
Chapter 9. Conversation

- Konstantin, of course, we understand you are far from a stupid person, but we would like to see the results, not your fantasies, how it will look, said one of the commission members

- I understand, the results will be soon, we are testing.

-We are funding a lot of money into your project, and we want the result. – Another member of the commission continued to press

- I perfectly understand your concern, – Diesperov replied in a calm voice. – We are doing everything possible to speed up the process. – Continued Diesperov

- Well, when will there be any results? Another member of the commission asked

Without hesitation, Diesperov answered:

- Two months, at least three.

- OK. No more than three months.

The committee included people about whom nothing is known, they were seen only by those who manage projects that are interesting to the committee. The committee itself has never started any project, they "hired" those who came up with this project and sponsored it, as well as hushed up all the problems associated with the projects and as long as they are interested in you, they will help you, but as soon as you cease to be interesting to them – death. Even if you have never cooperated with them, you can still be objectionable to them. Meanwhile, Volkova called a meeting.

- And so let's think about what to do with object 013

- - You don't think anything, but maybe directive number 9? – Christina said and buried her face in the papers.

- The ninth? Volkova asked , not understanding

- She meant "take off the run" of the thirteenth. – Throwing the papers on the table, Kostya said.

- We can't. The order to return him to participate in the experiments.

- And how will we do it? – Kostya said confusedly – Judging by the papers, the chance that his brain will return to normal is extremely small, and if absolutely accurate, then eleven percent. – He continued.

- And then we will have two clones. Kostya, don't forget that we have only three clones. Maxim interjected into the conversation.

- And what does the "risk department" think? – Volkova said, fixing her gaze on the man sitting almost at the very end on the opposite side. The man got up from the table and started talking:

- If we take past experience, then object 013 needs to be eliminated, but since we now have a sufficient number of objects, object 013 needs to be returned to participating in experiments, but even if it recovers, it is not a fact that it will postpone the next launch.

- Can I ask you a question? Maxim said, raising his hand.

- yes. Volkova said, crossing her arms over her chest.

- The engineering department has a question for you.

- I'm listening to you.

- - Excuse me for my French, but why the hell couldn't your freaking system warn that the object would suffer.

- I will ask you not to express yourself. – Said the woman in charge of the engineering department.

- And I will ask you to close your mouth and answer the question – Leaning back and turning her head towards the woman, Volkova said. – Because of your system, we are gathered here

- And it's not our problem that you don't follow the indicators.

- What are you saying? Or maybe we'll look at the footage from the cameras? And if it turns out that we were watching, then in the event of the death of object 013, the blame will be entirely on you. And besides, don't forget where we are.

The woman hesitated, choosing her words. There was silence in the office.

- We checked the equipment, and it was working properly, before and after the experiment.

- Then what was it in your opinion? – Said Maxim

- A local failure caused by something, we are still conducting diagnostics and no errors were found.

- Sorry – Came from somewhere in the middle of the table

- Yes?

A man got up from the table

- Can you explain more precisely what happened to object 013?

- We would also like to know, otherwise the report does not say exactly what happened and in what condition he is.

Sighing and leaning on Volkov's desk, she got up and began to tell:

- During the experiment, the object experienced a strong emotional shock, but after three minutes it recovered and then everything was fine until the moment of disconnection. Passing the second stage, there was a failure that the equipment did not fix. Then there was a blackout and brain damage. Now he has a state of something like a coma. He breathes, blinks, the body continues to function, but he does not react to external stimuli, but the pupils react to light, and the nerve endings also react.

There was silence in the hall.

- And what are we going to do? – It was heard in the hall.

- That's what we're here for, – Said Volkova, sitting down.

A discussion began in the hall, and Volkova plunged into her thoughts, knowing that there was no solution to the problem now, she got up from the table and said:

- So, the meeting is over for today, everyone is free.

Volkova went into Vlad's room.

- How are you risking, Alice – she thought, looking at Vlad.

She opened a locker that was under lock and took out a drip system and a bottle of medicine. Having put a dropper on Vlad, she took a walkie-talkie and asked for Yulia to be brought to her, when Yulia came Volkova said:

- Julia, how long can you stay awake?

— I don't know. And what?

- It is necessary that you talk to him non–stop - she nodded at Vlad. – Talk about what you want, preferably about what he remembers. And every ten minutes you give him medicine, as much as you usually drink yourself. Then Yuna will come here and replace you, and after three more doses of medicine, you give me pills, which I will bring you later.

- H-well, how long should I give them to him in time?

- Until he starts puking them or dies.

- What!? Yulia shouted in fright.

- Don't ask questions, just do it.

Yulia didn't answer anything, but just nodded.

Volkova reached the exit and added:

- Give me the first dose now.

- Mg. – Yulia said quietly, still in shock.

Volkova left the ward, and Yulia came and sat down by the bed.

- hello. I was told to talk to you. I really don't know what. But I'll try.

Julia began to try to remember something, but only bad memories came to mind.

- - I remembered something, wait a bit.

She took a jar of medicine and poured one tablet into her hand.

- "Won't he choke?" Julia thought.

But there was no choice. Therefore, opening her mouth with her right hand, she put the pill as far as possible into her mouth and closed it and noticed that Vlad swallowed the pill

"What's the matter with you?" She kept thinking.

- Okay, we need to tell you something. Do you remember you asked me recently what these numbers are on my neck? So this is my number, and why there are two zeros ahead, I have no idea. But you don't have a number, hmm. I've wanted to talk for a long time, but I didn't know how to start, and now I can say whatever I want, and there's nothing to say. I don't really remember my childhood, just some scraps, but I've already said that. I recently read some book on philosophy here, to be honest I don't understand how you read it, or maybe I liked it because I don't like to read it.

