
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

Cleo's departure

The sound of both of their cell phones ringing on Cleo's bedside table, Samuel slowly rubbed the pillow next to him, the palms of a handsome man's firm hands, did not feel the warmth of his beloved daughter's smooth body.


Samuel woke up, rubbed his face gently, looking for Cleo's figure in every corner of the room.

"Cle... Baby Cleo...!"

Samuel sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the white envelope, and his and Cleo's two cell phones.

"Hmm, where is that girlmaybe he's in the dining room, but why didn't Cle wake me up? Hmmm!" Samuel squirmed, flexing his muscles after the heated battle with the beloved princess.

Samuel grabbed a towel, did his ritual of cleansing himself, from his body a little sticky.

"Today I will take Cleo to Jakarta, it will be very fun," Samuel muttered to himself, standing under the shower enjoying the touch of the warm flowing water.

Ten minutes passed, Samuel wiped his body, whistling happily, like a man waiting for his lover to come with a warm kiss. He wore a long-sleeved shirt, jeans, glanced at the nightstand, heard the phone ringing again.

"Who's on the phone?"

Samuel approached the nightstand, saw Coldy's name on Cleo's cellphone, and Vika's on his cellphone.

Samuel hastily shifted the green symbol, turning on the speaker on his cellphone screen.

"Yes dear....!"-Samuel.

"You must be dating that cheap girl rightuntil my call from earlier you didn't care!"-Vika.

Samuel raised his eyebrows, took a deep breath.

"Honey, listen.... you promised me, not to interfere in our and Cleo's business. She is still our daughter, so please watch your words!"-Samuel.

"Tsk... you're going home today? If so, I'll prepare for breakfast together tomorrow morning. Tonight I'm still staying at Papi's house. Remember one thing Sam, I don't want to see that girl enter my house, you understand? "-Vika.

Samuel growled even more, hearing his wife's chatter.

"Yes-yes-yes, okay. I'll get ready first. Arriving in Jakarta, I hope you close your eyes and ears, if you hear reports from your friends about my relationship with Cleo. I don't want our relationship to get worse,"-Samuel.

"Hmm," Vika hung up the phone, without saying goodbye.

Samuel took a deep breath, his eyes darting to the piece of paper with his name on it. Slowly unfold the folded paper, then read it.


Dear Daddy.

Dad, thanks for everything. your love, your love. I chose to leave you I don't want my marriage to Uncle Joe Jonas to happen. It wouldn't be fair if I married a man as old as you two.

I don't need your money, I want to fend for myself, without you.

Thank you for everything.

see you Daddy Samuel, I love you.

your love,


Suddenly the writing made Samuel silent, his blood churned and even boiled, clenching the paper in his hand. His heart ached, his eyes reddened, his chest felt very tight, the girl he had been taking care of had left him.


Two cellphones that were on the nightstand flew over the mirror in Cleo's room.

It hurts, yes... it hurts, it hurts even more than losing Keyla Brother at that time.

Samuel literally cried "Where is he, what's wrong with you Cle? I love you very, very... even more love you than my wife Vika. Have you been pretending to love me all this time, but you have a relationship with another man?"

"Coldy, yes, just now Coldy contacted Cleo. I'm sure, that girl left me just because of that bastard boy. I'll teach him a lesson!"

Samuel took his cracked cellphone, saw Cleo's cellphone was still on.


Samuel kept looking for Coldy's phone number, looking at all incoming messages, checking all the listed contacts, on Cleo's cellphone.

"There's no sign of him leaving me!"

Samuel's eyes grew wild, when his eyes saw the name Luis Suarez, who was on the first call channel.


"Is he the mastermind behind all this? Is Luis going to tell all the stories of the deaths of Avicii and Keylano-no-no, this is impossible, Luis is dead, even we lost that man, why is Cleo actually communicating with Luis?"

"I have to ask Helder, how dare they meet Luis, but didn't tell me! Fuck...!"

Samuel ran from Cleo's room, into the living room, looking for Joe and Helder.

"Joe... Joe Jonas... Joe...!!!" shouted Samuel until his face turned red.

The maid who was dealing directly with Samuel at that time, slightly lowered her head in fear.

"Call Helder quickly...!" Samuel ordered loudly.

"Yes sir," the maid bowed respectfully, looking for Helder's whereabouts.

Joe casually came out of the study, approaching Samuel who was standing right in front of his office. accompanied by a woman, because he was single.

"Where's Cleo?" Sam tugged at Joe Jonas' collar.

Joe furrowed his brows, "Didn't you two sleep together? I even saw you kissing passionately before Alia Bhatt came."

Samuel brought his lips closer to Joe Jonas' ear, "Who is he? is she a mercenary?"

Joe looked lazily at Samuel, "Come on, he's my lover. I've dated him many times. Just like you, dating Cleo," he patted Sam's chest.

Samuel shook his head, "Cleo met Luis, apparently he already knew about Avicii and Keyla's death. I'm sure, Cleo will put you in prison soon.

Joe Jonas looked at Samuel's reddened eyes, "Luisdidn't you give Cleo the freedom to do anything? I told you from the start, keep a close eye on Cleo but you still let her go alone. There was no way Luis would want to meet a woman like that. You've done a good thing. Fucked Keyla Brother's daughter."

Joe Jonas burst out laughing, patted Samuel on the shoulder again, growling at Sam's stupidity, "Can't Mama, her son is more delicious. You find Cleo, before Luis drags us to jail...!"

Samuel challenged Joe Jonas, wanting him to kill a friend who was like family, because they had ties like cousins ​​to the Keyla Brothers, and could get married. They both growled at each other.

Joe Jonas took Alia Bhatt's hand, whispered back into the young girl's ear, "Honey, can you come home? I'm going with Sam, to find out where Cleo is."

Alia Bhatt thought for a moment, "Didn't your favorite daughter Cleo go with a man?"

Joe and sam got closer to Alia, "Did you see her baby?" they both asked the beautiful girl in unison.

Alia nodded slowly, staring fearfully into Sam's brown eyes.

"Is he a grown man, baby?" Sam approached Alia, but his hand was already on the girl's neck.

"Sam," Joe Jonas held Samuel's hand, so as not to frighten the young girl.

"Your boyfriend knows where Cleo is, Joe! But he didn't tell you anything about my girl! You know baby, I lost that girl....!" Sam, ruffling his hair, grew frustrated.

"Where is he Joe..! Where is Cleo...!!!!"

His shout broke the silence of the Avicii Brother residence.