
CODE OUROBOROS (Reposted as Twisted Realities) (Undertale X ANIME)

(A/N) - THIS STORY HAS BEEN POSTED UNDER THE NEW NAME (TWISTED REALITIES) AND WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED HERE. I DID THIS FOR ONE REASON, THIS STORY WAS BECOMING INCREDIBLY CONVOLUTED WITH ALL THE CROSSOVERS AND AT LEAST TO ME LACKED ANY SORT OF COHERENCY IN HOW IT SHOULD BE READ. THUS THE REASON FOR A FAR MORE SIMPLIFIED VERSION I SUPPOSE IT SHOULD BE MENTIONED HOWEVER THE PREMISE IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT AND IS NO LONGER A CROSSOVER OR EVEN FAN FICTION, IT IS AN ATTEMPT AT WRITING MY OWN STORY. ANYWAYS HOPEFULLY PEOPLE WILL ENJOY IT. IMPORTANT - This story will be split into two "Paths", the first is code monument, in which the pre-[Protocol] story will be told, the second path protocol ouroboros, will resume the story as Mizuki is reborn in a world post-[Protocol]. I'll be trying to implement it in such a way that you don't need to read monument to understand ouroboros, at the very least there may be a few jokes that work better if you read it. I'm trying it like this because keeping two portions of the story separate will hopefully help with writer’s block allowing me to switch from one path to another when getting stuck, lacking focus, etcetera. CODE MONUMENT - Our story starts just before the beginning of Undertale, Mizuki, the protagonist, is the incarnation of Undertale's MC. Of course there are the delightful voices in her head as well, Frisk the sacrificial [REDACTED] who holds a heart of kindness, and then there is... Chara, the rather verbose and colorful [Redacted], the ~Orphan Lover~. Our lovely Mizuki had achieved her own ending, and together with the underground empire of monsters that had practically raised her, they set foot on the surface. However, this was perhaps the greatest misfortune to ever occur, "oh hey a friendly eldritch terror... NOPE definitely not friendly, huh a dead machine empire that gives free goodies... Goddammit a subscription service, wait... the hell... why in the fuck am I fighting a god? *Ahem*... I mean... did you think this was going to be a grounded story, well I have news for you, reality and logic tend to break down when magic, chakra, cursed fruits, and hollows all exist. Well, let’s all give Mizuki our best wishes, she'll definitely need it after learning about reality spanning civilizations, eldritch beings, gods, the [CORRUPTION], [PLAYERS], and even [AUTHORS], well let’s give Mizuki's sanity our well wishes in 3...2...1... *[Author] bestows 1 surprise package* In an unknown location and time, Surrounded by grasslands a lone figure can be seen, long dark blue hair, and a fair figure, a girl in her late teens. Her beauty only dampened by the haunted look on her face, as she kneels to the ground, 5 bronze spheres in front of her. Muttering and giggling to herself the figure slowly looks up, exposing the soul-less look in her eyes, as she snaps and screams at the very heavens that had aggrieved her. "GODDAMMIT ONLY FUCKING BRONZE TIERS, SHITTY WISHES, STUPID LUCK, I SWEAR WHOEVER THE HELL IS BEHIND THIS SCREEN WILL SUFFER, JUST STOP WITH THE LOOT BOXES, WHY ARE THEY EVEN CALLED GODDAMN SUPRISE PACKAGES!!!!" PROTOCOL OUROBOROS - [NO SUMMARY] Disclaimers - First, any character besides Mizuki (or Potential OC's), are likely not created by me nor owned by me, instead those rights belong to their corresponding series, and the lovely authors who made them. Second the book-cover image was created (and then edited) primarily using this website: https://waifulabs.com/ [P.S. If you've never seen this site check it out, it's an awesome waifu generator]

Shadowstar01 · Anime & Comics
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What is the [Protocol]?

The Protocol is a widespread topic among higher beings aka the [Transcendent], this is largely due to its relationship with the [Architects], (the living-dead mechanical empire) and what exactly it entails.

The [Architects] and [Corruption] have a millennia long history of conflict with constant warring, at some point the [Architects] had repurposed their civilizations greatest creation the [Aeon Network] into a defensive weapon against the [Corruption] giving the network the so called [Protocol] for use in emergency. It is referred to as [Protocol Ouroboros] by the [Architects] and was designed as a defense mechanism against their long time enemy the [Corruption] if a cataclysmic event were to occur in their absence.

The Architects simply refer to the lower realms/multiverse as the [Pre-Protocol] world. The lower realm is where all transcendent originate before becoming immortals and entering the [Aberrant Realms]. A large percentage of the [Lower Realms] [95]% is suspected to be under control of the [Architects] and their [Aeon Network]. Occasionally there exist lower realms capable of exiting the [Lower Realms] and becoming an [Aberrant Realm], usually due to a large number of powerful individuals, this change usually requires a transition that occurs over a few hundred thousand years.

The protocol requires that a certain percentage of the [Aeon Network] & [Lower Realms] be corrupted before allowing use. [Protocol Ouroboros] is essentially a reset button for the lower realms/multiverse, specifically made so that the corruption can't devour and take control of these worlds, it is unknown if the protocol is actually capable of completely deleting existing corruption, however at the very least it is implied to be a sort of exterminator program.

It has four goals, the first is the most important, all lower realms are to be fragmented and reintegrated into a single world, this world is referred to by the [Architects] as the [Post-Protocol] world.

This world works by having so called [Aberration Barriers] essentially all the previously separate worlds are separated by a barrier regulated by the [Aeon Network], they work by altering the perception of individuals, it is suspected the [Architects] were unconfident in them when in regards to irregulars that are too strong to contain (Naruto, Otsutsuki, Acnologia, Ichigo, Soul King, etc.) it's believed this is why they made a deal with the [Players] & the [Celestial Abyss]. Most higher beings dispute the previous fact however, many believe that [Players] & the [Celestial Abyss] do not actually exist. However, should this deal exist, then these so called [Players] are implied to keep the irregulars in check to maintain equilibrium. This was the second function of [Protocol Ouroboros], the exact nature of its workings is unknown and often all information is redacted, though mentions of [Players] and [Protagonists] have occasionally been discovered.

The third function of the protocol is the activation of experimental bio-organic entities created shortly before their disappearance; they hold extreme similarities to the widespread race of humanity. They are meant to maintain the [Post-Protocol] world's order, acting as wardens for dangerous individuals, they also act as cleaners, working to find pockets of corruption missed by the protocol itself.

Finally there is the fourth and final function, the removal of both [Fate] and [Destinies] (Who are both tangible entities) influence over previously mentioned [Protagonists], it is suspected that this function was specifically implemented due to some favor or deal with the [Oracle] however these theories are largely unconfirmed.