
Writer's Journal #4

Hi everyone!

How are you doing right now? No, for real how are you?

Did you have a happy moment today?

If you feel down, then relax, and breathe, and think of a funny looking cloud.

I hope that made your little sad moment less sad, and more happy.

These days, I realized something important. I now know why my novel feels a tad flat. Sometimes, it's dry. As if, everything is in there, but at the same time, something isn't. Something is lacking, that is.

And so, I finally understood what is the problem. That is, my villain.

The villain isn't developed. Left in the corner, crying. Abandoned and forgotten.

On the same note, the antagonistic forces also aren't much discussed.

So, that's what on my to do list. Villain and antagonist.

That's all,

now, I'm going to work on that, and I'll see how it all turns out in the end!
