
Codename: Assassin III

The end of the trilogy, the squad may be intact but sometimes... trust won't be there forever... your teammate trusted you, but they are just lying, sometimes, you always going to follow the clues...

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Mission VI (Evac Orders)

Redwolf: we have some real shit goin' on…

Killer: what is it…

Redwolf: North Koreans have rushed through the Demilitarized zone…

Killer: so, what does that have to do with Salhae-ja, our main enemy…

Redwolf: He's using the attack as advantage to eliminate more citizens, and kill our company…

Redwolf; Our mission is to evacuate as much civilians as we could…

Redwolf: They've blocked everything from China, Japan, and Taiwan…

Redwolf: so, we're going south…

Killer: The Philippines?

Redwolf: yes…

Redwolf: We will send the rest of our men to send them to there…

Redwolf: We are going for Jeju, and put them in Manila via boat…

Killer: and about the terrorists?

Redwolf: we could kill a terrorist or 2 if we could…

Redwolf: Enough questions, dismissed!

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at Jeju

American planes fly by

Korean army arrives…

Redwolf; right on time…

All 2004: *shoots*

AZAI Planes land

Redwolf: about time…

All 3198: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: now you finally regret it, you didn't take my word, what did it result to?

Voice: Betray! Betray! Betray!

Geom-seok: aaaaargh!

Geom-seok: *exhales*

Redwolf: Damn, you okay, we got citizens to evacuate!

Geom-seok: I… can't… hold… it… anymore…

Killer: What the hell's goin' on!

Redwolf: I don't know!

Geom-seok: Kill… me… please! *screams*

Killer; F*ck that was loud!

Redwolf: let's go!

All 3198: *shoots*

Redwolf: rush to the dock!

Team 079: *rushes to dock*

Geom-seok's POV

Voice: *contantly shows pictures of Team 079 being torn*

Geom-seok: aaaaargh!

Voice: you won't trust me!

Team 079: *hides behind building*

Voice vanishes

Redxwolf: we're in the clear at the moment…

Tank drives by

Geom-seok: *readies to jump*

Redwolf: watch it! That's our ally's tank!

Redwolf: Killer, get onto the MG!

Redwolf: the rest of you! Follow me!

Geom-seok: I can't stop hearing this f*cking noise!

Redwolf: control yourself goddamit!

Convoy drives by

Team 079: *shoots*

Convoy explodes

Sight goes black

Redwolf: *voice muffled*

Geom-seok: where am i…

Voice: You are a traitor…

Geom-seok: no! I am not a traitor…

Voice: are you sure…

Voice puts Geom-seok to his young self…

Salhae-ja (6): are you sure, you will be always by my side?

Geom-seok (6): yes!

Geom-seok (30): no! don't do it!

Voice: they can't hear you…

Voice sends them 10 years ago

Geom-seok;(20) enough of this bullshit! Expect me to never be with you again!

Salhae-ja: (20) fine!

Both split up

Voice: you've split up 10 years ago, you can only say sorry if you go back…

Geom-seok; no…

Geom-seok: no!

Redwolf: hey!

Geom-seok; what!

Redwolf: Come on! Let's go!

Team 079: *shoots*

Team 079: *runs*

Enemies shoo RPG

Redwolf: shit!

Team 079: *shoots*

Redwolf: Killer, do you copy!

Killer's POV

Killer: *wakes up in broken tank*

Killer: *coughs intensely*

Killer: *picks up walkie-talkie*

Redwolf; do you copy!

Killer: yes…

Killer: just a few bruises…

Redwolf: where are you!

Killer: I don't know…

Killer: *breaks hatch*

Killer: *exhales*

Killer: I'm at Aelisnae… I'm alright though…

Redwolf: Good! We're on our way to give you bandages…

More enemies show up

Killer: shit! I have a situation!

Redwolf: we'll get to there…

Killer: *shoots*

The rest of Team 079 arrives

Redwolf: *throws first aid kit*

Redwolf: I'm not the only one that's gotta do shit for themselves…

Killer: *applies first aid*

Redwolf: let's go! We're close!

All 3198: *rushes to pier*

Police arrives

All 3202: *shoots*

All 3202: *arrives to ship*

Redwolf: where's the ship!

Ships arrive

Redwolf: timing…

Redwolf: alright send 'em all in!

All 10 ships take 800,000 people

Ships drift away

Missile hits S. Korea

NEWS: S. Korea has been impacted by a North Korean missile… only 800,000 People survived, and moving to Philippines… 50M people were killed, and 4 Trillion dollars in damages, it is also the 1st damage that reached a trillion, seems like the government has to deal with that thing…

Redwolf: you like the view!

Killer: yep…

Redwolf: we saved only 800K…

Redwolf: and the government has to deal with a 4 trillian dollar damage…

Killer: sheesh, that's what I call a f*cked up bill…

Redwolf: *chuckles*

Captain: attention everyone, a battleship is heading to us! I want all men onboard!

