
Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter

This fanfic has been dropped.

SmotheryGecko · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Canon's Beginnings.

Kai said goodbye to the LaRusso family saying that they could visit him whenever they wanted which they also said.

He remembered the look on their faces when they heard about his "teenage" story.

The boy, like anyone else meeting his idol, had a lot of respect in his eyes and more admiration when he learned that the whole story was true.

As for the adults, they had concern and a little respect, they were worried about him for having gone through all this as a child, which was normal.

After all, as amazing as Kai did in the war, it's always good to remember that it's not men who change war, but war that changes men.

And going through that in childhood was a little painful to imagine, but seeing how Kai was a cheerful young man, they were relieved.

It would be difficult for Kai to change simply because of a war, he knew that even if the ten people he loved the most died in front of him, it wouldn't be able to cause much storm in his heart.

He would feel very sad, yes, but he would soon get over his sadness.

Kai felt a little strange knowing this, and always sighed thinking that he was a bad person and just another man so changed by the war.

Well, in a way he wasn't changed by the war but by his father's "joke", what happened was something completely unexpected for him.

That had an effect on him that he would never have imagined, it ended up getting him used to the feeling of losing someone important in his life.

After years of fighting and finally overcoming grief he knew he would never be able to truly react like that again.

Kai came out of his daydreams and went up to his room.

It had few things, just a King Size bed much larger than normal, a dresser, a wardrobe and a sofa.

In addition to basic items such as carpets, lamps, wall clocks, etc.

Kai looked at the time and remembered that he hadn't decided where and what time he and Johnny would meet.

He quickly called to arrange these things, after a little chat.

Kai saw that there was still a long way to go until he arrived at the appointed time.

So he decided to rest a little, since the day before he hadn't stopped for a second to rest peacefully.

After a few hours Kai woke up.

He gave a good yawn before getting out of the extremely comfortable bed.

He looked at his watch and said "I think it's time to get ready."

Kai then walked to the bathroom, looking at the very large bathtub in front of him Kai thought 'Well, I have time'.

After a relaxing shower, Kai dried his hair and went back to his room to get ready.

Now Kai was wearing a more casual outfit, a white shirt, black pants and black sneakers.

His long hair was down, and he decided to leave it at that.

Kai then left the house, looked at the sky which was now dark and got into his car.

And he headed for the bar he'd booked with Johnny.

Meanwhile he was thinking about what to do to enjoy more.

He went to school which certainly cannot be said to be a good way to enjoy life.

'Sounds like a good idea to build a karate dojo.' He thought with a smile, it seemed like a good idea to take some nerds and turn them into warrior monsters.

Then he remembered a tournament that took place in Valle, it also seemed interesting for him to participate, after all the only rule of the participants that really matters is about Age, and luckily he was the right age.

He was already almost determined to do these things, and thinking that it was a good way to waste time and at the same time help some people, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

But it doesn't matter for now, this is something to be done in the future.

After some time enjoying the trip, Kai arrived at the bar he had booked with Johnny.

After making sure it was the right bar, he went inside and sat at the bar before ordering a beer to wait for Johnny.

Kai as a handsome young man attracted a lot of attention.

Many women approached Kai trying to seduce him, he politely refused these women.

Even some men tried to hit on him, but when they saw that Kai was a man, they quickly withdrew.

Seeing that even some men approached him, he felt that it was not a good decision to come with loose hair.

And thought these guys must be blind, other than the hair he didn't have any feminine features, right? He consoled himself by saying that drinking had clouded these people's minds.

As for those women, Kai turned them down for two reasons, first, he was here primarily to drink with a friend.

And most importantly, he wasn't attracted, he didn't know what he had, but only certain women could get his attention.

It wasn't so much for looks, but for the different air they emanate.

He didn't care about that, anyway he always managed to taste them at least once, the rest as always he left for the future.

His thoughts couldn't help but float to the memory of the beautiful girl he met yesterday.

To others she didn't look so pretty, there's no doubt she's a pretty woman, but not exaggeratedly so.

But for Kai it's different and it's all because of the charm he found in her even from afar, it led him to get closer and get to know her.

Something caught his attention and he naturally wouldn't let it go, it's hard to find someone with that charm that catches his attention so much, so as long as he can, he'll never let it go.

