
Cold Ceo

ADITYA_KUMAR_0485 · Celebrities
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It was a new beginning of another day. Someone's footsteps on the stairs were heard informing about his appearance. Fixing his cufflinks he came down being ready to leave for office but stoped by listening a voice which he hates the most and turned to her with frowned eyes.

Mrs Kim : I'll send you an address. I want you to reach there around 5:30.

[She told him with a straight face while reading the newspaper.]

Jungkook: What?!

Mrs.kim: Uff Jungkook, you know it very well that I don't like to repeat my words again and again.

[She said dramatically while looking at him.]

Mrs kim: I said that I will send you an address and you have to go there to meet your fiance at around 5:30 PM. I think I'm clear to you now. Right?

[She again wore the same straight face.] Jungkook: What? Fiance? What do you mean by fiance?

Mrs.kim: Oho Jungkook. Fiance means your would be wife. Your future wife. I chose a girl for you. It's important for the business relation between their and our company. You have to marry her .

Jungkook : NO! IT'S MY LIFE! And You Can't Take Decisions About Something Like My Marriage Mrs.kim ! You just can't!!

[He nearly yelled at her]

Mrs.kim : You know very well what I can do and what i can't. And you know this one thing too, that you can't deny my words and you have no other choice

[Putting the newspaper on the tea table she got up from the couch to come infront of Jungkook.]

Jungkook: Till When?? Till When You're gonna do this to me and my life?!

Mrs Kim : Till my last day my dear Jungkook. And things will remain like this also. Anyways, I'll send you the address.

[She was about turn her back to him but was stopped hearing his answer.]

Jungkook : And you really think I'll go too? I will never go. Tell your business partners to cancel the damn marriage!

[ Hearing this, Mrs.Kim came closer to him and playfully fixed his blazer.]

Mrs.Kim : Jungkook? Have you ever thought that what will happen if people will know about the reality of the most popular and famous CEO of the city? And what if that CEO is Jeon Jungkook ?....Hm?

Mrs. Kim : What will people say if they would get to know that the best businessman awarded Jeon Jungkook is actually a...

[She didn't say further without showing up a big smirk on her lips. But soon she again wore her same straight face and turned back.]

Mrs. Kim : At dot 5:30 PM. Keep it in your mind. Now go!

[She told in a manner of ordering]

There was nothing to say more for Taehyung She, the devilish Mrs. Kim again stabbed him with the same words. These words are like her weapons against him to make him weak.

Mrs. Kim, the backlight of the Jeon's Enterprise and the one who can overpower on Jungkook . Who helped him a lot to be successful but all for her own profit. A good image holding lady whom everyone think that she is nothing less than Jungkook's own mother. But only the one person, Jungkook knows how she actually is.

With a glaring face, Jungkook rushed in length to go out of the house without uttering any more thing. And she chuckled sarcastically thinking Jungkook's pathetic puzzled state.

Hurriedly coming in his office, Jungkook collapsed on his chair angrily. He was burning in anger while squishing his forehead and thinking about his helpless state.

Jungkook : Ughh! What should I do now!! Damn! What does she think of herself EVEN!! (He said banging on the table] My marriage!! Seriously!! MY MARRIAGE!! Huh! Fiance huh. Fiance my ASS!

He again started squeezing his forehead while thinking what do to and how to do even He just couldn't think anything because of the thought of his own marriage which his dear devilish aunt fixed without even his knowing.Yes. Mrs. Kim is his aunt from his mother's side. His mother's younger sister. After Jungkook's parents' death Mrs. Kim became his guardian. She made him study for business and made him do everything she wanted and still she uses him as a tool of her own profit. Though it's true that Jungkook is the CEO of the Jeon's Enterprise but he doesn't have any right on it. He doesn't have any right on his own father's property. Yes legally he is the owner but indirectly it's all handled by the one and only Mrs. Kim .

Feeling very confused, Jungkook leaned back in his chair. Thinking a way to escape the meeting with the unknown girl, Jungkook closed his eyes.

Jungkook : I know very well that the girl would not be good. After all it's aunt's choice. How can it be good? I can't even expect anything. She will also be like my aunty! Huh!

