
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

White brown and betrayal.

Two people are enjoying the beauty of togetherness in enjoying the pleasures of a very beautiful love, so that they are able to penetrate the nirvana of heaven on earth.

Slowly Samuel reached for a bowl of cold white chocolate which he would rub on his daughter's beautiful body. Samuel's firm fingers, but felt very soft and soft, when they touched Cleo's spongy part which was quite large.

"Hmm, you look very sexy, baby. Daddy really likes the beauty of your body," a touch of Samuel's fingers was able to arouse Cleo's passion again.

The girl rubbed her slender belly with her soft fingers, while Samuel was busy playing with white chocolate, on Cleo's chewy object.

"Aaagh, Daddy... this is so beautiful," Cleo squeezed Samuel's head, asking him to play wildly there.

samuel seems very well trained, in playing roles when he is in bed, playing with his fingers and tongue very nimbly when he touches the small reddish colored part which looks very fresh.

"Dadh...!" Cleo's moans made Samuel more active on his daughter's body.

"You like babies?" Samuel looked at Cleo's face, it was red, holding back the growing desire.

Her smooth face smiled, "I really like Daddy, please do it Dad... cle is not strong." he asked spoiled, when Samuel's fingers and tongue were already in the dark cave playing with small meat that looked like very beautiful pearls.

"Ooogh Daddy...!"

Cleo's head tilted upwards, squeezing the sheet tightly, as Samuel's tongue played nimbly down there. Her tiny lips were moaning, her body was shaking, even asking Samuel to let go of something that felt even more like it was going to explode.

Her beautiful body shook violently, when something felt very relieved and Samuel was still licking with melted white chocolate that was getting sweeter.

"Hmmfh... Daddy..!"

"Say my name baby, come on dear...!"

"Hmmm, Daddy... Cle isn't normal...!" His spoiled whining pulled Samuel's body to do that, because indeed he could not contain the extraordinary pleasure, because of his Daddy's game.

The strong hands that were already sticky from the white chocolate game, made the well-established man even more curious to barge into the damp cave since he had been asking again and again. hard, long object immediately shot to bring Cleo through the heavens of the world with various fantasies that he created to satisfy his desires.

When the golden king size bed was shaking violently, the pleasures of the two were at their peak, a melodious sigh echoed each other, suddenly....



A woman's voice that Samuel and Cleo knew very well made both of them jump in surprise.


Samuel looked surprised, when he saw the 29-year-old woman standing in front of the two of them.

"What are you guys doing? What is this, Sam?" Vika shouted seeing the two people still together.

Vika's eyes looked very cynical at Cleopatra, the adopted daughter she had been taking care of. Her face was getting redder when she saw a hot scene like in an adult movie, when she found out her husband was having an affair.

Her hands felt very cold, her heart was sliced in pain, even very painful, watching the intimacy between her husband and their adopted child.

"Take off yours from that girl's, Sam...! I hate seeing you guys like this!" Vika's anger could not be contained as she got closer, seeing the union of her husband and the beautiful girl who had always warmed her family all this time.

Cleo smiled faintly, hugging Samuel's body without any feelings of shame or guilt.

Vika's hand forced Samuel's body, so that the union of the two people was released.

Samuel released Cleo's embrace from his body, kissed his beloved daughter's forehead, releasing his union with Cleo.

Swiftly, Samuel grabbed the clothes, which were scattered on the floor of the room, even the white chocolate still felt sticky on the bodies of the two asking his daughter to clean up immediately.

But Vika really couldn't contain her anger, she immediately grabbed Cleo's body which was covered by a thin cloth, to immediately torture the child who did not know herself according to her.

"Fuck you bitch, how dare you tease my husband, you even have the heart to ruin my family's happinesswhat did I do to you haaaaah?!" Vika tried to grab the cloth from Cleo's body, but was restrained by Samuel.

Samuel pulled Vika forcibly, so as not to hurt his daughter, "Why did you come here? Aren't we going to meet in Jakarta?"

Vika was getting more emotional, because she heard the mention of YOU from her husband's lips.



"How could you fuck another woman behind my back, Sam! What did I do wrong to you? Why did it have to be that woman...?" Vika shouted at Avicii Brother's residence.

Samuel did not heed all the curses that came out of Vika's lips, for him he really loved his adopted daughter Cleo, but did not want to be separated from Vika who had known which of them could not give birth.

"Sam... let me go...!" vika stopped in her tracks, ran to Cleo's room, to teach her daughter a lesson.

Samuel chased after Vika, carrying the woman's body very easily, "Don't hurt Cleo, she's our daughter!"

Vika really screamed hysterically, unable to contain the pain, like the earth was about to collapse, seeing for herself Samuel, her first love betrayed their marriage.

Samuel threw Vika's body on the bed, immediately locked the door.

"Why did you follow me here?" Samuel really couldn't contain his anger.

Vika sat down, staring intently at the face of a very disgusting handsome man in front of her.

"I will meet my client herejoe Jonas doesn't know I'm coming either, because I want to see with my own eyes what my best friend has said all this time," Vika cried, remembering all her friends' words about Samuel and Cleo's closeness that would have a bad impact on their marriage.

Samuel took a deep breath, "Listen Vika, I fell in love with that girl. I'm really sorry."

Vika's eyes widened, she stood in front of Samuel, again throwing a hard slap on her husband's cheek.


"You coward, Samhe's Avicii's son, and no one used to babysit him, but now you're fucking him. You know, she's just an ignorant wild girl. He will destroy our entire family. Don't you know that? I'm disgusted with you Sam....! So disgusting...!"

Vika really vented all her emotions, feeling disappointed with her husband, is now even more devastated after discovering their true intimacy.

"I'm disappointed in you, Sam. Divorce me...!" Vika asked Samuel firmly.

Samuel smiled faintly, looked at Vika's eyes with hatred, "Listen Vika, I will never divorce you!