
Building 34 - Royo

In any case, cooking this food made them take a small hit from their reserves but the morale and favorability boost was more than worth it because the people from this side were as hard at work as the people on the Main Harbor. Compared to us, once the sun went down, it was free time for everybody in my compound—except for the essential duties like security and whatnot—but these people were still going out on runs even though it was dark outside.

I barely made people go out in the dark because it was totally different compared to when the world ended because they would only be the ones with a light source and that would make them serious targets for the ones lurking in the dark. However, they simply needed to take that risk, or else this place would collapse on its own due to limited resources.

But yeah, they didn't have a lot of issues in regards to food because they had great fishermen in their fold though fresh seafood could only do so much in the long run.

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