
clemency unserved

Andrew_Akposeye · Realistic
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Being a man carrying pregnancy was so disgraceful. I hid myself from the public for many days until my friends finally came to my rescue.

They came to my house just two days after I told them the details of my affliction.

They finally suggested that we should go visit a reputable powerful man.

"Bro, what you are facing isn't natural. We can't fight spiritual things medically. In the past hours we've consulted many potential people over this issue and we've gotten a direction to one old man, we have to go there and let's hope that there will be a solution to this problem," they suggested.

After hearing the suggestion, I was eager to go to where they described but I was scared of the outcome.

"Brothers, I really want to go with you to that place but I don't feel secured with the impending outcome. Carolina may have seen it before I even get there. Seems you don't know what I'm facing. This woman gets to wherever I tend to go before I even think about going there. I'm not sure about the this brothers," I complained.

They all breathed heavily, and then one of them, Kimberly spoke, "bro, I believe that this is the way to find solution to this problem. Let's give it a try. Trying doesn't hurt, we can't leave you this way. Damnit you are already taking the responsibilities of a woman. This is abominable," he spoke with confidence.

That same day, we put my car on the way to the destination where I hope to find salvation. One of my friends drove.

Luckily, we got to the destination safely. I was surprised that my wife didn't show up to give me any command before we got to the place we were going to.

As we alighted and entered the compound, an old man came out hastily.

"Stop there!" the man stopped us.

He walked around us and looked at us suspiciously. The look on his face was giving me some signals. So, I lost my cool and reacted as I faced my friends.

"Guys you see what I'm saying? You see! Carolina has been here before us. She was here to torment this man so that he won't grant us audience. The next thing is to chase us away, just watch," I concluded.

I was about turning back as I've lost hope in the adventure already.

"I won't chase you away my son. I knew that you were coming even before you started coming," the old man finally debunked my conclusion.

"Truly, Carolina tried to stop you from coming but I intervened," he continued.

"Really?" my friends and I asked at a time.

"Yes! Now before you can come in, you should undress. Everyone remove your shirts," the old man ordered.

Hurriedly, my friends removed their shirts. I felt reluctant as I knew what my structure would look like among my peers.

"Please don't let me remove my own shirt."

"It is important that you remove it or get out right now," the old man turned strict.

I finally pulled it off. My tommy got his attention for some seconds.

"Heh! You may all follow me right now," he led the way while we followed him into the main building.

We arrived inside, I was expecting to see some red clothes and calabashes hanging on the wall but there were nothing like that, rather, it was a modernized vicinity with many modern facilities and assets. Again I changed my perspective and thought he should be a pastor or a powerful islamist, but I found no proof to justify my thoughts; a Bible was not present neither was a Quran.

Then, I tried to believe that the man was fake, but I was shock to see the most unexpected thing awaiting.

"Ha!!! " I screamed as I saw Carolina standing in one corner of the house, she was on white dress.

My friends fell back as they saw her also.

Suddenly, Carolina transformed to someone else. I fell on my knees as I saw the face she transformed into. My memory tried harder to remember the face but I could not remember.

"Look at this lady clearly. Do you recognize her?" the old man asked.

I raised my head and replied "no"

"The foo-l will not recognize me. He has always been like that," the lady broke silence.

She approached me and spoke angrily.

"You impre-gnated me, and you connived to have my pregnancy term-inated. That was five years ago, so you think you can go ahead and enjoy your life after having me ki-lled during the abortion. I reincarnated to seek vengeance"

I looked at the lady once again and my memory opened to the past. She was Rachael,the last girl I secretly abor-ted the pregnancy she had for me while I was in school.

My days in the University were gruesome. I could not count the number of girls I've abor_ted their preg-nancy even without letting them know. Rachael was the last,I drug_ged her just to let her pregnancy flush out, but she gave up during the process.

Realizing that the person I've been living with was a ghost, and she was the person I caused her deàth. I fell to seek for mercy, my friends joined me to beg her.

"At this point,we can only beg you. Please have mercy on him," old man also joined the begging league.

Rachael turned around and looked away.

"It is over. I've accomplished my mission with you. But listen to the last part of it, it doesn't matter if you marry another woman very soon or late, but you will not have a child until after a year in that marriage!" she disappeared as she laid the last curse on me.

Immediately she disappeared, my baby bump disappeared too. I checked my stomach and saw it flat, I've been restored.

I and my friend leaped for joy, later I turned to the old man to express my concern.

"Old man, what about the 10 year curse?" I asked remorsefully.

"Maybe you should choose between your big tommy or the ten year curse," he replied me.

No need for debate, I accepted my ten years with good fate.

It's now a year after the ordeal with Carolina-Rachael ended, I've not remarried neither has the ten year curse began, but I hope this story send a lesson to you over there.