Well, doing his best without taking his eyes off his goals and his own limits, as hard as it is to find someone like that, he didn't plan on having anything serious like dating.

But something told him that this rare charm would become common in the future.

But he snapped out of his reverie when he finally realized that Johnny was taking too long and decided to call him.

Meanwhile, he didn't even think that the person he was thinking of was sitting at a table in the same bar as him.

She was looking at him avidly, and looking at the time as if she were expecting someone.

[A while ago with Johnny]

He was on his way to the bar, before he got there he was already drinking a little.

He wasn't weak to alcohol, but it always reminded him of the past when he was the best.

And on the way to the bar, he saw something that had been a nightmare for him for a long time, until he met Kai.

All Valley Sporting Arena.

Unconsciously he stopped the car at the door of the parking lot, and got out of the car, looking at that place he remembered from the past.

The last time he fought Karate professionally, his sensei John Kreese and his friends.

He and John were fighting.

He was genuinely happy to remember these things, to think that meeting John Kreese, even after everything that had happened, was possibly the best thing that ever happened to him.

This led him to meet Kai, his best friend, who helped him whenever he could.

But those memories were interrupted by the sound of a collision and then brakes.

He turned and saw that scene, which filled him with rage.

Someone had crashed into his beloved car, he could see that the people inside the other car looked in shock.

And he knew they weren't going to come down, and with his nerves on edge, he walked over and started yelling at the teenage girls in the car.

That when they saw a middle-aged man with unshaven beard, and that if he took off the good clothes he was wearing at the moment he looked like a beggar, shouting at them, they didn't know what to do.

And when they saw him trying to open the car door, they panicked.

"Drive!" It was the only thing Johnny could hear before they ran away.

"Damn it! Get back here!" Johnny screamed, but all he answered was them accelerating the car.

Angry he got into the car to chase them, but when he tried to start the car, he realized that the problem was bigger than he thought.

No matter what he did, the car wouldn't start at all.

[A while later.]

Johnny had already called the tow truck when his cell phone rang.

As he picked up his cell phone and saw who was calling him, seeing the name that appeared, he finally remembered what he had originally planned to do tonight.

Going out for drinks with your friend Kai.


"Hey, what happened?" Kai asked knowing that Johnny would never be late on purpose.

"I had some problems with my car, and I had to call a tow truck." Johnny responded naturally.

"Are you all right? Do you need me to pick you up?" Kai asked two questions in a row showing her concern for her friend.

"No need to worry, but I won't be able to accompany you today." Johnny apologized.


"Fine, take care until tomorrow." Kai took his leave after making sure everything was fine with him, and finding out what happened to his car.

'Well, today was not our day, if I had known this was going to happen I would still be sleeping.' Kai thought, but if he really knew this was going to happen, he wouldn't let it happen.

Kai doesn't see himself as a good person, but he wouldn't stand by and watch someone get hurt.

Kai was about to get up and go back home, until he heard a voice.

"Kai?" Upon hearing that voice Kai already knew who it was because of his memory.

"I would never forget that sweet voice, Carmen, it's a pleasure to meet you again." Kai said and turned around with a smile.

"You're still sweet, you always eat." Carmen said with a smile and then asked.

"You came alone?"

"I had an appointment with a friend but he couldn't come, how about you?" Kai asked really interested, to him she didn't seem like someone who would normally come to this kind of place.

And he was right, today she came to drink with a friend.

Her friend wanted to introduce someone to her, but remembering Kai and the way he looked at her, she knew she had a chance with him.

So he decided to refuse, and it turned out that the friend did not come.

She had already seen Kai, and saw some women approaching him, she was wanting to talk to him, but she didn't have the courage.

And the thought that he was here on a date with some woman made her even more uneasy.

Until finally she got up the courage and came to talk to him.


Hey guys, I know I said it would come out faster because it was only 1,500 words.

But because I was busy I could only be doing this chapter now, after all I need to work to eat.

And as many know I don't earn anything doing this story it's just a hobby. And so I was thinking about starting to post on my patreon, which would end up giving me more motivation to create.

Please tell me an amount that is very affordable and that I won't lose, and of course what you would like to have as a benefit for contributing your money.

So I can decide what I'm going to do, I might even be posting some stories that I'm creating and I'm not posting here yet.

That was all folks, take care and stay with God.