
The X-men

Xavier's institute for higher learning.

" Hm, this is quite peculiar. This man I've never seen anything like him before." Charles said as he lifted Cerebro off of his head. He placed it down on the counsel and began rubbing his forehead.

" What's the matter prof?" Jubilation asked as she walked into Cerebro's chamber.

" I found a trace signature of the same mutant from a year ago. I tried to find him, but he just disappears as soon as he appears. It's very frustrating." Charles responded his frustration over having let the man slip showing on his face.

" Why do you keep looking for him? What's so special about this guy?" Jubilee asked as she popped her gum.

" His ability jubilee could be one of great help if used correctly. Or one of great danger if misused." Charles responded making the girl look at him in more confusion than before. " He has the innate ability to influence time." Charles responded

" He can do what?!" Jubilee yelled in shock. " That's bad." She stated

" If misused yes. Which is why I want to find him before the likes of magneto, or Shaw." Charles stated. " I will continue that later. For now, I believe you and the X-Men have a mission?" Charles asked

" Yeah, we got news of another one of Stryker's little Brigades is holding up some mutants in Canada, so you know logan is going. Scott and jean are going and so is storm so things should be alright." Jubilee explained as she walked alongside Xavier.

" Whatever the case be careful Jubilee." Charles said to the woman making her smile at him in return.

Canada. Alkali Lake.

"Hm, so this is the location? Seems a little like Stryker to me. But why would Kilgrave have information on Stryker? Well, whatever let's give these people a "Flashy" Show." I say as I hope off the cliff overlooking the bunker holding the mutant's prisoner. As I'm running through the forest, I see a jet sitting clearly in an open plain. " This is the X-jet. I guess the X-men are already inside. Looks like I don't get to play the hero after all." I said with a slight chuckle as I continued towards the bunker. I arrive to see a hole blow through it. " No trace of burn marks, which means storm didn't do this. I guess cyclops did. Let's see how things inside are going." I said as I closed my eyes. I began using my echolocation to make out the layout of the facility and the number of bodies in it. ' There's a large number of people three levels down, guess that's where the X-men are which means that's where I'm heading.' I thought as I searched the building.

I ran through the building following the path of bodies until I reached my destination. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem the x-men are doing to hot right now. ' Wait and see how things turnout.' I thought as I watched the battle from the shadows.

" Hey boy scout we're getting swarmed here mind giving us a little cover fire?" Logan yells to cyclops as he takes a barrage of bullets for Storm.

" I'm a little busy myself." Scott replied as he fired from his cover at the troops currently overwhelming him and Jean. He leaned out to take another shot and caught a bullet to the arm. " Argh!" Scott yelled in pain.

" Cyclops!" I hear jean yell.

' Ouch boy scout. Gotta keep your head on a swivel in these kinds of situations.' I thought as I watched the man quickly blasting his arm to stall the bleeding. " Smart." I said in acknowledgement.

" We're getting over run here! We need to retreat!" Wolverine states.

' Also, smart.' I thought as I watched the group attempting to retreat. " Hm? What's this?" I ask myself as I see the room starting to fill with gas. ' Shit! Can't let myself get caught.' I thought as I slip into a nearby wall vent. I crawled up and into the vents allowing my mask to filter the gas out. I looked down at the passed-out X-men. ' For shame getting captured so easily on a rescue mission. Guess I'm playing hero after all.' I thought with a small chuckle. I watch as the soldiers drag the X-men off in different directions. The men towards one side of the prison and the women to the other side.

I followed after the women first silently killing guards along the way and hiding their bodies in the vents. I watched as the guards chained the women in a cell hanging them in the air by their hands. I wait until the guards leave and drop down into the cell. I go to wake the women and suddenly I stop in my tracks. ' On second thought maybe, I'll mess with them a bit.' I thought with a smile. I took a seat and waited until the woman woke up on their own.

" Mm, where am I? What happened?" I hear one of the women say as they begin to wake up. I look up and see it's the youngest of the three women. ' She appears to be around the same age as me.' I thought as I watched the woman. " Huh? What's going. Storm! Marvel Girl wake up!" Jubilee yelled.

" Now, now my dear no need for yelling. Your friends will wake soon enough." I said drawing the woman's attention to me. She looked at me and for a second, I can see a hint of terror in her eyes before they become defiant again.

" Who are you? You working for Stryker?" She asked me

" I don't know you tell me." I said to the woman as I got up from the ground and approached her. " What are a bunch of beautiful ladies like you doing in a dirty place like this?" I ask as I reached for her face, she jerked away from my hand with a look of disgust on her face.

" Get your hands away from her." I hear another one of the women yell.

" Oh, aren't you a big girl. But what are you going to do if I don't? Besides I have to admit she's actually really beautiful." I say as I look Jubilee in her eyes. Suddenly I hear something coming towards the room. " Oops looks like times up. If I were you beautiful, I'd keep your eyes closed for this next part." I said before vanishing.

