
Clearing The World That's Inside A Novel

Have you heard stories of love, love that would never waver for years, decades, centuries or even millenniums to come? But can you really call it love? To keep loving someone forever and ever can't be anything less than crazy, can it? This is one such story. A story of a crazy love. And it's also a story of ... Someone somewhere who wished to be saved. Someone somewhere who wished to be free. Someone somewhere who wished to be able to someday make a wish. It's a story that was supposed to be a fairytale but it turned too ugly, too twisted, and far too wretched to be called one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first time writing. So, I am a rookie? newbie? whichever's the right word. This story is gonna be pretty generic. I mean, I will try to not make it but as I said it's my first time writing. Why am I writing this story? Well, have you ever wanted to eat ice cream when you saw someone else eating it? Yeah, something like that. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The cover art is made by Faier. You will meet the man himself when you read the novel and come across his comments! Thanks for the cover Faier-san! Love you! Here's the discord link https://discord.gg/BVP7bSsr6q

kxixrxixtxo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

Status Flasification

(Third Person Pov)

"Hehe! See, I got us 50,000 E! Praise me, praise me!" Elinalise said puffing out her chest with a broad smile on her face.

"What the hell is going on?" Allen asked with a disgruntled face, his hazel-colored eyes gleamed, trying to understand the situation.

"Praise me! Praise me!" Elinalise complained as she started hitting him on his shoulders.

"Fine. You did a good job. Now, will you tell how our great Elinalise got such a big amount and where from?" Allen asked her.

Sure, Allen was the one who came up with the idea of extracting money from weaker students in the academy but he didn't ask for such an absurd amount.

50,000 E is a lot.

Enough to live for an entire month without any worries for a family of four.

The amount Elinalise bought far exceeds what they have taken from others till now.

"I got it from this super hot guy who recently entered our building!" With that Elinalise began to recount the story to Allen.

After hearing the story, he let out a sigh.

To hand out this much amount like it's nothing...

Thinking so, Allen began to speak

"Elinalise, please don't involve yourself with him anymore" Elinalise looked confused hearing those words.

"Why?" She asked

"Just don't. Not unless we first know who he is." Allen said.

Heroe's Nurturing Academy admitted students based on their merit.

That was true if not then Allen and Elinalise would have never been able to enter the academy.

They are but two orphans who have grown up in a slum.

But regardless of the academy's intentions, the world worked differently.

Arts, Skills, Weapons, Training ... all these things needed money to be bought.

For an academy such as this, the sheer number of students who apply for it every year is nothing to scoff at.

It went without saying, that the better the arts one has, the better the skills they have, the better the training one has received, the stronger they would be, and the better their chances would be to enter the hero course.

And that's why, despite the academy boasting about being open to purely merit-based entrance, it's those kids who live in the upper echelon of society who have the highest number to get into the academy.

In the end, there's only a small amount of students like Allen and Elinalise who are able to enter the academy, students who actually come from the lower echelon of society or middle echelon.

Anyways, the point is, that Allen didn't want to get entangled with those upper echelon society kids.

Whether they were weaker or not didn't matter.

Sure, inside the academy no one can touch them. They are protected by the academy.

But the thing is if they picked the wrong fight, their families outside wouldn't be safe. They could simply wipe their families out.

While Allen and Elinalise are orphans, they do have someone they care about, their granny, who took care of them.

And that's why, they can't simply go and make enemies blindedly.

This was Allen's biggest concern.

Allen didn't know who this person was who handed such an amount without making a single fuss but he had to be some big shot.

"Hmm," Elinalise nodded in reply to Allen, sadness apparent on her face. She had thought Allen would be happy but he seemed stressed instead.


(Noah's Pov)

Well, after buying some burgers and roaming a bit around I came back to my room.

"System-san? So can you change my stats information however I want you to?" I asked a question I have been wondering about for a while now.

I remember when I had asked the system to change Demonic Energy to Soul Energy it had and now my system screen shows my soul energy proficiency. 

[Of course :)]

Well, that's great.

The absolute master thing isn't just some crap. It has some value to it.

Now, I don't have to worry about what to answer when I put my hand on the artifact and they learn that I had ranked up to E+ from G+ in just a month 'coz they won't.

Anyway, for now, I will just learn what Enyo had left me. She had taught me when I was just an F- ranker but now I am an E+ ranker, there might not be much but I am sure there is still stuff to learn from the drive she gave me.

To begin with, I am not learning a single weapon but quite a lot, a sword, duel sword, short sword, duel short-sword, scythe, daggers, and hand-to-hand combat, so I am sure, there are quite a lot of things to learn now. New stuff to learn now that I have leveled up.

