
Clouded Heart

A story about a human and a vampire falling in love. Its an overdone classic, but that won't stop them.

Asuke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

One Way or Another

Warning: This story contains violence and non-consensual elements. Please read with caution.

**Warning, some offensive language.**

Chapter Eight

Kyou sank into a crouch. He had no idea that Kain was in that sort of  relationship with Enoch. Not he cared, but Kain was only a teenager… and Enoch was an over seven foot tall demon for christ's sake! If he was as big Kyousuke could imagine… down there... then, well, Kyousuke actually didn't want to imagine it.

And then there was that hug he gave Aloys, and the fact that vampire had hugged him back with no sexual harassment. He felt himself blush even more.

Kyou didn't know why he was feeling like this, but he felt like he was starting to have some sort of fucked up stockholm syndrome type of reaction to Aloys. Not that he was being held here against his will and being locked away to never see the light of day, but it felt different to other times he had had feelings for other people.

The infatuations usually lasted the amount of time it took the other party to say a handful of words before Kyou had lost interest, but with Aloys he found himself becoming more and more curious- even though he hated the man at the same time.

Kyousuke sighed and stood up. He was tired, his body still not used to his new sleep schedule and the emotional rollercoaster of what he should do about Aloys.

"I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me," he said and flopped onto his bed, hugging his pillow.


Unfortunately tomorrow's Kyousuke had more problems of his own.

He couldn't fall asleep till the early morning hours. It caused him to oversleep and wake up about ten minutes before work. After a quick shower and some food, he was off but he was late.

Then when he arrived, the bar was packed. Like, unreasonably so, so that meant tightened security, which meant there was security guards in every corner of the establishment and following Lyall like a bunch of chicks following their mother. If chicks were big, ugly and scary, that is.

 Predictably Kyousuke found himself unable to make eye contact with Enoch without thinking of what he witnessed the day before, so he chose to avoid him. It wasn't like the demon seemed to care but Kyou still felt bad.

Enoch had never said anything unkind to Kyou like the others had- well actually he never said anything at all- so Kyou actually didn't mind being around him. Honestly the demon was like bug repellent to other fiends and Kyou usually tended to make use of that but at the moment he felt guilty, so doing that wasn't an option tonight.

He sighed and moved to the table with his notepad to take the order of the group that just arrived.

Kyousuke was surprised when he arrived. "You're humans…" he found himself saying before he could stop himself.  

"Well, of course we are," one of the men responded in a condescending tone. He wrapped an arm around the girl beside him.

"I'm sorry," Kyousuke said scathingly. "I just meant that I'm surprised you're all stupid enough to come in here."

Usually humans wandered into the bar by accident,  and after some explaining and redirecting, they were easily ushered out. But it seemed it wouldn't be easy with these guys.

The group leered. "And what about you? You're human," another man said, his piggy eyes appraised Kyou in disgust, " You look like a fiend loving faggot."

The grip Kyou had on his pen caused it to snap, the plastic making a nasty crack and the black ink  cover his hand like some inky blood.

"Yeah," The girl leaning against her man chimed in. "Aren't you just acting desperate? Showing so much skin and acting like someone who's fucking better than us? Please, bitch."

Kyousuke's heart was pounding now, his whole body shaking in anger. He wanted nothing better than to fucking crack the assholes over the head with a glass pitcher.

"Human cock ain't enough for ya anymore? Well, if you shake that ass for me and beg, I'll show you what you've been missing~" the piggy eyed man cackled.

Kyousuke gave a smile. It was nasty smile, full of spitefulness and devoid of any kindness. He leaned forward so he was a few inches away from the man who spoke.

"Well, as tempting as that sounds,  I'll fucking pass. You see, when I have sex with a demon its fucking filthy. It's dark, so sexual and all the ones I've had have had the best, the biggest and the thickest cocks I've ever seen," he placed his hands on the table to lean in even further. Then his voice got so husky and thick, he didn't even recognize it.

