
Clueless? What Happens Next?

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: THE SYSTEM'S CHOSEN ONE. This novel begins with a man who lost all his senses. The man could not remember anything about his past life. The man is not the main character of this novel. The man will come in contact with a boy named Miller. Miller would gain supernatural powers through a system by accident in Chapter 44. The man who is James/Edmund Theodore would later find out that he is destined to be a guide of the long awaited Saviour which is Miller. Miller is the system's chosen or the long awaited saviour as some would refer him to. The fact that Miller was the long awaited saviour was not known to Many. Miller is destined to fight a great evil force that will come at the end of days and James is to be his tutor on how to fight this force. Will Miller grow powerful enough to defeat his ultimate villain or will the villain defeat Miller at the end?

AbalandeFK · Realistic
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Hunting A Targoshrax



The council were now done informing Ivo'Zen of his task and they had called the other two Amargans that would follow him to find the Targoshrax.

The Targoshrax was Amargans own version of a gigantic Dinosaur that was extremely strong that even the mightiest of mightiest found it hard to slaughter.

Ivo'Zen was known as the strongest warrior in The Planet Amargans and he has really earned it.


The More powerful crystals known to the Amargans belonged to the Targoshrax. The more powerful an alien is, the more usefull their crystal would become.

Ivo'Zen was now in the room with the other two Amargans warriors known as N'chokat and Rael'Dor.

N'chokat, the formidable Amargan warrior, commands attention with his imposing presence. Standing tall and muscular, he looms over others, his impressive figure a testament to his strength. His scales, a shade darker than Ivo'Zen's vibrant orange, glisten under the light, giving him an aura of intensity. His eyes, like two blazing suns, pierce through the darkness with their brilliant yellow hue, hinting at the fierce determination within.

N'chokat's hair, dark brown and sleek, is swept back from his face, accentuating his angular features. His chiseled jawline is set with determination, while his narrow nose and thin lips lend him an air of sharpness. Battle has left its marks on him, evident in the scar that stretches across his left eye, adding a hint of mystery to his countenance. Additional scars crisscross his strong arms and chest, testaments to his many struggles and victories.

In his hands, N'chokat wields an imposing weapon—an axe, honed to perfection. The blade gleams with an ominous glint, reflecting the fire in his eyes. Its haft, intricately carved and reinforced, fits snugly in his grip, a natural extension of his formidable strength. With every swing, the axe becomes an extension of his will, a tool through which he channels his indomitable power.

N'chokat, a warrior of experience and battle-hardened resolve, radiates a sense of primal power and unwavering determination. With his formidable axe in hand, he stands ready to face any adversary that dares to cross his path, his every movement exuding an air of confidence and unwavering conviction.

Rael'Dor on the other hand stood tall and imposing, his presence commanding attention on the battlefield. His sturdy physique is a testament to his years of combat experience. His rugged Amargan features are accentuated by his battle-hardened visage. Rael'Dor has dark, weathered scales that shimmer in shades of deep green. His eyes are fierce and determined, with a fiery intensity that reflects his unwavering resolve.

He wears practical armor, crafted from sturdy materials and adorned with intricate engravings. The armor is designed to allow for agility while providing adequate protection. Rael'Dor's attire includes flexible scalemail covering his torso, complemented by fitted gauntlets and greaves that safeguard his limbs. He moves with a fluid grace, each step exuding confidence and readiness.

In his hands, Rael'Dor wields a formidable weapon—a flail. The flail consists of a handle with a solid grip, allowing for precise control and swift movements. Connected to the handle is a sturdy chain, and at the end of the chain hangs a spiked metal ball. The spikes on the ball are sharp and menacing, capable of delivering devastating strikes. Rael'Dor expertly swings the flail, utilizing its weight and momentum to deliver powerful blows that can crush armor and bones alike. The sound of the flail whirling through the air is both intimidating and awe-inspiring, a testament to Rael'Dor's skill and strength.

With his imposing presence and the deadly precision of his flail, Rael'Dor is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His years of experience and mastery of the flail make him a formidable warrior, capable of turning the tide of any close-range encounter.

"Let's go and kill a Targoshrax" Ivo'Zen said to them with a broad smile on his face.




Ivo'Zen, Rael'Dor and N'chokat were all going to the place where they could hunt a Targoshrax.

The Targoshrax lived in thesame planet with them, but they did not interact with them. The AMARGANS easily found a Targoshrax whenever they were on mountain tops.

There is a majestic mountain range in the planet known as "Nalayashan" which literally means: "Tall skies".

On the top of those moutains it was easier to find A Targoshrax lying on one of the moutains sleeping away.

It was very hard to fight a single Targoshrax talk more of two. It was better for a group of Amargans to fight one single Targoshrax than two or three Targoshrax at a time.

The Targoshrax were powerful dragon-like creatures that were at the planet Citarada.

They were now on the mountain climbing, none of them instituted any conversation. They wanted their journey to be as quiet as possible so that only their footsteps could be heard.

If the place was noisy, it would be hard for them to hear a Targoshrax coming after them. They had to remain quiet so that They could hear any Targoshrax coming.

They had finally entered one of the Moutains and inside that mountain, it had a big dent in it, the dent looked like a cave that was extremely dark.

Darkness was a problem to humans, but to the Amargans race, it's nothing, the Amargans see through darkness like it was even day time.

The had entered inside the dent that looked like a cave which was dark.

The sound of somethings moving could be heard. The sound accelerated, The three Amargans were not a bit scared of what was coming there way, it was not even a Targoshrax. It was another beasts entirely. it was a lesser strong beasts known as Skurran.
