
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

Coldy's presence.

In a spacious family room, decorated with decorative lights and a large and beautiful aquarium, Cleo brought Coldy to sit and enjoy a cup of warm tea made by the waiter. They were longtime friends, but chose to separate, because Coldy's parents didn't like Cleo.

Coldy is a medical student, who is finishing his final project. They tell stories to each other, cuddle spoiled, tease each other, even more intimate than usual.

Samuel came out of the room, down the stairs to hear his daughter's chatter is very seductive in a wheezing tone. Instantly his eyes glanced sharply at Coldy because he had dared to gently rub the shoulders and back of his daughter Cleo.

"Eheeem...!" Samuel broke the happiness of two people who could be said to be adults.

"Daddy..." Cleo stood up, hugging Samuel's body without shame or guilt.

Suddenly the sight re-ignited Vika's anger when she saw her daughter hugging Samuel again from the second floor.

Coldy bowed respectfully to Samuel, feeling embarrassed, since they had not seen each other for a long time.

"How's Uncle?" Coldy bowed respectfully.

"Hmm, if you don't have any interest, it's better to leave our residence. Because I don't want Cleo to be the object of humiliation for your family," Samuel's gaze was very sharp towards the Javanese German mulatto man.

Coldy was silent, his face was red, but he didn't want to argue and make unreasonable decisions.

"I came here to meet Uncle and Aunty. I want to marry Cleo..." Coldy glanced at the second floor, seeing Vika and Samuel alternately.

Cleo looked confused, shifted her gaze to the second floor, then looked at Samuel and ended up at Coldy.

Her eyes hinted at Samuel, that she didn't want to marry any man other than Samuel.

"Don't do this to me, Dad!" Cleo begged her to roll her eyes.

Vika said very loudly, from above, "Okay Coldy, I accept your proposal to Cleo. We are legally Cleopatra's parents. So, we have the right to answer all your requests."

Cleo's spoiled face turned red, looking like a monster about to attack Vika up there. in her heart she never liked Coldy, even only considered him as a friend, the person who understood her the most after Samuel.

"This can't be Daddy, don't do this to me," he begged looking into Samuel's eyes.

Hello, my name is Cleopatra Brother, the only daughter of a successful and well-known businessman couple with a humble heart, Avicii Brother and Keyla Brother.

My parents left me when I was nine years old. After their sudden departure, without knowing the exact cause, I was cared for by an orphanage in a remote area of Melbourne City until I was 12 years old.

At first I thought that no one in my family would care for and love me. a life that is completely deprived, makes me always do crazy things while being a foster child at an orphanage that has many rules, even all the prohibitions that should be violated because they don't make sense.

I grew up under cruel punishment, it was even painful to be caught stealing a piece of chicken thigh for dinner, if my stomach felt hungry. Children my age will always feel hungry, especially during the growth period that requires adequate nutrition and nutrition.

I sent a letter to Samuel Van Dijk, because only his name I always remember.before Daddy Avicii breathed his last, he had mentioned that they had just met and spent a lot of time at dinner, to launch a new product that the three adult men were fighting for.

I don't know... I don't want to find out, who has the heart to destroy the happiness of my very rich family, to waste my life like that time.

My letter, only answered by Samuel via phone call. he promised to pick me up, take him with him wherever he goes. That's the promise to me.

Time passed when I was 12 years old, Samuel and his wife came to pick me up from an orphanage that was monitored by the Melbourne government. how painful this heart is, having to accept the fact of receiving insults, blasphemy from Vika's sexy lips when we first met.

"Tch... this is Avicii Brother's son? He said he was rich, why did you grow up so ugly? Dirty, smelly, isn't a teenage girl your age already able to clean herself? I am your age, I can take care of my body like a queen, because I grew up in a rich family. Yes, honey?"

That insulting sentence is always ringing in my ears all the way to our residence in Melbourne.

Daddy Samuel, always give the best for me. provide adequate facilities, even good food, take him to a salon, to return to Jakarta and study as the dumbest student in one of the international schools.

I don't like education, what I like is art, drawing, singing and dancing. I didn't get all of them, because Mami Vika was the best Notary, and even had a lot of wealth.

Every day I spent time in Daddy Samuel's office, waiting for him to finish his work.

Once upon a time, I saw an incoming email, it said Daddy Avicii Brother's name as the number one person in the MegaCLA Group company.

"Why do they have all control over my family's company? How come I never found out who the heirs of my own family fortune belonged to?"

I pulled the drawer on Samuel's desk, to my surprise, I saw a small bottle the size of my little finger neatly located there.

"What's this?"

It said 'for Avicii Brother'.... cursive in gold ink, and there was also my mother's name, 'for Keyla Brother'.

"Are they the ones who killed Daddy and Mami? What did my family do to Daddy Samuel? Why did he have the heart to kill my parents?"

No wonder that while I was at home, Vika was very rude, considered my presence only as a destroyer and did not deserve to join their family.

My heart ached when Vika said, "If we don't adopt you as a child, maybe you will become a naughty woman out there. Even more than a bitch...!"

Is that saying, can I forgive as a good woman? maybe I'm naughty, but I'm naughty naturally, because I expect attention from someone who takes care of me.

I felt Daddy Sam's kindness, when he taught me to change my pad. The first time a woman's period of menstruation comes at the age of 14 years. he patiently took care of me, giving wind oil to my back and stomach. It was a very big concern while Daddy Avicii left me forever.

The closeness of me and Daddy Sam, makes my affection become excessive. he always takes me to places where adults gather. He even touched my springy part for the first time when he was 17 years old.

After I found the evidence, whether it was accurate or not, I looked carefully at the situation, looking for the whereabouts of my family's reliable lawyer, Luis Suarez.

"I got it... I got it..."

I happily contacted Uncle Luis, but he only asked me to finish school, and didn't say anything.

As an unstable teenager, I don't want to argue, let alone find out about this and that. I just want to live my life to be better, even if I have to find the truth in my own way.