
Codename: Assassin III

The end of the trilogy, the squad may be intact but sometimes... trust won't be there forever... your teammate trusted you, but they are just lying, sometimes, you always going to follow the clues...

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Mission II (Comeback)

Redwolf: *answers call*

Civilian1: help, there's a crazy ass man, killing us!

Redwolf: have you tried calling 911?

Civilian1: I did but their men killed most of its men!

Redwolf: what is your location?

Civilian1: Miami Beach!

Redwolf: ah shit! We're on our way!

Civilian1: oh shit! *screams*

Call stopped

Redwolf: *pulls buzzer on room 079*

Team 079 arrives to the mission room

Redwolf: Mission arrives at Miami Beach!

Redwolf: signs of terrorism have been located there!

Redwolf: maybe a chance of Salhae-ja to be there…

Redwolf: Heading to Russia for upgraded weaponry…

Redwolf: Either way we have to stop him!

Redwolf: that's all the intel I have…

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at Miami Beach

Civilians scream

All 4: *shoots*

Trucks drive by

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

More policemen head to the beach

Enemies block the bridge

Enemy submarine shows up

All 4: *shoots*

Submarine explode and sinks

Choppers rise up

Machine gunners shoot

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode

Missile explodes

Traffic occurs

Speedboats drive by

All 4: *shoots*

Speedboat explodes

Enemies arrive to the end of bridge

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *gets past gap*

Lasers show up

All 4: *shoots*

Police heli shows up

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: let's go, go, go!

Police lands on top of hotels

US ARMY shows up

Snipers show up

Lasers activate

All 4; *shoots*

Civilians scream

NEWS Reporter talks about info

Enemies shoot RPG on sky bridge

All 4: *shoots*

More civilians scream

Convoy drives by

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Screens get hacked

Salhae-ja: what did I tell you! I said surrender, yet you didn't, now I'm starting the war!

Police rush the stairs

Buildings get blown up

All 4: *shoots*

Civilians scream

Enemies shoot RPG

Salhae-ja: you could've surrender to save your country, yet you refused!

Airstrike occurs

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Robot samurais show up

Redwolf: don't let it slice you in half!

All 4: *shoots*

Samurais gets haywire

Samurais explode

Redwolf: let's go, go, go!

Windows break

Laser shows up

All 4: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: Be with me, and conquer the world together…

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Napalm occurs

Killer: Shit!

Enemy shoots zipline gun

Enemy ziplines to the team

All 4: *shoots*

Snipers aim

Lasers show up

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *checks the 3rd floor*

Salhae-ja: *walks away*

Killer: oh no you don't!

Killer: *runs to the building*

Redwolf: wait!

Killer: *rushes and shoots*

Enemies show up

Killer: *shoots*

Grenade creates gap

Salhae-ja: *walks away*

Killer: *jumps and grapples to light*

Salhae-ja *enters room*

Killer: *enters room*

Wall breaks

Salhae-ja: you may have caught me, but I have one more trick up my sleeve…

Killer: and I will not let you!

Salhae-ja: heh… *jumps off building*

Salhae-ja: *lands on truck*

Killer: *follows Salhae-ja*

Redwolf: Killer, do you copy?

Killer: *exhales* yes, this b*tch a'int living here alive…

Redwolf: Shit…

Redwolf: find a vehicle everyone, we have to get to Killer!

Salhae-ja: so, you won't leave, until a fight occurs huh…

Killer: I will only leave till you die!

Salhae-ja: *punches Killer*

Killer: *ducks under*

Killer: *pulls arm*

Salhae-ja: *kicks killer*

Killer: argh…

Salhae-ja: it's either surrender or I'll pull the trigger!

Trucks drive by

Team 079: *shoots*

Salhae-ja: *jumps off truck and runs away*

Redwolf: Jump!

Killer: damn! I almost got him!

Redwolf: he got away huh…

Killer: I was on his tail

Convoy drives by

Enemies shoot

Redwolf: enough chit-chat, let's get these sons of b*tches what they want!

All 3: *shoots*

Trucks drive by

Truck drives by behind them

All 3: *shoots*

Truck explodes

Redwolf: shoot the gas tank to destroy them faster!

