
Code Geass: Lelouch Self-Insert

C_317 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Lab fun and Older Siblings*

Thanks to everyone who's supporting my story and as a you see the star you know what's going to happen.

Know let's start the story.

/Lelouch P.O.V/

After I was done in the Saitama Ghetto I immediately left to go see Nina. But before that I ordered the geassed soldiers to return to the leave the Sutherland's in the sewers for future use.

As I left the ghetto I quickly changed into my casual outfit before going to meet Nina. Smirking I stopped by a small shop and bought a water bottle to drink and use for later.

/Nina's Lab/

As I entered I noticed that the lab was devoid of scientists that were supposed to be working here. Intrigued I looked around and saw a note.



Seeing this I smirked before locking the door to make sure that nobody could enter. Walking to Nina's personal space I opened it up knowing that she was most likely working on decoding the Lancelot for me. Upon entering my suspicion was correct as I saw her feverishly working on a computer.

Walking over to her I tapped her shoulder gaining her attention. And as soon as she saw me the red geass rings appeared around her eyes as I put the near empty water bottleon a table.

/Lemon Warning if you don't want to read go to With Cornelia Third P.O.V/

"What can I do for you Lelouch?" She asked as she began rubbing her lower lips.

"I came here to see how far you've to decoding the Lancelot as well as the F.L.I.E.A." I said pulling down my pants and underwear as I told her to take her clothes off and stand up as I sat on her chair.

"I decoded 80% of the Lancelot and the flew is going to be field tested tomorrow if you want to attend." She said as she stood beside me without any clothes.

Smirking I ordered her to fuck herself on my member while telling me everything. Obeying me she immediately pierced herself onto my falice while telling me what she obtained.

Smirking I began slapping her ass making her inner walls clamp tight as she slowly stopped moving her hips due to climaxing.

Pumping my hips I began pumping into her while her eyes rolled up whilst her tongue stuck out making a ahego face. Picking her up I pumped into her enjoying her warm walls.

Finally after ten minutes I layed her onto they table with the water bottle and emptied my seed into her womb.

After I emptied myself inside her I stuck the water bottle in her used lower lips and told her to hold the bottle in place as I went to pick up my clothes. After putting them on I got a phone call.

Knowing who it was I told Nina to stay quiet as I put used a voice changer.

"I expected you to call much earlier than this Princess." I said with a hint of mirth.

/With Cornelia Third P.O.V/

As Cornelia heard him speak she scowled at his remark. Slowly breathing in and out she wanted to ask him questions about her brother.

"If that is all then I'm disappointed Princess." He said earning a set of narrow eyes glaring at the phone as the two nights remained quiet.

"You allowed me to speak with my thought to be dead brother... I can at the very least be allowed to be curious as to why you did so." She said with a scowl.

"... Let me ask you this Princess... If Princess Euphemia were to be captured by a terrorist who wanted to give a show of demonstration of revenge what would you do." He said earning a sharp glare from her.

"I would obviously kill the ones who would dare to harm her." She said with venom.

"Then you have your answer... Lelouch would in his power to save his blind and crippled sister from those who wish to harm her." He said in a neutral tone..

Calming down to think Cornelia began to understand why he spoke with her..

"Your silence is very telling Princess... I believe you now know why he requested to speak with you." Zero said hanging up the phone call.

Staying silent Cornelia gripped the table they were using as a strategical board. Carefully Guilford asked what he ment.

Sighing Cornelia answered "The reason I was allowed to speak with my brother was because he wanted to express why he would work with Zero." She said earning a confused expression before Darilton explains to Guilford why.

"The reason is so that if he were ever caught the Princess would protect Princess Nunnally from harm just as she would with Princess Euphemia as both are the elder sibling." He said earning a look of understanding from Guilford.

"I see then if Prince Lelouch were could then he would take the blame while Princess Nunnally would be protected from having Any form of affiliation with Zero and the Prince's actions against the Holy Britanian Empire." Guilford concluded before turning his gaze to Cornelia.

"Darilton... Guilford I want you both to search up any information about possible whereabouts of my brother and sister." She said in a low voice before turning to leave the room.

Walking she stood in front of the door before turning her head over and gave orders to keep the search a secret. Saluting they quickly went over the losses and budget balance that was needed for the deal between Zero and Cornelia.

/Lelouch P.O.V/

After I was done talking with my sister I turned towards Nina and saw that she was still stuffing the water bottle in her lower lips with the bottle going from near empty to half full. Feeling my lower mind hardening once more I decided to enjoy the rest of my day enjoying Nina's body in every way possible.

/Author Notes/

Thanks for reading this story and I hope you all enjoyed it and I wish you a good Day / Afternoon / Night for when ever your reading this story.

Special thanks to Dragonight240_G, SnickSnack, monkeydashura, Ivo_Culic_9909, NigthMare, and jeanpierregerardo for your precious power stones last chapter.