
Chapter 8

“Well, at least she has some food in here,” Sean said as he rummaged through the refrigerator. “How do cheese, broccoli, and sausage omelets sound?” He brought out a carton of eggs, a wedge of cheddar cheese, a head of broccoli, and a package of sausage links. Then he proceeded to go to work creating a meal fit for a king, or queen, as the case may be. “Pancakes?” he asked over his shoulder. “Or hash browns?”

“No, too heavy. I’ll make toast,” I offered.

“None for me, thanks,” Sean said. “I can’t stand that polyester white bread she buys. I should probably make her a loaf of real bread.”

Ah…the touch of the master!

“So, how are you and Ryan doing?” I asked as he stood at the stove.

“Oh, it’s going really well,” he told me. “In fact, he even asked me to marry him.” The look on Sean’s face lit up the entire kitchen.

“Congratulations!” I reached out and hugged him.

“Thanks. We haven’t set a date or anything yet, but it’s in the works.”