
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

This is what you want

They landed at Jakarta airport in the early hours of the morning. Samuel asked all the guards for help, in order to carry all his belongings, especially those of Cleo, the favorite daughter.

Slowly, Samuel carried his daughter's slender body, to stay asleep, but Cleo actually jumped in surprise when her body was in the arms of the handsome man.

Cleo chose to get down from Samuel's arms, choosing to get off the plane by herself, so it wouldn't be too difficult when going down the stairs.

"Daddy, are we going back to the apartment?" Cleo looked at Samuel's handsome face.

Samuel nodded, he slowly rubbed his daughter's back, giving her beloved daughter room to go first.

How surprised Samuel was, when he was downstairs, Vika and the private driver were in front of him, "Aaaaagh.... Joe Jonas must have told Vika about my departure. Shiiit...!"

Cleo was slightly surprised to see Vika, glanced at Samuel, "Dadhh...!"

Vika approached her husband, "Don't come near my husband...!" he rebuked Cleo to stay away from Samuel.

Cleo was silent, her heart getting angrier, 'Never mind losing, even though I don't want to.' he grumbled inwardly.

The beautiful girl hugged Samuel's arm, making the handsome and well-established man go awry.

Vika growled, seeing her adopted daughter getting attached to her beloved husband, "Sam....! Let him stay at our hotel or apartment! Don't come with us, I don't want to see this bitch come with us home!"

Cleo glanced spoiledly at Samuel, looked spoiledly at her Daddy, with feelings, "Please Dad... I don't want Daddy to go with Mami."

Samuel put his arm around his daughter Cleo, while asking Vika, "I'm going back to the apartment, so you go home first...!" he was high-pitched, staring at the guards to take Vika immediately to leave the airport.

"Quickly bring the madam home...!" Samuel snapped.

"Sam... because of him we are like this! Remember you, damned woman. I will destroy your whole life, because you have stolen my husband...!" Vika's threat was met with ridicule by Cleo who took cover under Samuel's armpit.

"Thanks Dad... I love you...!" Cleo's love words with her pink lips.

Samuel smiled faintly, kissed his daughter's lips, choosing to bring Cleo quickly, so as not to become the subject of gossip for those who saw what had just happened.

Of course this is a disgrace for him, as a respected person, he is afraid if the media finds out about his illicit relationship with Cleopatra's favorite daughter.

Rumors that were widely heard, made the man of Netherland blood, chose to close himself, in order to save the household and Cleo's good name.

"Aaaagh, it's not easy to have a jealous wifemoreover her rival is as spoiled as Cleo, even more aggressive than Vika," Samuel muttered to himself as he opened the car door for his daughter.

"Daddy, let's stop at fast food, I miss eating hamburgers and hot milo," he whined in Samuel's sturdy arms.

Samuel nodded in agreement, he gave orders to the driver, to follow all of Cleo's requests. His mind immediately refused to cooperate. His heart was getting more and more restless, imagining the world war he would face with Vika later. every now and then the man would pinch his thighs, feeling the hidden pain that was getting wilder when he was with Cleo.

"Baby, Daddy will come home for a while, okay? What time are you going to Bandung?" Samuel gently stroked Cleo's back to keep her calm and comfortable.

Cleo shook her head "Hmm, no Dad... Daddy has to accompany me. If Daddy leaves me alone in the apartment, I'd better date my boyfriend!"

Samuel really understands how his daughter feels, but at this time he also has to maintain his household with Vika, "Ooogh Jesus...! This is so unfair, it hurts Vika so much. Cleo must grow up, she must understand that her mother also needs me! "

Samuel took a deep breath, as soon as he saw Cleo's cellphone again, "Baby, where did you get this newest and most expensive cellphone? Didn't you return the black card that Daddy gave you?"

Cleo was silent, she forgot something, set a strategy where she got that much money, but she never ran out of ideas, she smiled happily "Hmm, does Daddy think I have a male friend besides Bian?"

Samuel replied with a faint smile, in his head only thinking about Vika, "How is this? This girl definitely won't let me go back home, hmmm..." he was getting restless, felt his cellphone vibrate again.

Cleo fell asleep again, while on the way to their residence, but her hand was still in Samuel's. A beautiful face that is innocent because of her innocence and tough character, is able to melt Samuel's feelings.

"When I look at you, my heart feels calm, but I also don't want to make Vika like this, baby. Please baby, understand!" Samuel looked away, squeezing his hair tightly.

The silence throughout the journey, added to the calmness in Samuel's heart, if he was by Cleo's side.

"Should I divorce Vika, and focus more on taking care of Cleo? Or should I give Cleo a chance to marry another man, so that Vika doesn't keep terrorizing me like this either."

Samuel glanced at Cleo who was beside him, asking the driver to drive the vehicle faster.

More than 30 minutes, the car stopped in the apartment lobby which is located in a strategic area of ​​the metropolitan city. This was the first time he stepped out of his car, but this became the first struggle for Samuel when the car stopped and had to receive a heavy blow from the hands of a Vika.


Vika was already standing in front of Samuel with a fierce face, "How many times have I told Sam, never bring a disease to our house. When Keyla and Avicii died, I forbade you to take care of them, because I know you really love Cleo's mother. Now... you sleep him Sam!!!"

Samuel put his index finger on his lips, "Please Vika, I'm so tired! Don't embarrass yourself. Come home dear, we will meet at home," he was still trying to persuade his wife.

Vika looked for Cleo's whereabouts, with fierce and very fast steps, she opened the car door, grabbed her adopted daughter's hair tightly.

"This is what you want bitch...!!" Vika shouted, startling Cleo who was sleeping.

Suddenly Cleo woke up.

His head lifted up, "Aaaagh Daddy...!" Cleo grimaced in pain, feeling Vika's long nails like they were going to take the contents of her brain.

Samuel tried to separate the two, but Vika's strength was stronger when she showed her fangs.

"Vika stop...! Cleo our beloved daughter!" Samuel's strong hands pulled Vika's body, but hurt his daughter Cleo.

Vika pushed Samuel's hand away, forcibly pulled his daughter out of their luxury car.

"This is what you want bitch...!" Vika pulled Cleo.

Cleo cried, unable to endure the pain because Vika's fingers were still on her head, "Mami... let me go...!" she sobbed, unable to bear the pain.

Seeing Vika's recklessness, Samuel pushed his wife, so that the fierce woman's hand was released from her daughter's head.


Vika fell trying to stand but Samuel blocked, because his beloved wife would attack his beloved daughter again.

"I will divorce you...!!!"

That sentence stopped Vika's footsteps, even making the beautiful woman fall silent.

Cleo who was behind Samuel, waved at Vika, gave a code, with a triumphant smile.
