
CLOCKWORK: Eternal Love’s Curse

Jason Rami, an 18 year old high school senior keeps losing pockets of time and waking up soaked in blood without any memories of what happened the previous night. His only window of hope to understanding what’s going on with him seems to be his gorgeous classmate, Cleo. Jason soon finds out he has been roped into an eternal love curse and him and Cleo are the fated vessels for the reincarnation of a deep romance between Egyptia’s King Rami and Queen Cleophethrah. Will he be the perfect vessel to exact King Rami’s vengeance on the 21st century world?

Song_birdie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


The house of Jason's grandfather (Richard) was really old. It looked aged in every way and smelled like moth balls inside.

Jason felt both worry and anger at the state of living of his grandpa. His heart broke into pieces.

"Herman my son, I'm so happy you're here, you never come home these days. Take a seat." Richard said cleaning an old dusty chair for Jason to sit.

"How's your wife. I hope you're treating her good now. She complained to me just yesterday about you. She said you never come home anymore even though she's pregnant with your child. She said it's a boy. Hehehe, another strong boy for the Rami bloodline." Richard laughed looking very pleased.

Jason's countenance fell. His grandpa's brain was somewhere in the past and he didn't know how to get it back.

He sat down and looked into his grandpa's eyes. "Martha had the baby. And yeah he's a strong one." Jason forced a smiled.

"Ahhh already? Why didn't you tell me? I must come see him. I'll come with you now...cough...cough" Richard choked as he tried to get up to follow Jason home.

Jason immediately ran to him to support him and sit him back down. "No, no, not just yet. Maybe later." Jason said calming the old man down.

"Okay. Just remember to treat Martha right. She's a good woman and she's going to take her son and leave you soon you know? Don't be stupid and lose such a good woman. That's not how Ramis should behave. We should treat our women right."

" I agree. We should." Jason said tearing up in his eyes.

"Hah! Herman, why do you have tears in your eyes? I told you never to cry boy! You're a man! Men don't cry. Wipe those things off your face and be brave! That's what I've always taught you!" Richard commanded Jason.

Jason was feeling perplexed. He felt horrible seeing that his grandpa's mind was far gone but he also needed to get the information about the Mijer to save the world from the evil inside of him.

He didn't know what else to do or who else to ask about it so he decided within himself.

'At this point I'll take anything so yeah, I think I should still just ask him.'

"Hey, grandpa, uhhh, I mean dad...do you happen to know anything about the creepy clock you kept in my house?" Jason asked.

"The clock! The clock!!! The clock!!!!" The old man suddenly burst into screams.

Jason stood up and held him tightly trying to calm him down. Soon, the old man relaxed.

"It was all my father ever talked about. The clock he loved more than he loved me. He made me swear by my life to keep it safe no matter what." Richard wheezed.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Richard screamed again.

"Don't worry grand-, uhhh dad, it's in my house and it's safe. I'm gonna keep it safe. You don't have to worry about that." Jason assured him.

"Herman! Is that you? Ohhhh welcome home my boy! You never come home!" Richard looked at Jason again and hugged him tightly.

Jason was shocked. His grandpa was suffering greatly.

"Come my son, let me make a pot of tea for you." Richard turned around and began to walk towards the kitchen.

"Dad! What do you know about the Mijer?!" Jason asked.

The old man stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. "The evil will seep out and the evil will destroy. The Mijer's work undone."

"The evil will seep out and the evil will destroy, the Mijer's work undone." He repeated taking small steps toward Jason.

Jason freaked out at the sight of this. He was getting more and more frustrated and infuriated. He walked toward the old man, held him by his collar and yelled," What does that even mean?!"

"My father, he used to say that. He used to...pancakes. Maggie where are the pancakes? Get pancakes for my son. My son is here. Maggie!!!" The old man derailed once again.

At this point Jason gave up. He released the old man and turned to the door to leave.

The cooler his mom gave him stood in front of him. He took it up and put it into the old man's hands.

"This is for you. I'll be back with help." He said clutching the old man's hands around the cooler.

"Goodbye grandpa. I'll see you soon. I promise." He then opened the front door and left.


Jason was furious at his father. For leaving Richard, his own father alone in such a state. His father was pure evil in his eyes. He had abandoned Jason and his mother when Jason was so little and now he left his own father to rot in a crumbling house with dementia.

Jason's anger rose and rose.

He had to come up with a new plan to track down the Mijer and now since his grandfather wasn't making any sense, he had to go see his father. The evil man. He wished it away so badly but that wouldn't change the fact that it was his only remaining option to try.

Jason's bus got him back to his street really late. The night had progressed and he walked on the street quickly to get back to his mom.

'I hope mom's okay. She must have missed me today.' He smiled. 'She's not gonna believe what I'm gonna tell her about grandpa. My dad really is trash.' He thought to himself.

Finally, he got to his house. It was very quiet in the garden. Not even the sound of crickets could be heard.

Jason didn't notice as he just wanted to see his mom and get to bed immediately.

He opened the front door. The lights in the living room were all turned off.

'Hmmm strange.' He thought.

"Mom! Mom! I'm home!" Jason yelled as he dropped his bag on the couch and turned on the lights.

The lights revealed a group of black cloaked people standing in the midst of his living room. They were trying to heave something really huge away in a big bag.

"Nooo!!! Mom!!!!" Jason screamed as he rushed into battle without thinking.

He landed heavy punches on the people who held the giant bag causing them to drop it.

The rest just eerily stood very still and watched as he screamed his mom's name and tried to open up the bag.