
This Doesn't Happen - Chapter One

My job isn't something you can pick up at a temp agency, once you're in my line of work you can't back out mid shift either you're in it for the long hall or you're dead. When it comes down to getting a "shift" so to speak, there is a lot of effort put into scheduling your hours. No one will call you and tell you what to do, you're literally your own boss. Which isn't all bad but can be the downfall to your own business - even if you're a great leader, it doesn't come in handy in my line of work.

Most of the time I spend a lot of money shopping myself around the area and spending time in different locations that I usually don't have to be in but, it's worth it for my job and really helps me out with money. When I find my next place of work it is mandatory I know where and when I have to be in and out of the place; I don't enjoy being lead astray by my "Client" even when I know what door's or gate's to access when moving in and out, there is always a catch to how fast or slow I need to be.

My next client is about thirty to thirty-five, and he's not the type to be seen without his suit on or anything other than designer clothing, meaning, he's loaded. I profiled him for any dodgy shit and found out he dealt ecstasy to a few people for a cheap buck. I knew he was the type to get high on weekends and had seen him get high once or twice.

'Monday - Tuesday works 0600 - 1800, Wednesday - Thursday 0800 - 2100 and Friday - Saturday 0400 - 1900. Sunday's off.' while sitting in my car and tailing my client, I watched him take a quick detour for the first time in two months - my interest was peaked.

'Where are you going?' I thought turning the corner.

Looking around and making sure I wasn't trespassing, I sighed at the fact there was so much goddamn traffic this morning, I stalked his car - making sure to keep an eye on the building I saw my client entering. I knew this was something shady and not professional business, he was either buying something or selling something.

With the sound of a horn, I held up my hand to say sorry in driver lingo and parked up, I lurked outside and waited around four - five hours. I became suspicious getting out of my vehicle, I walked along the side walk and looked at the small stand near my client's car.

"Hi there, could I have two hot dogs and a chilli dog?" ordering and blending in, I sighed. "It's getting colder this time a year! Aren't you going to pack it up sooner or later? hah!" having a chuckle with the owner of the stand I clocked my client leaving the building standing with a young woman, blossoming in her prime age.

"Cheers! Have a good night." I tip the guy two extra dollars and walk along the street, passing my client and hearing the conversation.

Client: Are you going to be there for eight sharp? *he sounds anxious*

Unknown-Women: Yes, will you chill the fuck out! *she whispers and gently nudges his left shoulder scratching the material with her fake nails.*

Client: Alright... I'll be there seven-thirty! Come earlier in case you're followed. *he fixes his tie and sighs anxiously.*

Getting the time and location, I knew exactly when and where to be but, the meet up didn't sound professional nor did the interaction give you any sign, it was legal. I hoped into my car and headed back to my apartment, piecing together all my needed essentials for the job. I knew this wasn't the best time but, the place of the meet was out of town, getting home would take at least an hour, and getting there would be the same.

"Six-forty-five, time to head out." I marked it off on my board and grabbed my bag and keys.

Existing the house and setting off, the drive over wasn't anything less than nerve wracking - i'd done my job for the past few months and made sure everything was bulletproof. A feeling of déjà vu always came over me doing the run there and then the drive back a profited man, it wasn't any different from any other day.

Making a left and cutting down the fast avenue, I parked two houses down for less suspicion. The house was blacked out and signs of life were nil. My client worked too much for room-mates and I'd never seen anyone leave the house or come in except him, I am sure it's empty. Walking out with my bags on my back, looking like a young man that just got back from the gym or a late shift and then the gym - I looked around casually and walked up to the house, pulling out the spare key I stole a few weeks ago. The CCTV I took care of a few weeks ago and my client refused to take the day off work to let the guy's into his house.

'In and out.' I opened the door and closed it quietly behind me.

Walking into the living room with my feet as silent as ever, I took a few pricey ornaments, silverware set worth more than a grand and other bits and bobs. Entering the patio, I checked through some boxes but there wasn't anything of value in them; nipping into the kitchen, a beautiful painting was on the wall, not worth anything but it was a beauty.

Taking myself upstairs and making sure it was clear, I opened a door and it lead to a large closet. I slipped a few expensive watches, rings and a pair of shoes in my bag without any trouble; he had some pretty nice things for a lonely guy. My eyes were drawn to the handle in the closest - was it a door? It wasn't on the blueprints, for sure.

