
You Smell Familiar

Wang Reiji who was now posing as Jing Yizhi, appeared regal in her long lace cheongsam dress as she stepped out from the black BMW. Her long auburn hair, which was now dyed in black and curled on the ends, was gracefully bouncing as she strode on effortlessly in her black peep toe platform high heels.

When she entered Paragon Tower, everyone inside the lounge started staring at her, however, she didn't mind that they were observing her. She was highly confident that her disguise was perfectly and beautifully done. She even added a fake mole under her right eye.

"Who is that woman?"

"She looks beautiful. Is she the actress they were waiting for?"

"Oh, that is possible! With a stunning charm like that, she is undeniably a celebrity. But I wonder why I never see her in any commercials before?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen her too. Maybe she is just a newbie?"

"Newbie or not, this woman is gorgeous. CEO Wang definitely made the right choice."

Pleased with what she heard as well as feeling guilty for fooling her subordinates at the same time, Wang Reiji sent Rentao an email instructing him to give every present employee a cash bonus. He also told him to pick her up and take her to meet with the marketing team.

It didn't take long for Rentao to do what he was told. He immediately communicated with the bank which deposited the cash bonus to the employees' accounts right away. He then fetched Wang Reiji from the lounge and took her to the penthouse where the entire marketing team of Oriental Europa was eagerly waiting.

As they laid their sight on her, they momentarily forgot that they gathered there for a meeting. Almost all of the employees in the penthouse except for Rentao had their eyes drawn to the godly beauty in front of them.


Rentao had to fake a cough just to send his coworkers back to reality.

'Hmm, now I wonder how shock will these people be when they found out that they were actually staring at the CEO.' Rentao thought to himself.

"S-sorry, we were just starstruck by Miss Jing's beauty! CEO Wang made the right choice." Although stuttering, the head of the marketing department managed to find his voice.

Wang Reiji smiled, making her beauty and natural charm to appear more radiant. However, what happened next rendered the entire marketing team speechless.

Instead of speaking, the woman in front of them took out a tablet from her bag. After scribbling something on the tablet, the woman showed them what she had written.

The marketing head's countenance paled after reading what was shown on the tablet screen. The rest of the marketing team paled as well after having read the same thing.

Curious, Rentao also turned his attention to the tablet screen that his boss was holding. He almost choked himself as he struggled to suppress his laughter.

What did Wang Reiji write that made the entire member of the marketing team become as white as a paper?

'Hello, I am CEO Wang. Today, I am disguised as Jing Yizhi. Please do three favors for me. First, close your mouths and stop fantasizing about me. Second, whatever I say, whatever you hear, when you leave, leave them here. Lastly, please sign the nondisclosure agreement that Rentao will distribute before this meeting ends.'

After the heart-stopping revelation, Wang Reiji together with her assistant and the marketing team started the meeting. Rentao presented the CEO's idea for the commercial.

"Oriental Europa's commercial is divided into two parts. The first part will last for only 30 seconds while the second part will last for 50 seconds. First commercial will be aired exactly five days before the pre-opening while the second commercial will be shown during the opening of the masquerade ball."

After Rentao did some explaining, he distributed black folders. Each folder contained the script of the commercials, as well as the NDA Wang Reiji, asked them to sign.

The head of the marketing team and his crew wasted no time as they quickly signed the NDA and read the script afterward.

The first commercial was just a simple tour around Oriental Europa from a guest's perspective. It will start from the hotel's entrance and will end inside the luxurious banquet hall. Everyone seemed okay with the first commercial, however, when they got to the second part, everyone from the marketing team was dumbfounded.

The second part of the scene seemed like a flashback of events that occurred before the guest arrived in the hotel. From what they had read from the script, the guest was a fugitive who escaped from prison and went back to her homeland only to find her entire village engulfed by fire. She then vowed to take revenge and went to the hotel when she confirmed her targets were there.