Trucks drive by

All 3: *shoots*

Gas tank explodes

Trucks explode

Choppers fly up

Machine gunner shoots

Redwolf: get rid of the gas tanks in the truck!

Killer: *throws gas tanks*

All 3: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes

Redwolf: *steers left*

Civilians scream

Redwolf: *steers right*

More trucks show up

All 3: *shoots*

Trucks explode

Trucks drive by

Redwolf: *steers right*

Truck drives by

Truck drives off path

All 4: *goes to the surface*

Enemy arrives to the area

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *swims to the pier*

Choppers land

All 4: *shoots*




Redwolf: Pier's 'bout to collapse!

All 4: *jumps off pier*

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

Submarine shows up

All 4: *shoots*

Submarine sinks

Part inspired from COD MW3 (Hunter Killer)

Redwolf: take over one of the submarines to kill all of them easier!

All 4: *shoots and heads to the submarine*


Enemies: (Hey, get out of here!) 이봐, 여기서 나가!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: take control of the missile!

Killer: Argh! What's the password!

Redwolf: *hacks onto the system*

Redwolf: it's 34121!

Killer: *enters code*

Killer: I've gained access!

Redwolf: okay…

Redwolf: convoy incoming!

Killer: *launches missile to convoy*

Convoy explodes


Redwolf: Swarm incoming!

Killer: *launches missile to swarm*

Swarm explodes


Redwolf: more convoy incoming!

Killer: *launches missile*

Convoy explodes


Redwolf: More submarines incoming!

Killer: *launches missile*

Submarine explodes


Redwolf: Their air force is coming! Shoot them all down!

Killer: *launches missile*



Redwolf: all clear now!

Redwolf: convoy incoming!

Killer: *shoots missile*


Redwolf: heli swarm inbound!

Killer: *launches missile*




Enemy deploys C4

C4 Explodes

Redwolf: we have to evacuate the submarine!

Water fills in

All 4: *exits submarine*

Water fills waist high

All 4: *opens hatch*

Submarine fully sinks

All 4: *heads to shore*

Enemy convoy shows up

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Enemy drives by with motorbike

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: get on one of those bikes!

All 4: *enters their own motorbike*

Redwolf: follow my lead!

All 4: *dries motorbike*

(Note: RT / Double Press W to Accelerate)

All 4: *accelerates bike*

Redwolf: Enemies blocking our way!

All 4: *shoots*

(X / Shift to exit motorbike)

Redwolf: grab an SMG we might need one!

All 4: *grabs SRuX-25* (SMG)

Enemies show up

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *gets on motorbike*

Enemies shoot RPG

All 4: *steers right*

Enemies block way

All 4; *shoots*

Redwolf: Smoke incoming!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *goes through smoke*

Enemy adds wall onto the beach

Redwolf: steer left!

All 4: *steers left*

Civilians scream

Redwolf: *checks radar*

Redwolf: shit! A missile is heading this way! Evacuate the beach!

Enemies show up

Enemies shoots RPG

Motor gets damaged

All 4: *gets off motor*

(Press 1 for primary 2 for Secondary 3 for tertiary)

Redwolf: sir! Requesting HQ at 25.871596, -80.123923!

Pilot: rog'

All 4: *shoots*

Lasers show up

All 4: *shoots*

Convoy shows up

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Machine gunner shoots

All 4: *shoots*

Drones show up

All 4: *shoots*

Plane lands

Pilot: I'm at the LZ where at you!

Redwolf: we're on our way!

All 4: *shoots*

Pilot: I'm about to leave within 1 minute if you don't arrive!

All 4: *sprints to the plane*

Plane takes off

Missile hits Miami beach

NEWS: Just came in! 75% of Miami Beach has been destroyed by a missile from the terrorists, the missile was caused by a multi-national Terrorist named Salhae-ja, 124,000 people we're killed in the incident, regarding also a 30 Billion dollars worth of damages in the beach! Currently the terrorist has not been caught yet!

Killer: Second wave, more damages…

Killer: *sighs* I'm also concerned about how that bastard knew Black all along…

Killer: maybe he was spying on us all the time…

Killer: who knows after all…

Killer: whatever, it may be not true…