The door to the cell opens and a guard walks into the room. " You know you bitches really gave us some trouble back there." The guard said as he walked past the three women. " But right now, you don't look so tough. In fact, you young lady look quite appetizing." The guard said as he reached for Jubilee's face. " Hm, I like Asians, I enjoy red heads, but I gotta say I've always loved my women ebony. So, I think I'll play with you first." The guard stated.

" I'd never sleep with you! You pathetic bastard!" Storm yelled in objection.

" I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice. Now, how about you use that pretty little mouth of yours for something else." The guard stated boldly not noticing me standing right behind him.

Storm and Jubilee's eyes widen in surprise as I appear behind the man. I take my blade and put it across the man's throat, he finally catches on to what's about to happen.

" Remember when i said close your eyes?" I asked before slicing the man's throat wide open.

" You...you killed him!" Jubilee said as she watched the life drain from the man's eyes.

" Yes, I did." I said to the girl wile wiping the blood of my blade before returning them to their sheaths. " Are you alright storm?" I asked, her eyes just as wide in shock as Jubilee's.

" Why did you do that?" Jubilee asked.

" He would have raped you and your friend if I didn't." I explained to the young lady. ' I was trying to mess with them. I wasn't going to let them get violated.' I thought as I looked over the women.

" You could have knocked him out! You didn't have to kill him! Now, you're no better than he is. You're just another murder!" She yelled.

I walked over to the woman, and I looked her in the eyes. " Listen to me. I am many things comedic, yes, Kind of course, an assassin absolutely. But I am not, nor will I ever be a rapist." I said to Jubilee as I grabbed her chains. "And there is nothing more I hate in this world than a rapist." I stated as I broke the chains trapping the woman. She fell to the ground landing on her feet and looked up at me in surprise. I then took out my blades and cut the others free as well, catching jean on the way down.

" You're letting us go?" Jubilee asked in disbelief, staring at me and waiting for me to give her some kind of response.

" Of course! I came here to free the mutants that are trapped here. I maybe a killer, but I'm not heartless. Even I have my morals. Now, then if you don't have any more questions how about we go free your friends?" I suggest to the two women.

" Okay let's go." Jubilee responds as storm picks up Jean. I looked at the fire in the girl's eyes and laughed. " But no more killing unless you have to." her words immediately made me hit the ground face first.

" Okay, I promise that I won't kill anyone else in this building." I said to the woman as I held up both of my hands for here to see. ' Though you won't see me do it anyway so, you'll never know.' I thought to myself. " On one condition." I state

" Oh, and what's that?" She asked.

" Simple! When this is over you let me take you out on a date." I said to the woman.

" That's it?" She asked with a grin. " You think you can handle me big man? Deal!" She responds with confidence.

" Oh, where did all of this confidence come from. Let's see if you still have it by the time we leave here today. Let's go." I said to the two conscious women.

" What do you mean? There are guards everywhere. We don't know where the boys are either." Storm spoke up. She then pointed towards jean. " And she's still unconscious, there's no way we can fight all of those guards without her.

" Trust me those guards are going to have a hard time coming after us while they're dead." I said with a chuckle. I started to walk out of the cell and suddenly Jubilee snatched my arm pulling me back.

" You promised no more killing today!" She yelled.

I got in her face and yelled back at her. " Yeah, I did. I promised no more killing after him. I killed those guards a long time ago! Now, then let's stop wasting time and let's go." I said to the two women as I walked out of the cell. I stop and look at the hallway in front us making the two women stop as well. " You know what that's a long way. You two hold on." I said as I turned to the two women.

" What do you mean Hol wait stop it." Storm yelled as I picked her and Jubilee up in my arms. I made sure to grab jean as well.

" Hey, you big brute put us down we can walk on our OOOOOOWN!" Jubilee yelled as I took off running. " AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as I raced through the hallways of the facility.

After a few moments we arrive on the other end of the prison. " Ahahahaha! See we got here much faster." I said as I placed the three women down. The woman both looked like they were about to faint.

" Never do that again please." Jubilee said as she struggled to stay on her feet. I laughed at the woman as she struggled. After a few moments of letting the girls adjust, jean began waking up.

" Ugh! Where am I?" Jean asked as she rubbed her head. Jubilee and Storm both helped the woman to her feet and began explaining the situation to her. I see her turn to me and suddenly feel a pulling sensation at my mind. After a few seconds I see her eyes grow wide in shock.

" You're not the first telepath I've had the pleasure of running into. Trust me I know how to deal with you people." I said to the woman.

" Sorry, I don't usually try that with new people. But you feel dangerous." Jean stated. I laughed at the woman confusing her before activating my time skip. When everything returned to normal, I leaned down and whispered into her ear. " Because I am dangerous." The three women suddenly jumped.

" How did you do that?" Jubilee asked as she looked back and forth between my current position and my previous one.

" Sorry sweetheart. I wouldn't be much of a professional if I revealed all of my secrets now, would I? Besides right now shouldn't we be saving the others trapped here. You all go get your friends back I'm sure they wouldn't want a stranger being seen with you. I'll get the others trapped below. And don't worry I'm a man of my word." I said before disappearing again.