"C-CEO Wang... The second commercial seems disturbing. I'm afraid it would create uneasiness to Oriental Europa's guests." The head of the marketing department reasoned with Wang Reiji.

"Actually, the script of the second commercial is incomplete. Our visual product sponsor will take care of the rest. They want to make the second scene to look like a movie trailer within a commercial."

"Ohh, interesting. So at first it will look like a flashback but at the end of the commercial is an unexpected twist from the sponsor."

"Yes, the audience must first think that the scene of the 2nd commercial is a flashback, but the truth is, it is just a program being watched by the guest while she is inside her executive suite." Wang Reiji explained calmly, impressing the head manager and the rest of the marketing team more.

"Anyway, do you have other suggestions or are there still issues that we need to address?" Wang Reiji scanned the faces of her subordinates as she gently rested her arms on top of the glass table.

Everyone inside the room can't helped but to secretly exchange glances with one another.

With just one look on their faces, Wang Reiji immediately understood the reason. Her subordinates were still curious as to why she was the hotel endorser.

"If you have questions, you can just ask me directly, no need to feel shy about it."

"W-why did the CEO choose to endorse Oriental Europa by herself?"

Wang Reiji smiled as she brushed some strands of her hair to the back of her ears.

"Are you telling me that I am not fit to become Oriental Europa's endorser?"

Wang Reiji faked a frown as if she was deeply affected by the person's question.

"N-no CEO Wang. I did not mean it that way! Please pardon my inability to comprehend. I am just curious and besides, I find it unusual for a CEO to personally endorse her company."

"To tell you honestly, I just don't want Oriental Europa to be associated with any celebrity. And didn't you just receive a lofty bonus just now? If we hired a celebrity the money that went to your bank accounts could have been her talent fee."

After she spoke, the penthouse was suddenly full of voices happily babbling.

The meeting lasted until lunch time thus Wang Reiji asked Rentao to order food for themm. As they were enjoying the free lunch, the marketing team can't help but showered the CEO with praises. She might be too young for CEO but her contemporary ways of running the company were truly admirable. They felt truly blessed that they were working under such boss.

Later on, when the meeting was adjourned, Rentao escorted Wang Reiji out of the penthouse and into the elevator. When the elevator halted by at the 20th floor, a familiar figure of a man stepped inside and greeted Rentao.

"Ah, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to see you here inside the elevator. I heard you guys are busy preparing for your hotel's pre-opening." Qin Sho smiled warmly at Rentao.

"Good afternoon, CEO Qin. Yes, we are busy with the preparations. Actually, we have just finished meeting."

"Hmm I see. Good luck then. I'm not sure if I can come to the pre-opening. Anyway, please send my..." Qin Sho suddenly stopped talking and sniffed the air when his nostrils picked up a nostalgic scent. He followed the source of smell until his eyes landed on the beauty beside Rentao.

Noticing that CEO Qin had his eyes on Wang Reiji, Rentao tried to snatch his attention away.

"C-CEO Qin, you must attend the pre-opening or CEO Wang would be upset. She expects you to be there." Rentao spoke nervously while hoping to succeed on getting Qin Sho's attention.

However, much to his dismay, Qin Sho didn't fall for his trick. He instead caught the deceiving pair of boss and subordinate off guard.

"Is that true? You know that it is not good to lie, Rentao."

Tiny beads of sweat started to form on Rentao's forehead. How did he know he was lying? Or was CEO Qin just bluffing?

"If she really wants me to attend the pre-opening, she should have told me that herself when she came to our mansion right, Reiji?"

Wang Reiji's heart almost jumped out from her ribcage the moment CEO Qin exposed her. Luckily, there were only the three of them inside the elevator. She was still contemplating whether to deny the truth or continue with her pretense. How did this guy find out?

"You might have fooled my eyesight but not my nose. Next time you put on a disguise, make sure to change your perfume too." Qin Sho lowered his head as he softly whispered to Wang Reiji's ears.

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