I opened it and it was a room, darker than dark but, that was good. The neighbours would have a fit if the lights went on at this time, I sighed before walking over to the closets and took two or three things before kneeling down next to the bedside cabinet. I felt my fingertips caress the fake wooden handle, before feeling my stomach turn along with the sound of a quiet, eerie voice.

"Did you find what you wanted?" they sounded young but not child young, more of a young man with a voice not deep nor high. I froze, this didn't happen, and I was sure no one was home - how could someone be here if no one came in or fucking out.

"I wouldn't go for your left thigh pocket." the lamp light turned on and I turned my head to see a young man- as I thought - to my right. He had raven black hair parted just off to the left side. Eyes, deep green and toned but not cliché slim figure that most guys have, he must have modelled for sure.

"Aren't you going to say Hello, it's quite rude when you're in my house, friend." leaning back when he moved forward and noticeably had a gun in hand, I felt my backside hit the closet.

He walked over on his knees and straddled over my thighs, pressing the end of the gun behind my left ear. "Aren't you scared? A gun to your head and you're sitting here all quiet and well, staring at me." he asked casually.

'Did he get robbed often?'

I looked at his lips, eyes and hair before returning to his eyes. "Why don't you leave the house? I tracked the guy I thought lived here for months, he didn't make it known that he live-" feeling his finger press against my lips, I fell silent.

"Shhh... you just confessed to three crimes, are you stupid?" he teased, pressing the gun into my throat a bit more. "That business man, is my toy - you know?" he moved his knee between my legs and pressed against me.

"Yeah! I got it dude." I muttered out. Uncomfortable and taken back by the sudden sexual harassment.

He came to chuckle. "Are you virgin?" his accent sounded almost Russian but was Americanized for sure.

"Ha, none of your business but no, you've got a gun to my head, I don't think I can avoid answering your questions." I sighed and leaned my head back against the closet. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked the guy on top of me; who's knee was still against my balls.

He looked at my eyes and started to laugh to himself before clocking his gun and pushing it in my mouth. "Kill you, my friend~ I'd never dream of anything else, but, you're not like robber's from my past. You talk like you don't care for life and you're swift! Or... were swift when doing your job." he caressed my cheek. "I want you to work for me and if you don't, then, I will kill you, understand?" he put his finger on the trigger and let go of my face.

I nodded in response and felt the gun slowly leave my mouth, I closed my eyes in relief but felt his mouth against mine, the gun pressed against my crotch simultaneously. Our lips mingled, I wasn't losing my balls for a kiss, he cupped my cheek and kissed me roughly before the gun was moved but, I didn't know where. Suddenly the fine sound of air being sliced came to go right past my ear. "What the fuck!" I shouted. Turning my head and seeing a fine bullet hole in the closest door.

"Haha!.... ha! You work for me now, my little robber~" he sounded crazy, he was a fucking psycho shooting a hole in the wall an inch away from my head.

Feeling his hand cup my cheek and tongue travel up it, I sat still and gave this freak full reign over my body, he wasn't joking around and sure as hell wasn't scared of a bullet passing through my head.

"I think, I like you, Mouse~" he smirked and stood up.

Opening the cabinet and handing me a small black bag. "I'll call you on this phone. Do not use it for anything but talking to me, calling me and well for me! Alright." he smiled. "Oh, and before you go, If you don't answer one of my calls, there'll be consequence's, Mouse~" his eyes pierced right through me and I knew it was time to go. Taking the bag and my other things he cleared his throat and I put down the bag with all his goods inside it.

"You will be paid for your work and I tip nicely, don't fuck me over and I won't let you starve!" he put down his gun. "Run along now, Mouse. I'll contact you soon enough." once given the heads up I left immediately and got into my car.

That bastard was fucking crazy, he almost killed me, sexually assaulted me and proceeded to kiss me for his own twisted enjoyment - who the hell is he? and why does that guy live with him? Are they partners in crime or just partner's in the bedroom? He sure made it clear what he enjoyed by groping me.

"Fuck!" I hit the dashboard out of annoyance. Reversing out and heading home, I clocked that bastard watching me in the window, he was smiling. What a creep, who'd ever sleep with him.