Then Volkova came into the ward again with some kind of box.

- - Well, how are you doing?

- Yes, it seems to be fine.

- OK. Look, you give one tablet from each cell.

- Got it.

Julia took the box and put it on the bedside table.

- Well, I'll go, and good luck to you.

- Goodbye and thank you.

And so Yulia and Vlad were left alone. Julia tried to remember at least something, but nothing came out, so she began to tell everything she knew and so she talked until the morning. Yuna came in the morning. Quietly entering the office, she said:

- Hi Julia.

Without turning her head, Yulia raised her hand in greeting

- I came to relieve you, so you can go to sleep and we have suspended the experiment for now.

- Mg. – somehow Yulia squeezed out of herself and nodded her head.

- Can I help you?

- Don't.

Gathering her strength and leaning on the bedside table, Yulia trudged to the exit

- Be careful on the way. – Yuna said after him.

Approaching Vlad, she tilted her head and stared intently at him.

"Interesting," she thought.

Yuna sat down on a chair and began to talk:

- Hello 013. Let's start from the beginning my name is Yuna or six hundred and forty-third. I participate in the experiment as well as you, and recently we have been playing chess and discussing books, I think you remember.

- What are you doing!? – Shouted a man of their "risk department"

- And good morning to you, and what's the problem? Volkova asked calmly

- Don't turn on the idiot! What dose of drugs do you give 013?

- The same dose as 004 takes, but with the addition of conventional organ support drugs, every ten minutes.

- We've read it all! You understand that this is pure death! He's going to overdose!

- Yes? And then what are your ideas?

- We are solving this issue!

- Well, when you decide, then come and download the rights!

- We will report you!

- Please! I can give out a sheet with a pen! – Unable to stand it, Volkova shouted.

- Thank you for yourself! One thing is not clear to us, what are you trying to achieve?

- - In order for him to survive, if you forgot, I will remind you that clones have cells in the body, and the drug restores them. His brain is damaged by increasing the dose, the brain can be restored!

- Yes, you! I'll report you.

- - You said that, so if you have nothing else to say, the door is right behind you.

The man snorted, turned around and left the office slamming the door.

- Too clever for me – Volkova said after the man.

- You told the committee that you need three months. Are you sure?

- yes. The Clear Sky project is almost finished.

- And 013? If he doesn't recover, then we'll have to change the plan.

- I know. I have everything under control.

- Excuse me what? Volkova asked in surprise and incomprehension. – Do you understand that he can't stand it? she continued.

- Professor Volkova, do your job. Diesperov insisted.

- But I can't do it, because we have no right to make a mistake, and what if he dies.

- - And you make sure that he doesn't die.

It was useless to argue. Therefore, not although Volkova agreed and left the office.

- Are you sure? Arshin asked.

- yes.

- She would have done the same.

- yes.

Volkova walked down the corridor wiping her hands from sweat. Her legs were giving way, and her heart seemed to jump out of her chest. The last time she was so worried at the institute for the exam. She did not know what to do because she was given an almost impossible task and when she reached the ward she could not decide to go in, she had a hundred options in her head how to complete the task, but not one idea was successful. And so, gathering her thoughts and exhaling, she opened the door a crack and looked inside. Yuna was sitting there and saying something. Closing the door and went to the office with the car. Going inside, she stopped and looked around. Everyone was in place, then she went to the control room and went inside, everyone greeted her. In response, Volkova only nodded her head, rubbing her head from side to side, she said:

- So. Guys, today we are holding… I don't even know what to call it, in general, today we are launching 013.

- But he is... – Christina began

- I know, but it's an order and we can't disobey it. Volkova interrupted.

- What happens if he dies? Maxim asked.

- Direct quote: "And you make sure that he doesn't die."

- And the authorities clearly decided that we are Gods. Kostya quipped out of anger.

- So start the damn car, and I'll bring the thirteenth. And I'm going to need some help, so one of you guys stand by the car.

Maxim and Kostya exchanged glances.

- Let me – Kostya volunteered.

- Good

Volkova turned around and left the office. Volkova entered the ward

- Yuna.

Yuna stopped talking and turned in the direction of Volkova.

- Hello.

- Hello. And where is Yulia?

— I don't know. Most likely sleeping off.

- A. I see.

My thoughts were mixed up in my head and it was impossible to concentrate, but I had to pull myself together. And once again exhaling Volkova said:

- Yuna, you can come out.

Yuna nodded her head and got up from the chair and left the ward, and Volkova staggered to the bed.

- Well, thirteen, let's hope that all the superstitions about your number are just fiction.

She disconnected Vlad from the devices, opened the doors from the ward to the swing and took the bed off the brakes. Exhaling, she pushed the bed and drove it to the car. When Volkova drove the bed to the car.

- You by the shoulders, I by the legs.

- Got it.

Volkova opened the capsule.

- Ready?

- yes.

- One, two, got it.

Volkov was lifted from the Bones by Vlad and put into a capsule.

- You can all go back.

Kostya nodded and went to the control room.

- Good luck to you, thirteenth. – Volkova said and closed the capsule.

The launch of the car began, everyone was extremely tense.

- Indicators?

- There is no activity.

- What if you give a weak electrical impulse? Kostya suggested

- We need to think about it, but in the meantime, can we start feeding the drug?

- Yes, start? Maxim asked.

- yes.

- Wait! – Christina shouted – He's going to overdose.

- Kristina, do you have any ideas? - Kostya got into the conversation?

- N-no, but there must be another plan.

- That's how you figure it out, then you'll stop. Kostya continued

- Quiet! Volkova shouted. – How much drug is in the tanks?

- Three liters.

Volkova thought about it

- Give a liter to feed, when there is half give a weak electric discharge.