
The Start (Somewhat fixed)

~[3rd Person]~

In a seemingly endless ever shifting rainbow of colors a tennis ball size floating gray soul hovers, until for an unknown amount of time.

~[1st Person]~

MC: uuuhhggg why does my head hurt so much. Its like someone smashed it with a hammer.

Unknown Feminine Voice: ho-ho looks like your awake seems like perfect timing as I just finished cleaning up the mess those ass-hats made, all that's left to deal with is you.

MC: WTF who's there? Where am I? What's going on?

From somewhere behind me I hear someone speak. I quickly turn to look where it came from. What I see is a graceful looking women that seems frustrated yet relieved as well.

Women: Oh one of those it seems..*sigh* well at least it'll make this quicker. Alright listen up my name is Sylvia the GOD of Grace. Well let's see your dead you see there was a *cough* "accident" caused by some other gods that were shall we say upset. It seems they got hooked on anime, then manga, then novels, and now are on fan-fiction even though I warned them that it was a endless rabbit hole.

MC: Yeah I agree FFs are always popping up for everything. But that doesn't tell me why I'm here.

Sylvia: Ha-ha agreed. Well a few followed the same novel only for the author to drop it, and so they threw a tantrum that caused massive earthquakes, and floods. In which case caused you to die.

MC: Okay? That, a, sucks ass.

Sylvia: Indeed. And unlike the other people who died your soul was held back as you were who they read, and watched through. So as compensation they gave you three wishes before sending you off to other worlds to entertain them more, and I'm the one who has to deal with it all as it's my millennia to watch the systems.

I stare stupefied at Sylvia. (FUCK its a trap a real trap shit there really are traps! I thought he was a she good thing I didn't say anything or I'd probably be dead..er.. erased I guess as I'm already dead...)

MC: Wait I'm dead FUCK me sideways. *sigh* Wait if I'm dead and just a soul how am I talking or looking...

Then I realize SHIT that means its most likely with thoughts, and that means he heard me about thinking he is a trap (I'm SO boned.) My thoughts were stopped as I hear a bell like laughing.

Sylvia: Ha,ha,ha,ha no your fine I get it all the time. Also where do you think the term trap came from? I visited the mortal world to spread it. I mean isn't it hilarious to see a man go after a trap thinking they are a women just to find out they aren't ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.

MC: I see... So you can hear my thoughts it seems.

Sylvia: Yes that's simply because of where are, and that you have no body, so no where to keep your thoughts.

MC: Oh okay um.. so about those wishes?

I "say" quickly {As I try to divert his attention, and my thoughts away}

Sylvia: Hum.. Oh! Right so you get 3 wishes and for the laughs after having to deal with that mess I'll let you choose your world to be sent to.

MC: Really? Noice okay um.. 1st wish can I have my own personal custom system?

Sylvia: NO!! everyone always asks for that no we stopped doing that a while ago as it just became everyone's OP and boring

MC: Well shit. Okay how about a shop that has everything, but only for points and can only gain points by selling stuff to it for 1/10th its purchase price, with stuff from worlds I haven't been to costing x10 more?

Sylvia: Hum? Yeah OK that seems interesting, but it'll take 2 wishes one for the shop to buy and the 2nd for selling and other worlds stuff.

Before I start to think stuff I don't want to have him hear I reply stopping my stuff from thinking anymore then needed.

MC: Really??? Um okay I'll take it so one wish left, okay 3rd wish I want to have my body be the same as Cloud Strife from FF7 Remake, but slightly more muscular with brown hair and bright blue eyes.

Sylvia: Yeah okay, but why brown hair its normally while or red or something?

MC: Because I've read and see enough to know other colors cause trouble heck I remember one anime where dude had black hair and was labeled the devil so do normal brown and be safe its not bright or too dark, and I think it's dumb to do white, red, green whatever cause yeah its always white hair red eyes like wtf why?

Sylvia: Agreed alright then so what world you want?

