
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

Cleo sobs.

Meeting Mr. Lee secretly for the first time, made Cleo jump in surprise. How could I not, Lee is a friend and schoolmate of Keyla Brother, a respected person when Mami Cleo was still alive.


Cleo ran to hug Lee's body with tears in her eyes, "I miss you so much, Uncle. Why didn't any of you want to take care of me when Daddy and Mami left? Why were you avoiding me?" he burst into tears in the arms of an oriental-looking man, who was the same age as Keyla Brother.

lee took a deep breath, gently stroked the head of his best friend's daughter, "How are you, baby? I'm sorry Uncle, it's not that we don't care about you, but we can't take care of you at Sam's request."

Cleo raised her head, "Daddy Samuel? What's wrong with him? is he hiding something from me," he looked at her with a questioning look.

"Sit down, don't cry. Wipe your tears!" Lee handed Cleo a tissue, sitting right next to her best friend's daughter.

"How are you, baby? I heard you're getting married to Joe Jonas, am I right?" lee served a can of softdrink for Cleo.

Cleo gently stroked her face, taking a soft drink from Lee's hand for her to enjoy. She shook her head reassuringly she didn't want to marry Joe Jonas, "I'm in love with Daddy Sam, not Uncle Joe," she answered honestly and innocently.

lee knit his brows "Sam? Samuel? Are you guys dating?"

Lee grew curious, seeking more detailed information from Cleopatra.

Cleo nodded "He dated me a few days ago, and we often do, but he asked me to marry Uncle Joe. I'm afraid Uncle, to face them alone," he mumbled with a bent face.

Lee covered his mouth with both hands, feeling surprised by Cleo's innocence, "Ooogh my God. How dare Sam, fuck Keyla's daughter. didn't he know that Cleo was the sole heir to Avicii Brother's fortune? How dare he, the bastard. I will send this girl to Singapore to meet Luis Suarez, and arrange a strategy to destroy Samuel and Joe Jonas," he mumbled to himself.

Cleo saw Lee's workspace, it was very comfortable when he was there, the layout was good and the lighting was perfect.

"Uncle Luis asked me to meet you, I was hesitant at first, because I don't want to meet a grown man other than Daddy Sam," Cleo said honestly, even very innocently.

"Is Vika, Daddy Sam's wife, not aware of your illicit relationship?" Lee looked at Cleo.

Cleo nodded, she looked down, feeling the pain when the woman's name was mentioned, "Mami always insults me, Uncle. When I was in Jakarta, I was always said to be a bad and layered womanI hate Mami, that's why I was willing to do that with Daddy, but now I'm in love with him."

Cleo lowered her head further, tears streaming down her face, running down her smooth cheeks, and wetting her palms on her lap.

Lee embraced Cleo's body, carrying her in his arms.

"How about you come with me, to Singapore to meet Uncle Luis? If you are willing, we leave today, the helicopter above the building will take us to the airport, and we will leave Melbourne immediately. Do you agree, baby?" lee released his arms, he wanted to save Cleo, from Samuel who was the mastermind behind the death of Avicii Brother and his best friend Keyla Brother.

Cleo looked at Lee's face, looking for the truth in his eyes, "What if he wants to sell my organs? what if he is a bad person? Even though he is Mami's best friend, humans can change at any time. How about Daddy Sam? He's going to lose me, and if he finds me, he'll definitely kill me," his mind suddenly raced, hearing Lee's invitation.

cleo was silent, she couldn't possibly leave Samuel so soon, what would she do, "Will Daddy Sam find me? Or is he happy, because I didn't ruin his happiness with Mami Vika?"

Lee smiled, he understood very well the concerns of a young girl Cleo's age.

lee took a deep breath, stood up straight, fixed the coat he was wearing, went to a closet and pressed a button, entered a secret code, until something opened. He took some files, which they had prepared in case Cleopatra Brother came to see him.

Lee slowly approached Cleo who was enjoying some snacks on the table, placing a bundle of files in front of Cleo.

"Are you hungry, baby?" Lee smiled faintly at Cleo who didn't stop chewing.

"Hmm," Cleo nodded, without answering, because her lips felt full.

Lee laughed, letting the little girl enjoy a snack, which turned out to be her best friend's daughter's favourite.

"If you feel less, we'll order some food if you're not full yet." Lee, grabbing the phone beside him, asked the waiter to bring another meal.

did not wait long, all the dishes like a king's daughter, were present in front of Cleo.

"Woooowh, Uncle... do you think I'm starving?" Cleo's happy laughter broke out, making her blush.

lee gently stroked the back of his best friend's daughter, "Eat, eat a lot, before you read something."

Lee went to his desk, continued the work he had left behind, calling Luis Suarez without Cleo knowing. Telling his best friend, about Cleo's condition, is very concerning.

more than 30 minutes Cleo enjoyed the available dishes, until she really felt full, glanced at Lee, who was still faced with a laptop screen and some of the files he signed.

"Uncle... is there anything else we need to talk about, besides going to Singapore?" Cleo looked at Lee questioningly.

Her soft voice, made Lee feel even more pity, and full of anger towards Samuel.

"Are you full? By the way, who are you here with? Is there Samuel downstairs?" Lee looked at Cleo.

Cleo shook her head, "Daddy Sam is at home, my reason is to meet my friend. take care of my move to Jakarta."

Lee again approached Cleo, he slowly opened the bundle of files tied with a red ribbon, arranged very neatly.

Lee looked back at Cleo's face, "How old are you now? 23 years old?" his question made Cleo's face look sullen.

"Am I that old Uncle Lee? Come on...don't tease me?" spoiled whining.

Lee laughed, "Uncle forgot how old you are now, because Mami Keyla and Daddy Avicii died you weren't small, like a nine year old girl. Uncle forgot."

Cleo nodded, "I'm 20 years old now, it's been 11 years since I lost my parents, and I really miss them."

Cleo cried again, covering her face, reminiscing about Avicii and Keyla, "I miss Daddy and Mami," she burst into tears again.

Lee just pensive, reminiscing about all the tragic events that night. The night of the sudden departure of Avicii Brothers and Keyla Brothers, even shocked his two confidants, Lee and Luis.