
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
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46 Chs


I woke up on my bed and felt my sheets dripping wet. Did I pee? I wondered as I checked the bed smelt the bed and... yep there definitely was something going on there. wait, did Laurent make me pee on my bed? I got off the bed and took off my clothes. but my trouser wasn't w... wait. I am 19 years today. I'm not eight anymore. And it's definitely not 1997. it's 2019. I went to Arcadia in 2008, not yesterday. so why did I dream of the time the guardian of time slipped me through the cracks of time to help him mend the timeline and save Laurent? plus it's not like Laurent ever did anything rash. I would have known it since I too get affected whenever the time guardian grows worried about anything.

why am I checking my bed for urine by the way? it's not like I would pee myself because I was bit by a werewolf? I am a Saint for the guardian's sake. I am older than men remember? I... oh right! I just came from Mother Russia. Almost forgot.

I laughed nervously as I remembered being almost caught for trying to hack Russian nukes. I didn't think that one through, did I? I scratched my head as I looked at the sweaty bed. if only I hadn't cast that spell. who knew Guardian corp would try to trace the energy surge created by my spell? oh wait, I did. I've long known since Guardian Corp was made to protect Earth and humans roughly five thousand years, following the fall of Olympus, or as internationally known, after the gods left.

but why the fuck was Guardian Corp doing there? I don't remember sending anyone there or recalling there being any present mission there. maybe I have been in the shadows a lot.

I pretty much didn't need to bend the sweat off my bunk bed, it just did. I was practically a master of "mystic arts" by now. I could Astro-project myself anywhere by now. I could fly, just choose not to. it was odd, flying without wings. anyway, when it comes to being me, wings were no longer part of the equation thanks to my ascension at twelve. and if I used them, I could tear the earth apart.

I sat in front of my laptop and started surfing the web searching for a trace of what Guardian corp was doing in Russia. I found nothing. even what I did wasn't reported yet. I hoped the kremlin would remain silent like that. the Americans, though Guardian Corp had already embedded their system in their and I had half the keys to America, I knew they were on the Guardian Corp's ass, though they didn't know anything about guardian corp. I'm sure that the Corps were feeding nothing but crap.

or maybe it wasn't reported because was guardian corp involved. Guardian Corp I knew was notorious for being so secretive even they were not included in any part of the history books. the only time I heard of guardian corp since I became a human was through a story on the internet about a city in the Sahara. A city they buried within a week. I think. I was still dead then, searching.

"James! Jamie! Jamie! jay c!" I burst into laughs as I heard my best friend, my looney best friend's thoughts as she entered the corridor of my hostel floor. I tapped the ground and everything went into place. the books that were scattered all over the table stacked themselves into the bookshelf.

I saw her as she skimpingly walked towards my room and I couldn't hold my amusement at all. seeing and feeling her come up the corridor made me want to know what was in her head but, after making spells and breaking them once in a while, were bad. plus I cant try to break it this time. the world was growing louder and louder every day since 2012. plus seeing their past and present in one setting is enough. it was also more than enough that I saw everything that happened on earth, peeking inside other people's brains was a bit too much.

plus, mom spent a week holding me at arm's length because I told her I was... well a guardian. I ranked above an angel, but not a deity. that the Guardian was not me, I was nothing but a watcher of the Guardians. Made sure the Gods didn't try to fuck with them like they tried to in 2012 in retaliation for destroying the time continuum and going back to save a friend of a guardian.

I'm pretty sure they learned their lesson by the way. tried to kill me when I was a year old and woke the Judge. the bloodiest day in the century. peaked the gods on gods. I came up on top with eight guardians right in the middle of their flocks just as a fuck you and put the earth under protocol 11 before they could do anything. call it a sucker punch, I don't care. haha haha! ha... wait where was I again? oh right.

I put on fresher clothes and opened the door before she could knock. I smiled at her and she looked me in the eyes. "I was waiting for you," I told her as she stopped in front of the door.

she looked at me cautiously. she looked cute and she somehow reminded me of 2006. but I don't know-how. "I heard your thoughts, James! Jamie! Jamie! jay c!" I mimicked her shaking my head and acting all cute like she did.

she blinked and a couple of times... so cutely, I felt like I could just squeeze her chubby little cute cheeks and kiss them. "I told you, I can't read your thought when you are this close. it's just a warning when anyone gets close to me like a hundred-meter radius. we cool?"