MC: So worlds I assume its all worlds like anime, and video games and whatnot right? *Sylvia Nods* Can I pick when and where or is it random or something?

Sylvia: Ho-ho nice catch there its my choice but since you asked go for it.

That stops me for a while thinking about all the different worlds from anime etc.. After a few minutes I pick one that is an "Easy" world, but still has stuff I want.

MC: I pick Highschool of the Dead. As for when I'll do the Sunday 2 weeks before the start of the plot, and for where I'll do as a new transfer student into the same class as Rei and the others, but I want it set up so I will be in the seat right behind her and right in front of Saya. I would like to be trans-migrated as a orphan from U.S. that bought the house next to Rika's. With a million yen and house/bills fully paid for a month/off completely, and to be 16-17yrs whatever age for the class, with my memories intact.

Sylvia: Wow you even did the how you'll enter was hoping you'd miss that so I could make you a baby or something its hilarious seeing adults forced to be newborns with there memories intact. That's if they ask for them most seem to forget that it makes a short 2nd life but its funny. Well sounds good have fun try to entertain us we might send you something if you do, but no promises there.

MC: Okay um thank you Sylvia, and I'll try.

What happens next is Sylvia snaps his fingers, and everything goes black. I open my eyes ("an unfamiliar ceiling" he-he check that off the bucket list... well if summoned/reincarnated bucket list.)

As I sit up to look around I fall hard on may face a a wave of memories slam into my head. And yell out "FUCKING HELL WHY!!!" (FUCK my head it killing me so fuck that god fucking asshole this is my "new life" left as a baby on a orphanage doorstep really? Bullied, and beat up because girls like me cause I'm nice and good looking the hell is this a cultivation story like why?? hard worker saved up to move to Japan cause loved anime that's okay, but NO friends or girlfriends like come on it's like some dense/tragic protagonists backstory...)

*sigh* Well at least it won't be that way anymore... man that was stressful had to just wing it all couldn't think to much or long as he'd hear it well jokes on you wont give me a system he-he I'll just buy one cause the shop has EVERYTHING (In your face.)

MC: okay so how do I use the shop... um... shop open? ..... open shop... show shop...

~5 minutes later~

What the fuck? nothing really nothing well shop isn't it... okay lets try Store a foot size square pops in front of me...

MC: REALLY P^×%#S*$@.... *sigh* well at least I have it now lets see.







{TOTAL SP 100}


A/N: Yo to any that missed it I am going back through and at least changing the format to like this as that's the one I like and started to use, as well seems others agree is better as well (^.^)they will have (Somewhat fixed) in the title when they are done.

Just finished Redoing this one so its not all one paragraph and cleaned it a bit not a ton just some.


AN: So adding this on here as a lot off ppl seem to be missing the key point of the 3rd wish so we goes. Its a sneaky 2fer wish, 1ST part looks Meh not really a big deal. its the 2ND part that is. To have a "body be the same as Cloud Strife from FF7 Remake". The first time you can play he is already an Ex-Solder. That means super strong. Able to swing a massive person size slab of metal like its cardboard. To be enhanced from Hojo's experiments, and solder's Mako shower. All this WITHOUT having to experience it with no mental problems nothing. That means no training and whatnot, but I'd take that deal in a Heartbeat. *sigh* (@.@)

I really thought everyone would get that hence why I worded it like that, and then quickly deflected with taking about changing looks it was meant to trick Sylvia, but it seems I either did it too well or just made it too obscure. And if so my bad sorry my fuck up. I really mean it my bad (T.T)

Hopefully this helps clear it up. *sigh* My bad

those about Sylvia and MC and what not, think about it like this a dude pops up tells you all that, but seems to not care in anyway I know Ima get what I can and get the fu*k out quick as I can. Him and the other gods/goddesses are supposed to come across as pompous a**es to them everyone and everything else are just toys to play with when they're bored.

Zadercreators' thoughts
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