[Saying these to himself, he again sat straight.]

Jungkook : But still, I can't make anyone's life involved with me. I can't make others suffer like me. I can't destroy a girl's life like this. I need to cancel this marriage.... But how?....

???: Sir may I come in?

Jungkook : Huh? Who's that?

[ His thoughts got scattered.]

???: Sir it's me.... Kelly. You told me to make pie chart on the market profit of our last product. It's completed sir.

[She told coming inside holding a file in her hand.]

Jungkook : Uh... Then show me.

Kelly: Sure sir.

She handed the file over Jungkook . Kelly was expecting some praise from him but she started getting worried when she saw his facial expressions were changing His eyes were on the file but his mind was somewhere else. And soon he shut the file and looked up at her with burning eyes and a straight face.

Jungkook: What the hell is this? Do I pay you so that you can do these shits?

Kelly: S-Sorry sir but I didn't get y-you.

Jungkook: Didn't get me? All The Informations Are Wrong! This Is How You Do Works?? Huh?

Kelly: B-But sir I made th-the chart with those inf-information that you g-gave me.

Jungkook : Don't act elever. I still remember that these are not the marketing informations of that baby food .

Kelly: B-But sir our last product was a women's health drink, not baby food .

Hearing her words, Jungkook frowned at the employee. He processed for a few seconds and then again bursted on her. But still he didn't make any apology.

Jungkook : If it's so, then why didn't you tell me Before!!

Kelly : But it's written on the top of the papers sir!

Jungkook : Still You Should Have Told Me!

[He threw the file on the table to her side.]

Jungkook : Now go! I will let you know about it later.

Kelly just bowed infront of him and went out of the office with a poker face Jungkook again leaned back to his chair and again made himself indulged in the same previous thoughts.He was feeling like telling everything what is going inside himself to someone right now. And at the same time he was thinking of spacing out from everyone. There was pin drop silence in the room until a notification of his phone disturbed his already disturbed mind. Taking the phone in his hand, he saw the source of the chat notification. It was from his Aunt, Mrs Kim . Opening the chat, an address of a coffee shop and a picture got visible to him. He wasn't even bothered to download the picture to see who it is. He threw his phone somewhere on the table and headed to the balcony. Leaning towards the boundaries, Jungkook took out a packet of cigarettes which is almost half finished. He placed the one on his lips, he lighted up the opposite side. And inhaled the smoke inside his lungs and after a few a moment exhaled it out. He heaved a huge sigh giving a confirmation that he's a bit relaxed now. Jungkook looked down from the balcony and encountered the busy road like everyday. Honking of cars were not able to come to be so loud in the CEO's ears cause of the multi-storey office building .

Indifferently looking up at the clouded sky, Jungkook closed his eyes and started feeling the cold winds on his face.

His mother's face started flashing in his vision and then his father's. Slowly he started remembering the sweet time and memories he shared with them. A glimpse of smile appeared on his lips.But amidst the good memories, there is also the dark one in his mind And that was not ignored too by his conscience. Everytime he reminds those unforgettable incidents, he gets scared and a strange feeling of quilty engulf him.

Jungkook immediately opened his eyes hearing the door opening behind him. His thoughts are scattered now. And all his attention fell on the person who just entered the balcony to accompany him.

Taehyung : What are you doing here without doing your works?

[The person asked in a joking tone while smiling]

Jungkook : I can also ask you the same question. Anyways, why did you come here?

Taehyung : Why? Can't I come to meet you anytime?

Jungkook : Just say it straight Taehyung. [He said with a cold face]

Taehyung : Wo wo wo someone seems to be in a bad mood.

Jungkook : If you understood it, don't make it worse. Just say what made you bring here.

Taehyung: Aah chill bro. I heard that you didn't have your breakfast. So brought both of our breakfasts here. Let's eat together. I'm hungry.

Jungkook : Who told you to bring my food here? I don't need anything.

Taehyung : Relax brother, relax. What happened? Tell me. Are you stressed?

[He noticed the half burnt cigarette in Taehyung's hand]

Taehyung : What is this Jungkook? These are not good for your health How many times more I have to tell you this?

