
Cloned in Heaven

RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson; I am her. I collaborated with GOD, A.K.A. Jesus Christ, To help me write this book. A clone of the famous Beyoncé named Tiny B is only made for her owner Tyrone who just wanted to marry and screw the star he had an obsession with. Still, her being a baby and bit Beyoncé due to simply having a copy of her DNA but not Beyoncé's soul or spirit led to many years of abuse. Tiny B grew into a lonely and forcefully secluded child, her owner, Tyrone, knew she wasn't Beyoncé and grew impatient with her, as he knew he'd never get the real thing... Which was lucky since the real Beyoncé is married with many kids, and Tyrone is a rapist Pedophile. Tiny B decided to follow her aunt, Tyrone's sister named Angel, to Church, but clones weren't allowed there; in fact, the year is 2023, and when the U.S. Gov. found out clones were honest, they banned them from going to any CHRISTIAN meetings, prayer, etc. Mainly because they thought it was blasphemy and clones didn't have fundamental rights. _ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The Universal Copyright Convention describes the use of the symbol. Copyright refers to the legal right of the intellectual property owner. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they authorize are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

RedBeeSandAmber2 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Tiny B

Tiny B Has A massive scar on the right shoulder received due to a kitchen accident.

Skin: Caramel Brown

Hair color: 👧 Brown

Eye color: Brown

Hair type: Tight curls

Tiny B believes in mythological creatures.

Tiny B's sentences are rarely started with "so."

Tiny B rarely speaks in metaphor.

Tiny B's interests include romance novels and environmentalism.

Tiny B's skills include acting, being stealthy, and playing the flute.

Tiny B likes to write ✍🏻 and wants to be a writer and an actor when she grows up.

Tiny B is moody.

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