
Never fly, For your End is Nigh

Wars raged heavily across all the dimensions. Werewolves Fighting Vampires. Seelie Courts Fighting the Unseelie courts. Angels Vs Demons. Or so I've heard in my many days here among the humans...

"Project S3 Is Due for Testing in 1 hour." The Intercom stated in a high pitched but bored voice. Coldness seeped through my bones as I lay flat on the cage floor. Down here among the rest of the Humans little subjects Rumors spread like wildfire for they knew there was no escape. A slow tremble racked through my body at the mention of my assigned name, S3.

Having been here I lost the one thing that was actually mine to keep, My name, My indentity as me. People use to say you can never take that from a person, But they took it within a mortal heartbeat.

The sound of the door freaking open for what I knew would be my turn I squeezed my eyes shut. Slowly opening them afterwards changing my face to a blank mask as they walked in. Behind them in iron chains was the newest edition to there collection, A Fae.

Despite 5he rumors of the wars between all our kinds, we all relied on each other to stay alive and sane. There were currently 7 of us here including me. Being the oldest among them, At least I think the oldest it's been too long...I took the Punishments for them when I could. I couldn't stop every bad and broken thing happening to them but I could help carry the weight.

As they walked by to return the Fae Child to his Cage in the back he slipped his hand through the silver steel bars of my cage and brushed a hand over my mangled feathers. A Wave of calm settled over me. A natural ability of the Faes that never required magic. A twitched my wing slightly as the Fae Child glanced at me one last time.

Here among the dark and damp dungeon of cages we had a silent way of communicating, we never spoke to know what each thing met but over all the years we just knew what everything met.

The sound of keys clinking together had me staring at the door as they yanked it open viciously. I scooted to the back of the cage, a natural reaction. A Rough and coarse hand grabbed my ankle and jerked me out of the cage with so much force I felt the crack of my ankle as it hung limply to the left, broken. I made no sound as I wordlessly waited on the floor having learned long ago never to move without permission.

Being a angel from who knows where my bones were very delicate and thin. Like a actual bird to help me fly. Although I've never flown in my life pressed flat to the cage everyday. Where I was always weak I remained weaker unable to move on my own. Food sat by the door as I gritted my teeth. I hadn't eaten in the past week and a half. They only fed us when they felt like it the last time having been last week. However, the fed very little and I made it my duty to pass my food to the others so they had a better chance at survival.

The whine of the werewolf pup to my left had me snapping my head to the right as I shook my head no and he quickly went quiet. Edward as I dubbed him, Slammed his fist against his cage. "Shut up!" He yelled harshly before leaving the room.

"Up we go" I knew for a fact her name was sarah. Her voice sounded happy as she picked me up. Although, out of everyone here she was truly one of the few terrifying ones that left me screaming when I usually could block those reactions.

I tried my hardest to keep from moving out of her arms as she carried me bridal style out of the room to a room I knew very very well. Left right right left... In my head I knew each and every direction we'd take before she got to her favorite room. My Pale skin appeared translucent and the dim yellow lighting of the hallways. The chipped white paint of the walls blinded me for a moment.

As we reached the solid black steel door Sarah's nails dug hard into my skin. That's gonna leave a bruise. I thought to myself. A beep resounded through the hall as the door opened revealing the room that was now imprinted into my mind and nightmares.

The room was a bright white. With a single table in the middle. Two Masked companions of hers dressed in black with pink belts and straps across there outfits dragged two spare tables to the side of the big one. And that's when I realized what was about to happen.

My heart started rapidly beating in my chest as I tried to claw my way out of her arms.

"No you Don't." She let out a dark laugh as I felt the presence of her companion behind me. I tried to turn around to see how close he was but it was to late. His fingers were wrapped around my throat and the second they were I froze. I dare not test his strength. Even I knew I was too weak and one squeeze of his fingers would send my neck snapping. Although it wouldnt kill me, trust me they tried it. Her companions were both necromancers and everytime they pushed me to death they'd easily bring me back to relive every punch and break of bones.

Her companion took me from her arms and for a moment I was stunned. They Never NEVER touched me without strict permission. It surprised me the amount of gentleness his hold had, and that scared me. Gentleness meant pain in my world. And judging by the looks of it, I was going to be in a world of it once that table touched me.

I bit down on the arm around me and the companions steps faltered for a moment before resuming unfazed. I was pushed down onto the table with gentle forcefulness despite my thrashing. The other companion walked around strapping a belt over my chest, stomach and legs. My hands were bound by my sides as the sting behind my eyes reminded me to not cry.