"you looked cute, I'll give you that," she said and walked into my hostel room. I awkwardly walked slowly behind her as she went to my table and sat on top of it. this is exactly why I didn't tell anyone I was born a guardian or that I remembered all of my past lives. or that I knew everyone's past and possible future. it's always odd when they are around me. though predictable. telling the Guardians was better. like talking to your squad buddies was like.

"Okay, so how does it work?" she asked without losing eye contact with me.

"what?" I asked. someone has to be clear.

"Being a guardian, how does it work?" I chuckled. how can she be serious and ask that question? is she for real?"

"Tiyane, there's no how it works. can you be a little specific on your questioning?" I asked. she looked a bit lost in thought before asking again. "what is a guardian?"

I looked at her. I think I did tell her but... what is a guardian? I looked around for anything she could understand. a guardian.

hmm okay. she is a Christian.

"you are a Christian right?" she nodded and I added, "a guardian is more of an angel, that's the closest comparison I can make right now. but unlike angels, white wings, live in heaven, go between earth and heaven, we don't do that."

"so you don't have wings?"

"yes, I have wings, can I show them? no, if I do, everything electronic would burn. plus mine is not made of feathers." I told her before she could ask about showing her the wings. I still loved this school, I wasn't going to burn it like I did in Arcadia. Or Themes-Kyra. excuses. shouted in my head. " but I can reconstruct your DNA and give you wings."

"no thanks. what else can you do?"

I looked at her chest and raised an eyebrow. she got the message and covered her chest. like I cant see beneath. besides, I can't see as she sees. I can see her soul and her energy flow without trying. I used something like sonar, except I can detect everything. but I didn't tell her that. I just chuckled and lied. "kidding."

"come on be serious," she told me.

"guardians are different from each other. I am almost God-like 'cause i... I trouble gods. others are limited by their function. like the Nine tail. The time watcher, and the other Six."

she looked at me like I was speaking Greek. or something. wait, "I'm not the devil, so don't look at me like that. He's in Agartha."

she blinked twice and though I always found it sexy, it worried me a bit.

I think i broke my friend.

"Agartha does exist, you know what, let's do this," i said opening my closet. i looked at everything i had at this dorm and it wasn't actually warm or good enough for where i was going. Eun Tak had better clothes. Allison's were... better. i took a post it note and wrote, "i'm sorry, i stole your Jacket." then signed it, J. V. king. i reopened the closet, not mine, Laurent and Allison's. then left the note there. as i took the coats out, Tiyane's eyes nearly popped as she looked at me and the clothes hanged behind me.

"let's admit, i am weird i know." i said, at the back of my mind, Iron Man's, "let face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." ran on my head. but this is not a joke moment. i didnt say anything. cant believe, i forgot, i should not use magic in front of people who know me as James. but i decided to let her know last week. i just hope this isnt too much.

"i am not stealing, just borrowing." i smiled.

"your closet is..." i looked behind me as i put the furry coats on top of my bed.

"no, the... it's not my closet. it's Laurent's, a guardian i grew watching over's closet. it's not mine. but don't worry he is not gonna kill us. he is just going say, you owe me." i hope.

i closed the door and looked at her up close and saw a lot of confusion on her eyes. "you are not taking this well are you?" i asked her and she shook her head.

"can you consider this a dream and think about it later, i will explain the best i could today, so tomorrow you will ask the questions, right?"

"okay." she said and got of my table and i handed her the white coat as i took Laurent's black one. she sniffed it and said, "it smells like a girl."

"It's Allison's. Laurent's girlfriend, though she doesn't want to admit it." i said putting it on. and looked at her. "we going out, ain't you putting it on?"

"Okay." she hesitated, but put it on as she asked, "Is she like you? A guardian."

"No, no one at the moment is like me, but yes, Laurent is a keeper, so she is."

she smiled as I walked towards the door. then chuckled.

"what?" I asked seeing her wearing the smile that made me fall for her a few years ago.

"Laurent is a keeper, are you?"

"you will know at the end of the bridge." I pulled her close as I opened the door, knowing on the other side, my island was waiting.

"Welcome to my world."