
Coiling Dragon

Empires rise and fall on the Yulan Continent. Saints, immortal beings of unimaginable power, battle using spells and swords, leaving swathes of destruction in their wake. Magical beasts rule the mountains, where the brave – or the foolish – go to test their strength. Even the mighty can fall, feasted on by those stronger. The strong live like royalty; the weak strive to survive another day. This is the world which Linley is born into. Raised in the small town of Wushan, Linley is a scion of the Baruch clan, the clan of the once-legendary Dragonblood Warriors. Their fame once shook the world, but the clan is now so decrepit that even the heirlooms of the clan have been sold off. Tasked with reclaiming the lost glory of his clan, Linley will go through countless trials and tribulations, making powerful friends but also deadly enemies. Come witness a new legend in the making. The legend of Linley Baruch.

I Eat Tomatoes · Fantasy
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806 Chs

Can He Actually Be…?

Translator: RWX


Within the multicolored reaches of chaotic space, illusory ‘meteors’ of light and energy flew everywhere, forming the flood of rainbow-colored chaotic energy that filled the region.

More than ten figures were standing there within chaotic space, astonishment on all of their faces.

“I didn’t imagine that Orloff actually taught his ‘Golden Samsara Body’ to Augusta! Hmph, the blood essences of the Four Divine Beasts…in the end, they ended up in Orloff’s hands.” The Chief Sovereign of Destruction, Wodred, had a sunken, sinister look on his face. “It seems that Linley traded the blood essences of the Four Divine Beasts to Augusta, and Augusta then gave it to Orloff!”

The look on Wodred’s face grew increasingly ugly. “Linley, he…ugh!” Wodred felt frustration burning in his chest . Right at this moment, however, a hazy, illusory phantom began to emerge from Augusta’s body.