
cobra kai: The Prodigy

Alex, a poor boy whose life has been very lonely, dies suddenly and is reincarnated in Cobra Kai as a baby named Robby Keene with a talent for perfectly copying any martial art he sees and a body with superhuman potential. Decide to enjoy this life 100%

DaoistMrYOP5 · TV
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18 Chs

Robby Keene: The Prodigy

"It's the weekend and since Yas and Moon are still grounded and Sam said she couldn't go out this weekend because her grandmother was coming to visit her, I accepted Johnny's invitation to train at an old site where there were unusable cars.

And here I was, lined up with the other Cobra Kai boys in front of Johnny who was on top of a truck.

He took a soda can and said "you've trained hard, you're stronger, tougher, faster, you've tried hard, you're ready for the tournament right?" and everyone except me shouted like idiots "YES SENSEI!".

"WRONG!" Johnny shouts and then throws his soda can in front of us, "your effort is nothing, if you want to win the ALL VALLEY SUB-18 tournament you have to give your best of the best, that's why from now on you'll have the worst of me understood".

"YES SENSEI!" shout the others, Johnny tells us "you are losers" and they answer "NO SENSEI!", "they are nerds" Johnny asks again and they answer "NO SENSEI!".

"are you sure about that" Johnny asks and they answer "NO SENSEI!" to which Johnny sighs


"COME ON, COME ON, FASTER" Johnny shouts as we train jumping inside some tires.


"you shouldn't be afraid of anything, just falling into a place full of rusty metal and broken glass" says Johnny as we walk across a board that was on top of a truck full of rusty metal and broken glass.


"well, if you want to win you must be hungry or not" says Johnny as he gives each one of us a piece of meat "YES SENSEI" the others answer while I throw my piece of meat away.

"well they do too" says Johnny, then he blows a whistle and some dogs come out that start chasing us, I just climb on top of a car and since I don't have any meat the dogs don't bother me.

"don't be afraid they smell fear" says Johnny as everyone runs away from the dogs.


back in my car on my way home I think 'leaving aside the exercises it was fun breaking cars and glass'.

-- At Sam's house --

Her grandmother came to visit and while preparing sausages on the grill, Daniel tells his mother "It's bad enough that this monster convinced the kids, now he's convinced the ALL VALLEY committee to let Cobra Kai back in the tournament."

"That's terrible, they can't let them back in. They're just a bunch of bullies," says Lucille (Daniel's mother), and Sam asks her "Not all of them are like that, are they?"

"Believe me, honey, those boys made your father's life impossible," says Lucille. Amanda (Sam's mother) arrives with salad and offers Lucille "pasta salad," but Lucille says "Oh no thanks, I don't like pre-packaged store-bought food."

"Well I would have made it but I got home late," says Amanda and Lucille replies "Don't worry, I understand you're busy being a mother and working. I remember when I used to come home from work and make dinner." (how venomous)

"Dad, what if Cobra Kai has changed? Some guys from my school go there and that doesn't automatically make them bad, does it?" Sam tells Daniel to which Daniel replies "Please, Cobra Kai will never change. Promise me you'll stay away from anyone associated with it." Sam is a little upset with her father.

-- Cobra Kai dojo --

Miguel is hitting the dummy hard and Johnny tells him "Okay okay save some for the tournament" and Miguel replies "But why am I the only one training sensei?"

"Because you're the only one with a chance of winning," Johnny says. Miguel then asks him "So I'm your best student?" and Johnny replies "After Robby, yes. But we can't count on that kid participating in the tournament after all he has no commitment to the dojo."

-- at Sam's house --

"Hey, I heard that you came back to train karate again" Lucille tells Daniel to which Daniel replies "yes but unfortunately I haven't found anyone to train with".

Immediately Amanda arrives and says "well I received a call from the dealer, sheila said that some weird guys on a motorcycle came looking for lui (daniel's cousin)" to which lui tells daniel "or if i forgot to tell you, i met these bikers in Las Vegas auto convention, we came up with a great idea, LaRusso luxury motorcycles"

"Lui told him to use my name to do business" Daniel tells him and Lui replies "I'm sorry cousin, I'll make it up to you, I promise".

"How many times have we not heard that phrase" says Amanda and Lucille tells her "hey be kind, she just made a mistake" and Amanda says "a mistake is forgetting to close the office after leaving, which she has already done several times, that affects our business so stay out of this"

"Stay out of this, what a great way to talk to your mother-in-law" Lucille says to which Daniel tells his mother "she didn't mean it" and Amanda corrects him "no, I did mean it, because if it wasn't because of her we never would have hired lui in the first place"

and after that the argument just got bigger and bigger and everyone was arguing with each other.

-- at Robby's mansion --

After returning from training, which was all day, since I had nothing to do, I decided to play a little video games, but a video call came through, I see who it is and I answer with a smile.

"Hello sensei~" I tell Sam after answering and she answers me with a smile "hehehe I'm glad to see you, my house now looks like the third world war" and I tell her "too bad it's happening" and she answers "they're my mom and my grandmother, they sometimes fight, maybe I'll end up being the peace negotiator"

"mmm hey I wanted to ask you if you are free tomorrow to watch a movie at my house" to which she replied "I can't but any other day"

"Another day then, you better not regret it" I tell her and she answers "hehe no, but changing the subject, don't you think you could change the dojo" and I say "yes but why do you ask that"

hearing me say that if she smiles and tells me "it's because my dad doesn't like cobra kai very much" and I tell her "don't worry, I can change my dojo but with one condition" she was about to ask me what the condition was when his dad arrives and says "sam I need you, your mom and grandma are about to kill each other"

"Sure, right away" Sam answers and seeing her with the laptop Daniel asks her "who are you talking to", Sam was about to say something when I speak and say "Hello Mr. Larruso" and Sam unconsciously turns the laptop towards his father

"Hello Robby, I need Sam, then they continue talking" to which I reply "Okay, see you later, one of those days I'll go to teach me that kata from the other time" and Daniel answers "no problem, well let's go Sam"

sam nods, goes to the screen and says "bye robby" and I say "bye see you later sam" and sam hangs up and leaves with her father.


This chapter was a bit weak but it is like a bridge for the following scenes, so it is important to present this chapter


It is the first time that I upload a story and I had not realized that the stones are reset every week, so the next extra chapter will be at 200 stones, I lowered 50.


Here leave possible women to add to the harem, I already have Olivia Holt in Kim Kickin it in mind, avatar: the last airbender and korra, and some street fighters and tekken characters, leave more ideas

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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