
Cloud Mimicry, in MHA

Aizen Kumo. A young boy born in the MHA world, with one of the most powerful quirk which could exist at this time. He had a precise objective in joining the UA, one of the most famous high school in the world. You will see that being a hero isn't in his schedule at all... but what will he do when the whole world is turning him into one? He does not want to be a hero, but could it be as fun as what he originally wanted? -*-*-*- This world is an AU where a few people will be gender-bent for my pleasure. No harem, don’t waste your time if you think it is one. There won't be any r-rated chapter by the way. Discord server: https://discord.gg/bgvXTQk Discord name: Antlike#8189 (I will probably not reply in the same day)

Antlike · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Prelude 6/6

[Villains, heroes... who cares?] -???


"Well... it was nice seeing you Katsura, but Ibara and I still have a lot of things to visit today, so we will just go eat before the food becomes cold and the fries soft." I said, turning around.

I don't want to be in the middle of a war zone, to be honest. I can't believe I came with this perfect reply in a millisecond.

Ibara still grabbing my arm followed my steps silently after broking the gaze battle with Katsura.

Obviously, it was too easy to be true.

The moment we were about to step outside, Katsura called me once again, making Ibara and I stop in our tracks.

"Eizen!" Turning my head around to 'look' at her, I replied with an unsure "Yes?" and waited for her to talk.

"You better stop by my house before you go home!" She said angrily.

Not waiting for my answer, she immediately walked away, probably rejoining her family as I don't see her coming observing animals, no matter how cute they are.

Thankfully, nothing much happened during the meal and the rest of the date as both Ibara and I had a lot of fun.

It is fun to see her often go out of character and acting like any normal girl of her age would and not doing things as a nun would do.

We are currently walking back to her home at a slower pace than a retired couple.

Talking about a retired couple, one just ran past us.

"Move aside slow kids!" The old man shouted, shaking his walking sticks in the air.

Why do you even have a walking stick if you can run old fool?

Well, it doesn't matter much as it did break the strange silence that there was between Ibara and me.

The two of us looked at each other before laughing.

"I did not know that old people have so much energy to spare." I said, initiating a new conversation.

"It is impressive for sure."

We continued to talk the rest of the way before stopping in front of her door. Feeling the warmth on my skin due to the rays of the sun, I turned my head to the side successfully bathing my face or more like the lower half in its last rays of the day.

The sun already began to disappear on the horizon as it shines in a magnificent orange.

Turning back my head toward Ibara, I could see her looking at my face closely with a pondering look as if she was arguing with herself.

"Wha-" Before I could pronounce the first word of my question, the vine-haired girl planted her lips on my cheek.

"Than- thanks for today Ei- Eizen." Once she was done with her very fast thanks, she ran inside and slammed the door shut, in hope of hiding her red face from me.

Smiling at her more than unusual actions, I replied knowing well that she was still behind the door.

"It was my pleasure Ibara. See ya soon."

The second after, my body disappeared in a mist before completely disappearing, carried away by the winds.

A few minutes later, I was in front of the explosive blond's house.

Tidying my clothes which always gets a little wet after my dematerialization, I pressed the doorbell.

Do you know that the first time I dematerialized my whole body, I rematerialized without clothes? Apparently, they rematerialized a few kilometers in the air. I remember that the nun was confused to see in the middle of the garden without clothes.

The good ol' times...

The door's noise as it was being open stirred me out of my thoughts. My gaze immediately locked with Katsura's.

Her brows were furrowed, but it was her normal expression.

"Hey, Katsu~! Wanted to talk to me?" I asked her.

Not replying, she suddenly took my arm and brought me inside before closing the door behind me, or more like slamming it.

The noise seems to not please her mother as the middle-aged woman walked in the corridor, shouting in the same way Katsura does almost every time.

"Where the heck do you think you are young girl?!"

"In my house old hag!" Katsura replied, pulling me upstairs.

Seeing me, the older Bakugou greeted me with a sweet smile, completely contrasting her old scowl.

"Hello, Eizen-kun! Call me if Katsura is trying to kill you."