Sarah walked to where my head was and jerked my wings out to the side. They were a greasy limp mess as she walked one wing to the table strapping it down and doing the same with the other.

"Faceless, go get my set." Sarah spoke jumping up and down with happiness. As he moves away I realized something. Faceless. She use to call me that too in the beginning in her face carving and scarring days. It explains why her companion was gentle to a extent for they too were her playthings. Pity for them filled my chest but just as quickly left. They were permanent play things for her, yet they pledged loyalty and never had to go through the pain and hardships we did.

As anger filled me faceless came back with a suitcase. Upon giving it to her and her opening it my eyes widened. She pulled out a large mallet and Shears. She's going to take my wings, No! An angels wings were there life and she knew that. Previously they broke them but never had they ever attempted to take them off.

"Boss wanted to try a more thrilling game~" Sarah grinned at my horrified expression. Walking over to my left wing. She pulled the mallet back and brought it down with so much force that the sound of them shattering filled the air as my scream shrill and small pierced the air. My vision filled red as a stabbed my nails into my palms hard enough to draw blood.

Moments passed after the mallet had shattered my wing as tears streamed down my face and I choked on sobs. But the worse had yet to come.

She walked around to my other wing this time carrying the large shears. "I'll kill you!" I screamed at her earning me a punch to my face from faceless. Sarah ignoring my threat simply pleased as she brought the shears to rest around my wing not yet cutting it off but trying to draw it out. At first I didn't know why. She was typically impatient. "Faceless number 2 go get my knives" The second companion obediently grabbed her knives.

Were they going to cut me up? Chop off my feathers one by one then cut my wing off? Never had I thought they would do what they did next. For in the next moment I screamed a bloodcurdling screaming as shivers racked through my body and I fought with all I could as the knives stabbed through eye and the shears cut my wing off. I felt a seizure coming on over the unbearable pain and I wished I could pass out but I knew it was impossible. For we took a pill everyday to prevent it

"Tell me, what hurt more?" Sarah sounded truly curious as my cries became silent cries. Her finger dug into my eyes as I screamed the answer knowing that's what she wanted. "My..wing!" I said breathless. I felt the warm stickyness of blood oozing from my eyes and the spot where my once white wing was. I felt her move her arms away as the sound of her heels signaled her exit with the slam of the door.

She was going to leave me here...it wouldn't be the first time the sessions were dragged out. My breathing was uneven as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and foam filled my mouth as my body kept jerking into a seizure I knew would happen. At first it made the pain worse but then it slowly numbed as my breathing slowed from blood loss.

"Shit" I heard the quitet voice of a man as a warm hand held me down to keep from jerking around. I felt the straps leave my wing first an then my body.

"Lean him towards me and get the bandages." The voice was deep and sounded nice to hear. Numb to the pain I felt someone move my torso up and off the table as I leaned forward into the man's arm. I knew it was Faceless 1 and 2, After all this wasn't the first time this has happened. However it was the first time to hear there voices and it pissed me off how unconcerned and brutal they were and how kind they were at the end.

I don't know when I fell asleep however I awoke back in the cage which had moved to the back. I felt a hand on my good ankle. In the cage next to mine was the Fae Child, I could tell by the sense of calm that came with the touch. I nodded my head in thanks. He didn't have to be kind after all this but he was, helping to rid us of nightmares if he was close enough. He looked to be around 8 and if I was completely honest we all cared for him when we could.

"...S3...It'll be okay...." I nodded as the voice of the next oldest, the werewolf from earlier sounded next to me. "Are the others okay,?" I choked out, my voice still hoarse from screaming. "They are...But...your wings..." I shook my head no to keep them from asking. I didn't want to lie to them about how broken I am now. I use to dream about being saved like the rest of them but I have up long ago. I finally noticed the fabric tight around my head, a blindfold. Probably so my eyes don't bleed all over the place.

I may have now been blind but I will never be able to unsee this horror. I was shocked they would blind me because all the torturers loved for us to see the horrors and remember it.

I lay there unmoving about to try and get at least a few minutes of sleep when the alarms went off.

(I apologize for Any Grammatical Errors, I do Not know if I will post the whole story on here cause it's My Baby, Don't Steal or Repost my story I only put it on here to see if anyone would like it since I intend to make a novel series on Kindle

As a Fellow mortal in the World hidden among the Fantastical I wish you a safe day...and beware the Forest for They lie in hiding)