
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs


They blame each other, they hurt each other with very hurtful harsh words. While the three were having a long debate about Cleo's disappearance, Helder appeared in front of Samuel, confidently standing tall. his fierce face was more like that of a fierce dog, but he never flinched when faced with a Samuel.


Samuel's strong hands flew over Helder's face, who had been Cleo's bodyguard all along.

"Did Cleo see Luis?" Samuel's voice sounded fierce growl.

Helder didn't flinch, his black face was flushed red, but didn't waver in the slightest when his face received an extremely painful slap. Trying to remember what happened in the early morning when he was with the young Miss Cleopatra. The slap that Samuel sent didn't feel anything on his face at all.

"I didn't see Lawyer Luis Suarez, sir. I took Miss Cleo to meet her friend, a woman, who drove Miss to the main door of the Bank crossing the city," Helder conveyed what he saw, as he umbrellaed Cleo.

Samuel brushed off Helder's words with his hand, turned his gaze towards Joe Jonas, "Take Joe's lover home, I'm going to Perth looking for Coldy," he ordered Helder.

"Yes sir," Helder bowed before Samuel and Joe Jonas, following Samuel's orders without arguing.

Alia Bhatt left the Avicii Brother residence, slightly curious to see Samuel's concern. but he refused to comment, so as not to appear interfering in Samuel and Cleo's bed affairs.

Samuel and Joe, rushing over to the wide expanse of the Avicii Brothers residence, headed for the helicopter the guards had prepared for Perth.

The Netherland-blooded man, more and more curious, his head throbbed. There were many things he didn't know about Cleopatra in fact.

"Why does that girl have too many secrets? Why is she hiding something that I don't know about," Samuel thought to himself.

His ears were tightly closed, so as not to hear the loud noise of the helicopter which irritated the eardrums. He just wanted to meet Coldy, and ask the whereabouts of Cleo's beloved daughter.

approximately 20 minutes drive to Perth, rushed from the helicopter pad, to the residence of Coldy who is their close relative.

It didn't take long for the two handsome men to arrive at the Parker Family's residence. Samuel saw Coldy busy cleaning his four-wheeled vehicle. with quick steps, Samuel approached the young famous medical student in Perth.


Samuel threw a loud bogeman at the handsome face of a handsome man the same age as his daughter Cleo.


Within seconds, Coldy's body fell, unable to withstand the blow from Samuel's hand, heavily hitting his handsome face.

"Where is my daughter...!" Samuel's left leg was already on Coldy's neck.

Suddenly, Coldy's eyes widened, looking scared at Samuel and Joe Jonas who were already standing in front of him. His high nose was bleeding, and his temples were torn off, exposed to the ring that Samuel was wearing.

"I-I-I don't know Uncle...!" coldy held Samuel's legs which were pressing against his neck, making it difficult for his body to breathe.

Samuel growled even more, "Tell me.... where is Cleo!"

Samuel's voice grew louder, causing the young man's parents to rush out, saving their beloved son.

"Ooogh my God....sam, what are you doing here..? Are you going to kill my son!" shouted Maria Parker, quickly helping Coldy to his feet, brushing Samuel's leg off his son's neck.

Samuel was getting more emotional, "Where is my daughter Cleo, Maria!"

maria protected Coldy, "We don't know where Cleo is, you are too mean! If anything happens to my son, I will report you to the authorities!"

Samuel was silent, he rubbed his face many times, feeling very frustrated, because he lost his beloved daughter Cleo, whose whereabouts were unknown until now.

"Where's Cleo, Cody! Answer me...! You must know where he is right now," Samuel really couldn't believe Maria's statement.

Maria ignored Samuel's question, choosing to bring your son into the house.

Daniel pulled Samuel's arm away from Maria and his son, calming the handsome man down so he could calm down.

"We haven't seen Cleo in a long time, isn't she studying in Melbourne?" Daniel tapped Samuel's shoulder.

Samuel nodded, but his eyes were still on Daniel and Maria's beloved son.

"I lost it Daniel, even though we were moving to Jakarta leaving Melbourne," Samuel bent his face.

Daniel tried to remember Cleo's best friend in Melbourne, "Try to contact all of your family! Don't judge my son, because we really don't know where Cleo is right now. I'm sure the young girl is not far from Melbourne. Or do you have other problems? to make him leave you? Moreover, Cleo is famous for his banal," Daniel's petty smile ignited Samuel's anger.

Samuel squeezed the collar of Daniel's shirt, "Listen old man, Cleo my daughter, she's not a naughty woman, or a layer like you guys talk out there. she is still my daughter, daughter of Avicii Brother and Keyla Brother. You understand...! Once again you say my daughter is such a woman, I will drown you, and send you deep into hell using a coffin that I have covered in gold!"

Daniel was silent, a little frightened by Samuel's threat, because he knew very well the madness of the handsome man who was still tightly squeezing his collar.

"O-okay Sam, I'm sorry. Maria always said that Cleo was a bad woman. I'm really sorry," Daniel tried to release Samuel's grip which was getting more and more stifling.

Samuel pushed Daniel with all his might, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Joe, we're home...!"

Samuel left the Daniel Parker residence, got into his car, Joe Jonas trailing behind him.

"Fuck him, saying my daughter is a bad girl. Maria and Vika are both mature women who have no feelings. How could their daughter Keyla say a bad girl. if it's true that Cleo is naughty, there's no way I'll get her chastity," Samuel ordered the driver who had witnessed his master's incident earlier.

Quick as lightning, the driver drove his car to the helicopter pad, to bring the employer back to Melbourne.

Joe Jonas is still reluctant to be friends with Samuel, he is still busy with his own thoughts, "Where is Cleo? Doesn't she have no friends besides Bian? Did she know of her lover's death? Why did she communicate with Luis? Aaaaagh.... I don't understand the thought woman. they are very unique and many secrets."

While Samuel, still searching for information on Cleo's whereabouts, asks one of his bodyguards, to look up Cleopatra's data, has she left Melbourne? Or still in the city.

"Aaaagh Cle... where are you, babydon't you love Daddy? Do you only love yourself? If you have a grudge against Mami, don't mix up your problems. Daddy will always be looking for you, baby. I'll get you!" Samuel squeezed the safety belt tightly wrapped around his body.