even his Jade Pendant hadn't been spared. On top of that, he was wrongfully accused of theft. Was there anyone more miserable than him in this cruel world? The Shangguan boy was starting to despise this heartless existence.

"Shut your mouth, if you spout nonsense again, I shall not be lenient. To think you even dare covet Brother Qingchen's personal belongings, you've got some nerve," the Empress continued to fiercely defend her brother, making the poor Shangguan boy feel even more wronged. Yet he didn't dare counter her words, fearing she might slap him away in a fit of amnesiac rage.

"Uh, Linda, actually, the Jade Pendant truly belongs to Shangguan Zifeng. I also met with the Shangguan Family's old master yesterday, and he wasn't lying," Nalan Fusu finally regained his senses and spoke up for Shangguan Zifeng.

"Brother, you really have lost your memory, not even recognizing your own Jade Pendant. It's the ancestral treasure of our Shangguan Family, named Yin Yang Que. We each carry half—father gave one to each of us. Women carry the Yin, and men carry the Yang; thus, yours is the Yang Que, and I hold the Yin Que. Do you have any recollection at all?" Linda explained seriously, helping Nalan Fusu to understand.

"Huh? Empress, you actually know this so clearly? My grandfather told me the same when he handed me this half of the Jade Pendant; only at that time, we had not yet found you, and the whereabouts of the other half, the Yin Que, remained unknown. He said our entire family had never stopped searching for the Yin Que over the years, apparently looking for a significant person. I think it must be you," Shangguan Zifeng became even more convinced after hearing the Empress's words that Linda was indeed the mysterious person their family had been desperately searching for.

Xuanyuan Wuji had been quietly listening to everyone's conversation, and now the suspicion in the businessman's heart had deepened. He had always felt that Linda did not seem like someone from the modern world. Especially since Shangguan Zifeng kept calling her Empress. Initially, he thought it was just Linda's nickname, but now it seemed the exquisite beauty before him had a background that might only be more complex and mysterious. Could she possibly be what he was thinking? But how could that be? Xuanyuan Wuji didn't know what he was thinking, but his expression became very grave.