' Okay, let's find the others.' I thought before using my echolocation to get a grasp of the layout. I look around and see only one prisoner downstairs. " That can't be right why would they only have prisoner here with all these guards? I guess if anyone's gonna check it out it should be me." I say before descending the levels of the bunker. When I arrived, I saw a giant vault door. " Guess they really don't want this guy getting out." I said as I cut down the door. I saw a body in the middle of the room with a device on it. " FUCK BOMB!" Before it could go off I began running up the bunker activating my time skip over and over again to make sure I could cover as much ground before the explosion engulfed the building. I arrived at the floor I left the X-men on to see them fighting a group of guards. Thankfully they managed to rescue Wolverine and Cyclops. ' I don't have time to explain things to them right now. I grab the three women first leaving Scott and Cyclops to themselves and rushed them out of the building before returning for the other two. I grabbed them just as the explosion began to hit our floor and moved them outside with the others.

I put the two down and time returned to normal. " BOMB!" I yelled to the group. They heard my yell and all of them instantly hit the ground.

*Boom! *

The building exploded, thankfully I managed to get everyone out in time.

" What the hell happened?!" Logan yelled as he got to his feet.

" It was a trap! Made to lure us here and kill us." I said as I got to my feet as well dusting off my gear.

" Who the hell are you bub?!" Logan asked as he flashed his claws at me and growled.

" I'm not an enemy. If anything, I'm a friend." I said to the short and angry man.

" Okay, if you're a friend take your mask off." Cyclops said as he stepped towards me.

I placed my hand over my mask and sighed. " Do you really think I'm going to do that out in the open in broad daylight? I saw your jet on the way here let's go." I said as I gestured for the group to leave. Suddenly a red blast of energy shot past me. I turned around to see Cyclops with his hands on his visor.

" We're not done here." Cyclops said arrogantly.

" I wasn't asking you permission boy." I said as I grabbed my guns from their holsters. I aimed at cyclops and wolverine causing storm and Jean to ready themselves as well. I could see storms eyes start to flash with lightning as storm clouds circled above my head. " Ugh! This is troublesome. I didn't come here to fight the X-men." I said as I holstered my guns. " What do you want to know?" I asked.

" For starters who are you? And what are you doing here?" Cyclops asked.

" You all can call me Deathstroke. You young lady can call me James. And as for what I'm doing it here it's the same as all of you. I heard there were mutant prisoners here, so I came to liberate them. Like I've been doing." I responded to the man.

" Wait like you've been doing? You mean this isn't the first time you've done something like this?" Jubilee asked.

" Of course, not. I told you, I have my own morals. Kidnapping mutants because we're different isn't something I'll sit back and let happen. But it looks like this was all a setup for who I don't know." I responded truthfully as I didn't really know who this trap was meant for.

" Deathstroke! I know that name." Logan said as he sheathed his claws. " He's an assassin, supposedly one of best." Logan stated.

" How do you know this Wolverine?" Scott asked.

" The last time I had a run in with Deadpool, he's all he would talk about." Logan said as he pointed a finger towards me.

" Ah Wade, I haven't seen him in a long time." I laughed.

" No way am I bringing an assassin back." Scott replied upon hearing logan's story.

" You don't have much of a choice boy scout. I got a date to collect on, besides I don't see what the big deal is." I said shrugging my shoulders.

" The big deal is you kill people for money. How many innocent people have you murdered in cold blood?" Scott asked.

" Well Mr. Smart Ass let's count it out uhhhhup!" I said to scott as I made a giant zero in the air with my hand. " I've never taken an innocent life. Whenever I get a contract, I meet with the buyer and do recon on my target, if the target has done nothing to deserve it then I turn down the contract. I also make it very clear to the client that they are to leave the target alone or else I'd be paying them a visit. And before you ask, I keep tabs on all potential clients that are turned down, just in case someone doesn't take heed of my warning. No innocent men or women and no children. Of course, I'm not going to put a bullet in a shop lifter. But Murders, Gangsters, and rapists are all usually the ones I accept." I explained to the group of X-men. Jubilee and Jean seemed to ease up around me with that explanation. Logan seemed to ease up a little as well.

" Murder is still murder." Scott argued.

I laughed at the ma's words and then pointed to Logan. " He's killed more people than I have and yet you seem to trust him just fine. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Look I'll tell you what I can go back with you, or I can just show up at Xaviers which will it be?" I asked. Upon hearing my question everyone's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. " Come on, guys do you really think I'm an idiot? Xaviers institute for the gifted. Do you think no one would notice the increasing Mutant population of one school?" I asked " Now, what is going to be?"

" Fine, but on one condition you are to remove your gear on the jet." Cyclops answered back.

" That's just fine boy scout. It isn't the armor that makes the man. If it will make you feel safe, then so be it." I said as I begin to walk towards the jet. ' Jesus Christ! Did he really need to make that so difficult? I mean I know Scott is usually portrayed as a dick, but this guy is just wow. Oh, well this my chance to see what the timeline is like right now. I need to see how far into the X-men timeline I am. Or hey who knows maybe this is a new universe all together. Well, I'll figure it out soon enough.' I thought as we made our way to the jet.