
Cold Desire

Alana Gates is a rebellious 19 years old girl who spent her whole teenage life enduring her mother's abuses. After a certain incident occurs in her life, she moves to New York to stay with her aunt and continue her education. The simple life she plans to live quickly gets complicated when she gets entangled with Roman Ashford, the richest and most arrogant man in the whole of New York, and has to be his woman for the next 31 days. Will she be able to tolerate his vexing attitude for the next 31 days or will this relationship turn into a complete disaster? .... @WINX

Winx16 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Are You Trying To Seduce Me?

Chapter Six

Are You Trying To Seduce Me?

"Alana! What are you doing here?" Katherine asked, her shock and surprise on seeing Alana evident in her voice.

Words seemed to have left Alana's mouth, as she stared at Katherine then Roman then back to Katherine again.

What on earth could her Mother's best friend; Katherine Haze, be doing here of all places. What was she even suppose to reply her.

Thoughts upon thoughts ran through Alana's mind at once and all she could do was blink at the woman who stood by the door waiting for her answer.

Alana was too overwhelmed by the situation that she did not realize how revealing her night gown was.

Katherine eyed Alana from head to toe, her surprise face turning to an annoyed frown.

"What is she doing here?" Katherine's turned to Roman for answers.

"Wait outside," Roman said to Katherine, his voice calm and his face showing no emotion.


"Wait for me outside Katherine," Roman repeated, cutting Katherine off.

He did not even spare her a glance as he spoke. His eyes were focused on Alana all this time, and this only incensed Katherine. She threw a hard stare at Alana before leaving the room and slamming the door.

Roman leaned casually against the wall by the door. His jaw worked for a moment as his eyes caressed Alana's form.

"Are you trying to seduce me? It's a bit premature to start deviating from the contract, don't you think?" he said, his voice cool, with a hint of amusement dancing in his tone.

Alana stared at him, confusion in her eyes.

'What is he talking about?' she thought to herself.

Roman's eyes moved down to her chest. "The contract explicitly says that you are not allowed to seduce me. You must remember that part since you read it only yesterday, right?" Roman asked.

When Alana still gave him the weird stare, Roman sighed.

"You do realize that you are half naked, right?" Roman asked.

That was when Alana took a look at herself, only to see that her entire body was exposed in light, see through nightwear she was putting on. Her perky breasts were fully on display and every other other part of her.

She gasped in panic and quickly grabbed the duvet, using it to cover herself in a flash speed. Her face instantly turned red in embarrasment.

The only thing that stopped her from fainting was the fact that she was putting on a panties underneath.

She could only imagine the thoughts that were running through Katherine mind right now after seeing her like this.

What in heavens name was she thinking when she put on this night gown last night. She must have lost her mind yesterday, because she never sleeps with things like this.

The only reason she bought this piece was because of her friend's persuasion, ex friend rather since they were no longer friends

Roman smirked, finding amusement in her expression.

"You are very comical Alana." Roman stood straight and opened the door. "We are not done here," He said with a serious voice before leaving the room.

Alana finally raised up her head to look at his back before he left. A frown settling between her brows. She couldn't help herself from thinking about what business he might have with Katherine.

The both of them had been in a compromising position when they walked in and with the way Katherine reacted at seeing her here, it was obvious that she was jealous.

Alana cleared those thoughts from her mind and instead decided to freshen up a bit.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Katherine continued to tap her feet angeryily as she waited impatiently for Roman.

When Roman finally entered the kitchen, Katherine rushed towards him.

"What is that girl doing in your bedroom, Roman?" Katherine questioned with impatience in her voice.

Roman had a bored look on his face as he stared at Katherine's angry face. He simply brushed past her and walked to the fridge. He grabbed an orange juice pack and poured the liquid into a glass.

He gave the glass to Katherine, who took it in a haste and sipped from it, almost chocking.

"You seemed to know miss Gates quite well," Roman said.

"She's my friend's daughter," Katherine replied, as she set the glass down on the counter.

She leaned closer to Roman with a calculative look. "What is she doing in your personal bedroom.

Roman leaned even closer to Katherine that their lips were just inches apart. He slowly ran his fingers on her chick causing her to shut her eyes.

"I thought you would have understood by now that matters like this are none of your business, Katherine," Roman said and pulled away from her.

Katherine's eyes snapped open immediately. She seemed taken aback for a moment by Roman change in demeanor, before she regained her composure.

"What do you mean by that?" Katherine asked.

"Who I f*ck or allow inside my bedroom is none of your concern. Don't tell me that you have suddenly forgotten that?" Roman asked with a hard expression.

"I just thought that I had a right to know, because—"

"I am ending our contract." Roman said, cutting her off.

Katherine eyes widened in both horror and shock "B-But why?" She asked, stuttering.

"Because I've simply grown bored of you, and you've started to become obsessed with me which I find disgusting," Roman replied bluntly.

The cold intensity in his voice could easily slice through ice, but Roman couldn't care less if he was breaking Katherine heart at that moment.

After all, what they shared was mere business and pleasure and nothing more. She was expected to know more than anyone what a heartless man he was when it came to romance.

After a moment of silence, Katherine finally found her voice to speak. She looked at Roman with tears glittering in her eyes.

"I don't accept it. You won't end it, not after everything," Katherine said, with pain in her eyes.

Roman only stood still, staring at her, with no emotion in his eyes.

Eren stepped into the kitchen and Roman's attention moved to him.

"Take miss Haze home. She is not feeling too well," Roman instructed Eren and left without sparing Katherine so much as a glance.


Alana hurriedly tied her hair up in a rough bun after putting on her clothes. She sat down on the bed with a blank expression. She couldn't risk taking a shower because she was certain that Roman could walk in at any minute and who knew what he would do.

Even though he looked calm and all, she could not ignore the fact that the man was mad in some way.

Just as those thoughts were running through her mind, the door opened and Roman entered. His gaze settled on her as he took off his suit. His stoic face made it impossible for Alana to even guess what was on his mind.

"What are you doing on my bed?" Roman asked as he undid the buttons of his shirt.

Alana quickly averted her eyes from him. "Um I'm

sitting," she replied, her eyes wandering elsewhere which only irked Roman as his face instantly darkened.

"Alana," Roman called softly.

"Mmm," Alana answered but still didn't glance at him.

Seeing his nude torso was the last thing she wanted to happen not after he saw her... She blushed in embarrassment when she recalled that incident.

"Look at me," Roman ordered in calm yet hard voice, compelling Alana to reluctantly stare at him.

Only the first few buttons of his shirt were undone, but it was just enough to show a glimpse his tone chest. Alana's eyes only wandered around his chest for a slit second before her eyes instantly pinned on his cold, hard face as she dared not look downwards again like it would burn her if she did.

"Don't ever take your eyes off me when I'm speaking to you," Roman said, more like warned and Alana nodded immediately the words left his mouth.

Roman glanced at his bed, where she was sitting, and a frown creased his face. He shut his eyes and ran his nails through his hair, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Get out," Roman ordered Alana, his eyes still shut.

Without wasting a second, Alana stood up and hurried out of the room.

Once she was gone, Roman quickly stripped off his clothes and entered the bathroom. He paused in front of the mirror, where something on the floor caught his attention. Seeing what it was, his expression instantly darkened