

Pant! Pant! On a dark secluded forest, where huge plantation dominated the vicinity, a young beautiful woman with long luscious silver hair bolted through the forest. One of her notable features was that she had a pair of pointy ears and seven pure white tails. These made her seem to exude a divine and untouchable aura.

In contrast to the dark landscape around her, the forest behind her was completely dyed red, while large fumes of smoke covered the air above.

A solemn expression was plastered on her face. Pain gripped onto her heart, as her mind was full of sadness and regret. Her blue robes were in rags, while her body was smeared with dark soot. In between her hands, she carried a young innocent looking boy.

Despite not being over 6 years of age, the young boy's brows were tightly knitted together as if he is in great pain. Similar to the woman, parts of his body were charred black and filled with numerous wounds.

Skree! Skree! A deafening high pitched shriek resounded through the forest. Suddenly, countless shadows emerged out of the darkness, causing a feeling of imminent death to permeate into the surrounding.

The young woman's face paled, while she bit her lips. She knew she was almost at her limit, but she had no choice left to hold on. Out of desperation, the silver haired woman's speed kicked up a notch. At this point, she was so fast that she left many after images everywhere she go.

However, to her horror, the shadows still managed to follow her to the point where they were even catching up to her! She knew that once she got caught up, it will directly lead to her doom. This is because each and every one of the shadow's can rival a million year old grandmaster's strength!

"AHAHAHA, come here little foxy, there is no where left to go," a domineering voice called out to her.

Hearing this dreaded voice, her entire being shook with an insurmountable hate. This is the same person who killed her family. The same person who have now killed her beloved master and destroyed her new home. And finally, he is the same person who have targeted her ever since she was born, causing her to live an eternal life of a lonely refuge.

Not even bothering to reply, she used whatever is left of her energy to dash forward. In front of her was an ominous pitch black abyss. Space seemed to bend around it, while an unknown force was constantly pulling everything towards it.

As soon as she reached her destination, she halted her movements and turned around to look at the man who had caused her life to have so much pain.

There stood a handsome middle aged man wearing a crimson red blind fold, as his figure was illuminated by the faint streak of moonlight. He had a nonchalant expression eventhough he was severely wounded at the chest area. She knew very well that she must not be fooled by his looks, as deep inside this person hides a terrifying amount of bloodlust and unparalleled power.

"My village, my master, all of them lives on with me. As long as I'm alive, I shall make you regret ever setting your eyes on me!" she shouted with a resolute voice.

"AHAHAH! little foxy, what can you do? You do have a monstrous potential due to your bloodline that even I, Yaksha, covet. However, it is still too early for you to even think of injuring me." the man with the blindfold replied in a cold tone.

Knowing full well of his ruthlessness, she didn't allow him a chance as she did the unthinkable. She swiftly turned around and jumped into the abyss without any hesitation!

The man eyes were wide open, as he himself didn't believe what she has done."You are crazy! There is no way you will survive that. Are you so willing to give up on your life whom many have made sacrifices to?" he shouted, clearly enraged.

It had to be known that the locals of the area had given the abyss the terrifying name ' Deadmen's hell hole'. Countless experts stretching across the realsm had attempted to unravel the mysteries of the abyss throughout history. Despite their effort, they all received the same fate, where they perish after getting forcefully pulled into the abyss.

Thus, the abyss was ranked as the top 3 most dangerous and mysterious site of all realms, as all essence, no matter living or non living, will be sucked into it and disappear forever from the world.

Under the faint streak of moonlight illuminating her, she was like a peerless goddess descending from the heavens. Closing her eyes, she hugged the boy in her hands tightly and relied on her entire being to protect him.

A blinding white light spread out of the bottomless abyss. After a few seconds, everything went completely still as if nothing ever happened. Nothing left could be seen in the abyss- the light has disappeared and it returned back to its normal pitch black colour. The man with the blindfold wore an extremely gruesome expression, as he stared intently at it.

Finally, he shook his head and gathered all of the shadows. Instantly, all the shadows were sucked into him and he left the site with his fist clenched.


A young six year old boy with jet black hair slowly opened his eyes. His body ached and it took every ounce of his energy to move. A pair of soft, comforting hands were wrapped around him.

Looking up, he saw a peerless goddess with fox ears holding him with her eyes closed. Strangely enough, she was glowing a bright silver colour and her skins seemed translucent. Her face were pale and she seemed beyond exhausted, as beads of sweat formed on her face.

In the midst of all the confusion, he soon realised that his surrounding was completely dark, devoid of anything. Moreover, he was falling at a terrifying speed! A heavy pressure was crashed on him from all sides. It felt as if he was placed deep underneath the ocean, where he had to resist the insane water pressure.

A maniacal torrent of essence rotated around him, forming small beads of compressed orbs. These bright orbs in the dark were just like the stars in the night sky. If not for the faint white barrier shielding him from them, he felt that he would already be disintegrated into nothingness.

In a split second, a bright silver light exploded and coated his entire being. The beauty had already disappeared, as the silver light were being absorbed into the boy's body. The image of the stars in the night sky had left a profound feeling in his heart before he slowly lost his consciousness again.