Jungkook : You don't need to worry about me. Leave me alone!

He turned his back to Taehyung and Taehyung sighed, seeing his brother stressed and depressed again. Jungkook was about to smoke again but Taehyung was faster than him to snatch the cigarette and threw it in a dustbin. Jungkook frowned but ignoring his glares, Taehyung took him and made him sit on the couch. Kneeling down infront of him , Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his hand looking at him with soft eyes.

Taehyung, the only son of Mrs Kim and the only person for whom her love and sincerity is true. Though Mrs Kim doesn't consider Jungkook as their family member but Jungkook and Tae are each other's life. From boyhood till now, Taehyung is the only person who was there for Jungkook . They adore each other so much. Tae is the only one person whom Jungkook can believe blindly and same goes to Tae too. They seem to be more friends than brothers. And for Jungkook too, Taehyung is the best thing he got in his life till now In this big world, there's only the two persons, Jungkook trusts the most. One is ofcourse his one and only soulmate Kim Taehyung and another one Kang Jiyu , his girl, bestfriend.

Taehyung: You know, you can share anything with me, right? Then tell me, what happened? [Seeing his genuine eyes, Jungkook's eyes softened. He sighed looking in another way] Jungkook : Aunty... fixed my marriage and she told me to meet that girl today.

Taehyung : What!!??

[He said in joyous tone but as he realised that Jungkook would not be happy to see this, Tae immediately changed his expressions into a tensed one.]

Tae : I - I mean... What? Is it real.

[But he failed in fooling Jungkook with his expressions. Jungkook shared a glare with him and got up. Shoving his hands inside his pockets. Jungkook went back to his table being annoyed.]

Jungkook came back to his office and started doing paper works Tae also followed him and sat infront of Jungkook . Tae was about to say something, but Jungkook cut his words.

Jungkook : I don't need anyone here with me now. Go back to the house .

Tae : Ey buddy, why are you so annoyed, hm? Jungkook : Tae you know very well why I'm annoyed.

Tae : sigh* I know that you don't want to get married now. But what's wrong with meeting? Don't get married, but at least you can meet her once, right? If you don't feel comfortable with her, reject this proposal.

Taehyung's last words showed a way to Jungkook a way to cancel this marriage.-

Jungkook's mind : Why it didn't come in my mind before? Now this is the only way. I will follow it. And I'm sure that I'll succeed. Yes!!

Tae : Yah! Where did you get lost? I'm saying something to you!

Jungkook : Uh? Oh, yes. Yes [He snapped out of his thoughts]

Tae : What yes? Bro, you don't need to marry now but atleast get into a relationship. I don't feel good seeing you single since birth.

Jungkook: At least it's good than your flirting Why don't you marry instead of me?

Tae : I need to reach my goal my first, brother. And you? You are already well settled. But I promise, once I become a singer, I'll get married.

Jungkook : Getting married is not the ultimate medal of li..

Jungkook couldn't finish his words and his secretary already made an appearance there.

Jungkook : Yes Miss Lee, give me the schedule. Miss Lee: Sir you have..

Tae : Miss Lee, please cancel all the schedules after lunch time. My bro has something more important to do today.

Jungkook : But Taehyung...

Tae : I won't hear any but or if from you kook. You have to go there.

[Jungkook sighed and nodded at Tae as OK.]

Jungkook : OK Miss Lee, cancel all the schedules after the lunch time.

Miss Lee: Okay sir. Anything else?

Tae : That's like my brother! Uh... By the way Miss Lee, are you free in this evening?

[Jungkook pat on Tae's hand and whispered something to him.]

Jungkook : Her boyfriend also works here.

Miss Lee: Sir, did you ask for something?

Jungkook: No No Miss Lee. You can go and continue your works now.

Miss Lee: Okay sir, Good day

Tae : Good day. [Jungkook glared at him.]

Tae : What? Why are you looking like that? Jungkook : You really should stop flirting with every next lady.

Tae : The day you will stop smoking, I'll stop flirting too. Deal?

Jungkook : Ugh! Okay!

Tae : Great! Let's eat now.