Redwolf: shit…

Battleship crashes onto ship

Redwolf: seems like a second wave…

All 3202: *shoots*

Boat tips over

All 3202: *shoots*

Redwolf: careful!

Battle ship shoots ship

Redwolf: connect Ship_2 here!

Battle ship shoots ship

Ship_1 sinks

Enemy submarines show up

Missile hits water

Large wave occurs

Boat tips over

Killer: *slides off*

Killer: *tries to grab on*

Team 079: *pulls Killer up*

Redwolf: close one…

Redwolf: *checks behind*

Redwolf: we're getting close, our landing site is at Port of Manila…

Salhae-ja: Heh, you think I would leave you!

Salhae-ja: *snaps captain's neck*

Redwolf: no you don't!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy shoots rpg

All 4: *holds onto ledge*

Boat tips over

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *climbs on ledge*

Killer; *shoots*

Bullets get deflected

Salhae-ja: dumbass, do you think I came here unprepared…

Salhae-ja: leave this clown here…

Salhae-ja: *enters chopper*

Killer: no!

Killer: *jumps to chopper*

Pilot: *kicks Killer off*

Killer: *hits ground*

Boat lands at Port of Manila

Redwolf: clear the boat before we exit!

All 4: *checks area*

Killer: all clear…

Door opens

All 3202: *exits boat*

Redwolf: Alright, everyone's safe here!

Redwolf: however, we still have to do inspection, for carried firearms or any weaponry that could damage anyone!

Killer: then everyone lived happily ever after?

Redwolf: hope soon, bruh…

Killer: *inspects*

Killer: *sees Rezzo*

Killer: sorry sir, we can't accept this…

Killer: *pulls out Rezzo*

Civilian1: damn, I use for defense…

Killer: no need for that, 3000 people will defend you…

Redwolf: all the ones that are clear follow me!

Civilian1: *smirks*

All 3202: *leads all civilians to Gate 54*

Civilian1: *knocks down soldier*

Redwolf: hey!

Team 079: *points AM-X2 to Civilian1*

Civlian1: you will not hurt me…

Killer: but for your actions, you will be arrested!

Civlian1: it's already too late…

Choppers fly by

Killer: holy shit!

Enemies land

Soldier1: ready your guns!

All 3202: *readies gun*

Enemies arrive

All 3202: *shoots*

Bullets wipe out 25% of their men

Redwolf: we're losing men rapidly, retreat!

Team 079: *heads behind building*

Redwolf: follow me!

All 4: *follows Redwolf*

Redwolf: enemies incoming!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: more enemies!

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians run

Redwolf: watch your fire in there, civis goin' to be everywhere!

All 4: *enters perimeter*

Convoy drives by

Redwolf: shred 'em…

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians scream

Enemies shoot

Police arrives

Screens get hacked

Salhae-ja: You can run, but you can't hide!

Policeman1: (F*ck you) T*ngina mo!

Salhae-ja: *chuckles* I don't even understand your language…

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: continue north!

Convoy occurs

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode except one

Redwolf: *pulls out dead body*

Redwolf: get in!

All 4: *enters truck*

Killer: *breaks front window*

Redwolf: *hits building while reversed*

Redwolf: *drives to south*

Redwolf: Send team 054 to the north!

Team 054: rog'

Truck heads south

Trucks block driveway

Redwolf: hold on!

Speed goes to 102 – 184 kph

Truck gets pushed

Enemies show up

Redwolf: mow 'em down!

Killer: *shoots*

Civilians scream

More enemies show up

Killer: *shoots*

Truck gets hit via RPG


Killer: argh… *breaks truck door*

Redwolf: let's go!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Continue south!

Grom-seok: Arrrgh!

Hunter: He's having it again!

Voice: calm your mind, and kill them all…

Geom-seok: no! I will never!

Hunter: shit!

Redwolf: snap out of it!

Geom-seok: aaaagh!

Redwolf: *punches Geom-seok*

Killer: what the f*ck!

Geom-seok: shit, what happened…

Redwolf: you've gone crazy…

Missile arrives

Police arrives

Redwolf: defuse the missile!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *slowly approaches missile*

Enemy: *blocks and does an uppercut*

Killer: argh…



Killer: *exhales*

Killer; *gets up*

Killer: false move my friend…

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: *arrives to missile*

Killer: *defuses missile*

Killer: missile defused…

Redwolf: requesting LZ at 14.550891, 120.989802!

Pilot: rog'

Redwolf: head to the LZ!

Killer: good thing all civilians we caught we're safe…

Redwolf: I hope… Bet the rest of the team are helping for evac…

Killer: hope so…

Plane lands

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Geom-seok: *leave me alone, Leave me alone, leave me alone!*

Geom-seok: *exhales*

Geom-seok: help…