"After riding something like that 'till I cum so fucking hard, I pass out, do you think I'd ever want your tiny, pathetic prick up my ass?"

The man's eyes were wide as Kyou straightened. He and his friends were silent for a long moment before whatever spell Kyousuke had over them seemed to break.

"You nasty fucking-"

"Darling, I didn't know that's how felt about me~" Aloys' voice chimed in, his accent smooth and sexy and just as fucking irritating as always to Kyou.

He slipped an arm around Kyousuke's waist.

"Hearing you describe our shenanigans to complete strangers would have made me blush...well, if I had any blood to blush with that is," he said with some mockery.

The vampire flashed his fangs at the group as his hand slid down to Kyou's hip, squeezing it possessively.

"I also heard them call you an unsavory name I care not to repeat. Honestly, how very vulgar of you. Maybe I should make you my next meal to amend for your rudeness," he taunted the group with a smirk. "What say you, darling?"

The girl seemed enamored and pale with fright, and the men looked like they wanted to pick a fight.

"Don't fucking bother," Kyousuke spit as he shrugged of Aloys' hand. "Even if you don't kill them, something in this place will. Fucking idiots," he said and turned to walk away.

He didn't get two steps before a loud bang sounded of behind and he turned around to see the presumed leader of the group face first on the table and had one arm pinned behind his back by Aloys.

The vampire was hissing and his fangs were at the man's neck. The girl shrieked and the pig eyed man cussed and started to move toward his friend. Aloys' head shot up and he let out a vicious snarl. The man whimpered and stayed where he was.

"Now," Aloys said, twisting the man's arm again and smiling at the pained scream he brought out of the human, "You want to try that again? I almost thought you were ignoring my beloved's generous advice and actually tried to touch him. Your offenses keep racking up."

"I I wasn't! I swear-ah god that hurts! Get your fucking dead hands off of me!"

Kyou grabbed Aloys' arm. "Let him go! You can't kill him!"

"But I am so very hungry~" The vampire protested. "And killing him will improve my foul mood."

"I said no. killing." Kyousuke repeated with a frown.

He was scared shitless but he wasn't going to have Aloys be the cause of death for these morons.

I don't want him to touch anyone but me, the thought fluttered through his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.  He didn't want Aloys killing any humans because it was wrong! He wasn't going to stand by and watch other people get killed, no matter how stupid they were. He just wanted them to get the fuck out of there.

Aloys sighed and released his grip on the man.

"You better leave breathing while you still can, or you will be leaving in a body bag. Or maybe as one of us," he threatened. "Your choice."

The man and his friends whimpered and scrambled to leave as fast as they could. The bar at that point began to pick up in noise again, and made Kyou realize that everyone nearby had been watching the exchange.

"Ok, you fucks! Show is over!" he yelled and gestured with his hands at the fiends.

The patrons grumbled and went back to whatever they where doing and Kyou went to do the same.

He felt Aloys grab his wrist.

"Where are you going, darling?"

"Will you fucking stop? What are you doing here anyway?" Kyou said and tried to take his hand back.

"I was just trying to keep up appearances," he said in a mocking pout. "I came to see you."

"The fuck does that mean?" Kyousuke asked and succeeded in pulling his hand away.

"It means it will make me a liar if what I said before was not true," Aloys said and followed beside him. " I said you were my consort, that you belonged to me. If the others found out it wasn't true, I can't say what would happen."

Kyou went behind the bar to make some drinks. "You are so full of shit," he said and began to mix drinks.

"I am not. Why do you think you haven't had any problems since you started? I stuck my neck out for you infront of everyone here. If they think you are fair game then who knows what could happen to you. After all, I don't even know who is after you to begin with."

"And I suppose this being Lyall's territory has nothing to do with it?"

"This isn't Lyall's territory," Aloys retorted.

"This territory has been mine for over a hundred years, nothing happens without my knowing. Lyall is my sire, so what is mine he may use to a certain degree according to the law."

 Kyou paused in his drink making.

