
Soapy As Shit

Tatiana was just looking down at me a certain way before she suddenly took in a breath as her body jolted, making her cheeks flush red before smiling and getting off of me. She was slightly out of breath but she looked more surprised from what just happened, then she leaned in from the side before touching my face gently and giving me a kiss.

It felt a little out of character from her but in a good way because ever since Quinn came into the picture, from my point of view, I felt like she was trying to juggle between matching her energy and being her own self.

I've always referred to them as the Alpha Bitches but let's be honest here, even if Quinn was Quinn and Tatiana was Tatiana, the former was a little more Alpha-er for the lack of a better word—but both of them had their own moments where they admittedly took off or straight-up lost their crown.

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