"Ya the one I will kill if you do not return to your stupid cakes!" Katsura said one last time, as we disappeared upstairs.

Bringing me into her room, she pointed at her bed while looking at me.

A smile took place on my face as I said teasingly.

"Waa~ You want to do 'it' with me right now? You became so bol-" My sentence was cut due to me having to dodge her fist.

"Shut the fuck up you clown! Sit down and listen!"

"Aye~" I sighed as I sat on the surprising soft bed.

Seeing that she had all my attention, Katsura sat toward the head of the bed and grabbed a cushion that she hugged close to her chest. Her eyes were focused on me as she seems to be thinking about the next things she would say to me.

Letting her think without my inquisitive 'gaze', I moved my head around the room, observing more closely the elements composing her bedroom.

It has been a while since I came here, and it changed quite a lot.

The room seems... girlier.

Quite strange knowing the tomboy which was probably planning how to dispose of my body now that she was alone with me.

"Eizen." Her voice made me turn my head toward her.

She seems to gather her courage. Something that she never does besides when she has to ask me something.

"I am listening princess."

A nickname I gave her. Usually, it is 'princess boom-boom'. However, she seems quite serious about her next words so I decided to stop at 'princess'.

Finally done with the ki gatheri- I mean courage gathering, she looked at me with decisiveness and said.

"Train me!"

"Hm... Sorry?" I was actually quite confused. Which is an impressive fit.

"In a few months, we will have the entrance test for UA High."


"I noticed that I never was able to touch you. No matter what I tried it was like you could see in the future. Don't bother replying that it is only some lucky moves as I know that you barely even tried."

My smile still on my face, I took a more serious behavior.

"I didn't know you would notice that." I said.

To be honest such a thing is not something that could be disturbing my plan. It just was surprised that she took this route.

Knowing her character, she would have done her best to become better than me without any help. I guess that I underestimated human's unpredictability.

"You better accept and train me!" She said, trying to look threatening.

But I could feel her racing heart as she seems quite embarrassed and nervous. The facade she put was pretty much useless in front of me.

"Well, why not? It could be quite fun. And I also need some training, it's been a long time since I really trained." I said, which seems to relieve her of a huge boulder as her heart began to slow down.

"Good, we will begin next week. My mother will take us a subscription to a dojo where we can use alters." She said, looking more relaxed.

"It will be useful yes." Standing up, I opened the window.

"I still have a few things to do. See ya next Monday!" I said before jumping through the window.

"You little-!" Katsura shouted, but I was already too far.

'I still wanted to talk to you, idiot!' The blond girl thought.

Unfortunately, her thoughts will not reach the boy today.


Appearing in my bedroom through my window, I immediately closed it as I could feel some clouds ready to cause rain.

I then proceeded to remove my clothes and go take a good cold shower. To be honest I don't feel the difference between cold and hot on my skin so it was just a shower.

Once done, I put on some pajamas and proceeded to go downstairs.

Going past every room, I once again went to the basement.

Sitting in the chair of the computer, I turned it on.

"Time to configure you."

It was finally time to finish the artificial intelligence.

Connecting the computer to the internet was far from sufficient. I needed it to make decisions alone. To be able to think, to react, and to anticipate.

If I want to make the society I imagined, my imperfection as a human being would stop me in my tracks.

Making this A.I was the best choice as it would cover my errors and perfect my plans and actions.

I would probably be able to finish it by the time I have to enter U.A, but with the training with Katsura and school, it will be a close call.

Sighing as I refocused and I cracked my finger, I got ready myself for the very long night awaiting me.

Switching on the microphone that I directed toward me.

"20 March 2XXX, nidation of the artificial intelligence in Vessel, a supercomputer. Codex 1."

1569 words.

I was not planning to write today as I have quite a few tests in the week. But guess that you are a bunch of lucky fellows.

Tell me what you think of the chapter, it took me a few hours.

I have a lot planned, I always try to sort my ideas and make the best of each. It is quite difficult.

Whatever, I know that very few of you read this. But if you did, I must thank you for the support.

Take care!

Antlikecreators' thoughts