"What about the fight the other night. Lyall threw your ass out of here-"   

"This is may be Lyall's bar, but it is currently on my territory. I am over 500 years old, I have my own responsibilities."

"You are over 500 years old?" Kyou said and  put down his drink. " That's fucking incredible? How old is Lyall?"

"Didn't you know it's rude to ask a lady's age?"  Lyall interrupted, sitting on a stool beside Aloys before the later could open his mouth to answer. He crossed ne leg over the other. "Now, sweeties, what was it that I saw earlier? Are you two finally fucking? I guess I won the bet~"

"We aren't fucking! That's a -" Absurd? Disgusting? "Ridiculous accusation. And you are not a 'lady'."

"Ouch, sweetheart, that would hurt my heart if I had one," Lyall cried dramatically, then stood up and leaned close to Aloys. " I actually came over to tell you something, Aloys."

"And that is?"

Kyousuke pretended to not pay attention but he saw the redhead whisper something in the others ear. Aloys' face darkened a little and then stood up as well.

" Don't wait up for me. I have business and I don't know when it'll be done," he said to Kyou before he turned and left back out into the night.

Kyou let out a snort of disbelief. " Wasn't fucking planning on it!" He yelled after the vampire knowing he would be heard.


Aloys heard the door shut behind him with a click as Kyousuke's words reached his ears.

He shook his head as he went out onto the dark streets.

"Are you two really not fucking?" Lyall asked with doubt, suddenly beside him.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Lyall didn't seemed impressed by Aloys' taunt. The younger vampire rolled his eyes.

"No. We aren't. But anyway, let's go somewhere we can talk," He held out his arm for Lyall to take. It was a force of habit he really needed to stop, but after living over half a millenia, old habits died hard.

Lyall took his arm and gave a sly smile. "Why yes, I think that's a wonderful idea."

They then were wrapped in shadows and were gone.

From the darkness there was a pair of eyes and ears that witnessed the exchange. There was a grunt and two tall and broad figures stepped out into the light of the fluorescent bar signs.

There was a deep voice that rang out in the night air and it echoed all around. It was a strange and lost language, full of lits and swings in tone as it was spoken. It seemed to be a chant that was joined by other voices in different pitches. They spoke in unison and rhythm. The voices had just begun to swell when the door burst open and a human stumbled out.

"Hey, Aloys you...forgot your phone. Damn it, he's already gone. Fucking vampire jutsu…" he turned to go back in when he noticed the group conjugated around him.

"Ah…" He began nervously, "S..sorry about interrupting…"

He then raced back inside and by the time a guard returned the group was gone. There were no traces or marks of any indication of their presence. At least none that he noticed…


Kyou felt a little freaked out still by the hooded freaks from earlier in the night, but Mew didn't see anything or feel anything where he went out there to investigate.

His shift ended without incident and with a sigh of relief and exhaustion, he grabbed his stuff to leave for home.

Kyou slipped out of the bar to head home by himself. The others were busy with the clean up and security checks of the building from the surge of customers that night, and Kyou sure as fuck was not waiting for them to take him home. He'd be careful and go by himself.

The air was crisp and a little cold for mid september, but the cold and clean smell was a welcome relief from all the sweat and blood from all the fiends in the bar. Kyou turned the corner to go down the street. Just as he passed an opening to an alley he was grabbed by the throat and thrown to ground.

He didn't even have the air to scream for help as his head cracked back against the brick as he was pinned against it.

Kyousuke's assailants grabbed him by the hair  and pulled his head sharply to the side.

A sinking fear settled into his gut as his dizzy mind processed that he was about to be eaten by something.

"Where's your fang boy now, you vampire loving bitch?"

Kyou recognized the voice, it was one of the humans from earlier,  but all he could do was grasp at the arms holding him up, desperate for air to fill his lungs.

"Yeah I fucking thought so. You think you're some hot shit because a fucking vamp uses you as a sex toy. Well sorry, you whore, but you are sorely mistaken. I'm going to make you regret the things you said to us tonight. One way or another."

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