

Aron Mikhail decided to start a band and this is his and his band mates story

St_AugusteRenoir · Urban
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CLEARWATER (circa 2010)

Aron Mikhail was a quiet kid in high school, and most of his classmates didn't know much about him. He kept to himself, rarely spoke in class, and didn't have many friends. However, outside of school, he was a completely different person.

Aron had long, jet-black hair that he often wore in a messy bun. He had striking blue eyes that seemed to pierce through anyone who looked at him. He was tall and lanky, with a lean build that made him seem almost fragile.

Despite his quiet nature, Aron had a strong personality. He was confident in his taste in music and knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He dreamed of starting a band that blended the sounds of his favorite artists, The Smashing Pumpkins, Deftones, and Linkin Park. He knew that it was a bold idea, but he was determined to make it work.

Aron's love for music started at a young age. His parents were both musicians, and they exposed him to a wide variety of genres. They encouraged him to learn an instrument and he started playing guitar when he was just five years old.

As a child, Aron spent hours practicing his guitar and writing his own songs. He was shy and introverted, but he found solace in music. It was a way for him to express himself when words failed him.

However, as Aron grew older, he started to feel like he didn't fit in. He went to a small, conservative school where most of the students were interested in sports and traditional hobbies. Aron, on the other hand, was obsessed with alternative rock.

He would spend hours on the internet, discovering new bands and reading about their influences. He would go to underground shows in nearby cities and spend all of his money on vinyl records.

Aron's parents were supportive of his love for music, but they didn't understand his fascination with alternative rock. They would try to introduce him to jazz and classical music, but Aron wasn't interested. He wanted to make music that spoke to him, music that reflected his experiences and emotions.

When Aron graduated high school, he knew that he wanted to pursue music full-time. He had a vision for his band and he was determined to make it a reality. He spent every waking moment writing songs, practicing guitar, and searching for other musicians to join his band.

Aron's search for bandmates had been a long and arduous one. He had been searching for the right musicians who shared his passion for music that was heavy, emotional, and full of passion. He had gone to countless shows, hung out at local music stores, and even posted ads online looking for other musicians to jam with.

After many failed attempts, he had finally met three other musicians who shared his vision for the kind of music he loved. It almost seemed like fate how quickly he had found them. Each of his bandmates had their own unique strengths and styles, but they all shared a common love for the kind of music that Aron loved.

First was the bassist, Alex. Aron had met him at a local music store where Alex was testing out some bass guitars. He was tall and lanky, with shaggy brown hair that fell into his eyes. Aron could tell right away that he had been playing for years. Alex had grown up in a musical family, and he had been playing bass since he was a kid. He was heavily influenced by the grunge era of the '90s, and loved bands like Nirvana and Soundgarden. Aron admired Alex's technical skills on the bass and his ability to create interesting bass lines that complemented the guitar riffs. They hit it off right away and soon began talking about their favorite bands, sharing their music collections, and jamming together.

Next was the drummer, Max. Aron had met him at a local open mic night where Max had been playing drums for a friend's band. Max was shorter than Alex, with a mop of curly black hair and a mischievous smile. Aron could tell right away that Max was a talented drummer, and he loved his energy and enthusiasm. Max had been playing drums since he was in elementary school and was heavily influenced by the punk rock scene. He loved fast-paced, energetic beats, and was always pushing himself to try new techniques and styles. Aron was impressed with Max's ability to keep a tight rhythm and add unexpected fills and accents to their songs. They began talking after the show, and soon realized they shared a similar vision for the kind of music they wanted to create.

Last but not least was the turntablist, DJ. Aron had met him at a small underground club where he had been DJing for a group of rappers. DJ was the same age as Aron, with short black hair and a laid-back attitude. He had an extensive collection of vinyl records and was always discovering new music to add to his collection. Aron was intrigued by the idea of adding scratching and samples to their songs, and DJ was excited to try it out with Aron's band. DJ had been a DJ since he was a teenager, and had grown up listening to a lot of hip-hop and electronic music. He had recently gotten into incorporating turntables into rock music and was excited to try it out with Aron's band. They began talking about music, and Aron could see that DJ was just as passionate about music as he was.

After a impromptu jam session, the four musicians exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up again. They started to hang out more often, bonding over their shared love for music and talking about their favorite bands and artists. Aron was thrilled to have found such talented and like-minded musicians to play with, and he felt like they were all on the same wavelength.

As they got to know each other better, Aron learned more about his bandmates' backgrounds and personal lives. Alex had grown up in a small town in the Midwest, where he had formed a band with some friends in high school. After they graduated, Alex moved to the city to pursue music full-time, playing in various bands and working odd jobs to make ends meet.

Max had grown up in a working-class family and had always been drawn to music as a way to escape his difficult home life. He started playing drums in middle school and quickly fell in love with the rush of performing. After high school, he attended a local music college and played in several bands before joining Aron's.

DJ had grown up in the same city as Aron, but they had never crossed paths until they met at the club. He had started DJing in high school and had quickly gained a reputation as one of the best up-and-coming DJs in the underground scene. He had a natural talent for reading crowds and knew exactly what songs to play to keep people dancing all night long.

Over the next few weeks, the bandmates continued to practice and brainstorm ideas for their music. They all had a lot of different influences, but they found common ground in their love for alternative rock and heavy metal. They started to develop a sound that was a fusion of their favorite bands, with elements of grunge, punk, and electronic music all blended together.

One day, as they were taking a break from practice, Aron suggested that they should come up with a name for their band. They all agreed that it was a good idea, but they were stumped at first. They wanted something that would be memorable and easy to pronounce, but also reflected their unique sound and style.

After tossing around a few ideas, they settled on the name Clearwater. It was a nod to their shared love of the outdoors, as well as a reference to the clear, crisp sound they were aiming for in their music. They all agreed that it was a perfect fit, and they started to use the name whenever they talked about their band.
