
Coffee and the lights

25 year old, working woman, Carol dumped so hard by her ex who used and monopolies her finally break through the cage and was traumatized. Coming back to her family once again, she met her childhood friend, three years older than her called Dane. They were so close when they were kids but what made her drifted away from him and hate the feeling called love. And Dane working at the same office as her ex. What would happen to the traumatised Carol and her childhood friend who tries to get close with her all over again.

Swan_oracle · Urban
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3 Chs

Ch 1 : An old acquaintance

After a long day at the workplace , Carol came back home. She took off her shoes and directly went to her room untying her short brown hair on her way. As she sat down on her bed, she heard her mom calling her," Carol , honey! Are you back?"

" Yea. I am back. Btw I am skipping dinner, so don't hesitate to eat without me."

" Did you eat on your way back?"

" No... I mean yea... maybe....idk"

" I know you didn't. You are just being lazy to come downstairs. We have a guest coming. And I am sure you will be excited to meet this person. So don't forget to tidy yourself a bit before dinner." said her mother.

" Okay!" replied Carol in monotone.

*-shower tap open- *

Taking off her clothes, she went inside the shower. Tired from work, her heavy eyes barely opening , with the memorised map of the bathroom, she took the shampoo and started washing her hair. With clouds of thoughts filling her mind, she thought to herself ," So ...who am I meeting? First of all, who would that be that I am excited to meet with? Damn, I don't wanna meet anyone. But who is visiting for dinner? Maybe Lily? ...I haven't seen her since ages. Maybe I should call her after dinner.

Anyways, I think it must be one of our relatives whom I've never met. This shampoo smells nice. Wait... I forgot to buy the conditioner again. Anyways , I've to hurry. "

She then rinsing her hair, took a quick shower.

Drying her hair, she took a peek inside her closet and chose a dress, pretty much neutral, that would be comfortable with any guest coming over, whether it be an unknown relative or Lily or Harry Potter, just anyone.

She dabbed few cream on her face and body and put minimum make up and slipped into that grey coloured simple chiffon dress.

As she walked downstairs, her mom said," Carol. Have you dressed?"

" Yea, mom. "

" Good. Oh is that the one you bought online on 50 %discount?"

" Mommmm, please don't say that out loud to the readers!!! It's embarrassing!!!"

" Huhh?¿!!¿??"

" Nothing ... Nothing .... Are they coming?"

" Maybe on their way. I don't know whether the person is coming alone or coming with the whole family . You see, he is coming directly from his workplace."

" Whoaaa...whoaaa...whoaaa.. wait ...wait .....what do you mean by he.....?..... Who is coming?"

Her mom handed her dinner plates to be place on the table.

She replied," Well ...he is one of your old acquaintance."

Arranging the plates, Carol replied, " Yea... That really helped with my question."

" Come on. You will know him when he comes. "

As she was taking out the dishes, the doorbell rang.

" Carol, get that for me, would you dear? "

" Okay"

She opened the door and as she glance to the person from his brown shoes to the never ending height till his face, she stood with her hand on mouth as if she saw something unbelievable.

" Carol, Is it him? Why you keep standing there?

Come in. Come in .Carol must be quite in shock. "

" Good evening, Mrs. Reyes. It's good to see you after such long time."

He then turn to Carol and spoke in his gravelly calm and toneless voice, " Nice to see you too, Carol. You look beautiful as ever."

Carol gathering her voice replied slowly," It's good to see you too, Dane ."

Dane used to live in the same neighborhood as the Reyes and used to go to the same middle school and highschool with Carol as her senior.

He was three years older than Carol. One would describe him as an average looking, medium built tall guy with black hair and perhaps a nerd with those rectangular glasses and bangs.

He handed over a box which seems to contain some kind of confectionary, " I bought some pastries for dessert if you don't mind. "

"It is quite thoughtful of you.

Carol, honey. Please put them in the fridge." said her mother.

She quickly grabbed the box and shoved them inside the fridge without even considering the state of how they were placed.

" Carol " her mother signed to sit next to him.

She wanted to deny but it would a lot of scene so she sat there quietly.

By then, Mr. Reyes came back from an evening walk. "Just in time. Good to see you ,my boy, Dane. How's work?" he spoke in his loud voice.

" Good to see you, Mr. Reyes. Work has been busy as usual." and both laughed. Carol thought," Was that even funny?"

" No work talks while having dinner. " said her mom.

The dinner was full of chats and laughs, while Carol was trying to eat quietly with lots of thoughts and with the feeling of being tired.

She remembered things which seems to be from past.

Dane used to go to the same middle school and Carol would follow him everywhere. She thought of him as someone whom she could look upto , an older brother. But what happened with her which caused her to be drifted apart from him?

During the dinner, she avoided eye contact with him and would try to move away whenever he gets close to her.

They finished dinner and was having the dessert which Dane bought.

" I don't see Noel, Nina and Ben, where are they?" asked Dane.

"Oh! They are staying at their grandparent's house. They might be returning next weekend. Just spending their vacation there." replies Mrs. Reyes.

Time went by with catching up with memories and chats on the dinner table.

" Mr and Mrs. Reyes, I think I should also leave soon . It was great meeting you all again. "

" Come again as soon as you have time from work. I am pretty much sure Carol is quite surprised that she kept silent the whole evening. Hahahaha...Carol why don't you see Dane off?"

They bid goodbyes to Dane as he walked out of the door. Carol accompanied him outside.

Both of them kept quiet walking a few distance.

"So why would you come here after all those things? " asked Carol breaking the silence.

He kept waking silently with a smile on his face.

" I heard from Nina about what happened when I went away. "

Carol stopped and look down on the ground.

" You don't have to pity someone like me. It's all in the past. And I hate being pitied." stated Carol.

They walked a few steps, " I can take it from here. You should also go back. See you soon."

Carol replied ," You don't have to come see me and take care." She turned back to walk towards home.

" I met him. "

She stopped.

He continued, " He works at the same office as me. I don't want to turn away again so I'll do whatever to stop from happening all over. "

She walked away without even turning back.

" Carol, did you catch up things with Dane ? " teased her mom.

Without saying anything she ran up to her room and slammed the door.

Grabbing a pack of cig, she opened her balcony and started to smoke.

" How long has it been?" she thought as the strings of smoke surrounds her head.