Pulling out the drive out of my inventory, I plugged it into my VR headset and decided to plunge myself into the world of VR.

What happened to watching a movie? Well, that can wait for now.


"Holy shit"

That was mind-numbing.

I thought as I slowly started to pull out the VR headset while shaking my head.

It's 8:pm currently, I have been in the VR for about the last 8 hours.

The time that flows in VR and the real world is the same.

Well, that makes sense.

I mean, imagine you can spend lots of time in VR while only a few hours have passed in the real world, the sheer amount of research and development that would take place in the world would be phenomenal.

A human who probably wouldn't have been able to complete his research due to his mortality wouldn't have to worry that much.

Imagine Einstein or others giving 400 years worth of their work all thanks to the additional time VR provided them.

Shit would be absolutely chaotic.

Fortunately, this world hasn't progressed that much, that's why there's a timer set in every VR to pull the user out of their immersion in case they forget that eating food in VR could stimulate your brain into thinking that you ate something but in reality, your body hasn't received any nutrients which might lead to quite a lot of problems.

And my 8-hour timer ran out.


I thought back to the realistic features that VR provided.

I swear, I felt like I was with Enyo in the same training grounds we always are in and she was demonstrating every single move with precise details.

I shook my head as I pulled myself up and decided to take the shower.

I had already looked at every new move that I had to learn and memorized them, all that's left is to practice until I can perfectly replicate them.

In theory, I can simply run my components of World's Power through my brain to make sure I simply move my body in that particular manner like I had seen but that just won't do.

I needed to turn all these moves into mine, into body memory, into instinct.

And for that, I need to spend a lot of time on each one of them, and I mean a lot of time.

Welp, for now, let's just take the shower and then go and look into the training grounds to practice.


Upon reaching the training ground I found myself to be dumbfounded.


Because there are about 50 students in this big ass of a training ground, looks pretty empty.

Makes sense, the school is gonna officially start next week, which is about 35 hours or so from now. I bet there are only second or third-year students here, there might be a few first years but meh, no one important from the main cast is here, so who cares?

I know, you might be wondering why is it that there are freaking second and third years in the block where only first years should be? Well, that's because the academy usually asks the seniors to use the first-year training facility so that the first years can learn from watching them and ask for help if they need any.

Basically, free labor.

Anyway, the training ground consists of several different areas dedicated to all types of weaponry practice. 

Archers could be seen practicing their archery, Mages could be seen using explosion, Mage-Swordsman throwing projectile attacks using their sword, Scythe users trying to balance things out, Beast tamers practicing along with their tamed beasts, Students having small practice duels among each other, Summoners trying to summon some shit and failing to do so, Necromancers trying their necromancy shit...

That reminds me, what component of World's Power do necromancers use? They have to be using soul energy that goes without saying then why is it that they don't realize that they are using soul energy instead of mana, why do their status screen- oh wait, we know the answer to that one. But still, doesn't explain everything...

Man, that demon lord fucked things up, didn't he?

There's no way of knowing what's really happening and what's not in this world which is trying to hide one of the components of the World's Power and its uses.

People's whole foundation is screwed.

Welp, that's what you people get for trusting system screens so much.

Not like I am any better considering how I am used to my system for directing me to different locations.

Shaking my head, I started walking towards the arena to practice, which arena I am going to?

Well, it's an arena where I can fight monsters. Artificial ones, made of metal. They are the perfect replication of the monster you can find in dungeons, and they also exert the same level of strength, and welp compared to their original they are a bit weak but, can't ask for everything now.

Placing my ID card on the counter and registering myself, taking a sword as a selection of weapons that this place offered I walked inside the arena.

After setting the conditions using the holographic screen I prepared myself.

What conditions?

Well, I am going to start fighting against slimes, the weakest ones. But not one or two of them.

Around 1000 of them at once and I will keep doing it until I am satisfied with my speed of killing them all using nothing but my sword.

No enhancement using the world's power components on myself, no psychic bullshit, only the pure sword skills that I have.

There are a few instructors around the room watching over the students in case things go south so there's no reason to worry about anything though they are all looking at me right now.


Time to begin.

Until I can kill all these 1000 slimes within a minute.

Sounds unreasonable? Well, this world is asking me to do unreasonable to survive. Might as well pull all the stops.


"haa... haa..."

This is absurd.

This is so absurd.

Why am I taking a whole 8 minutes to kill just 1,000 slimes!? This is my 5th round and again my time ended up being a pathetic 7 minutes 58 seconds.

I am an E+ ranker! Slimes are supposed to be G-ranked! And these replicas of them are of course tad bit weaker than them.

Technically I should be wiping the floor with them without getting any injuries but here I am covered in small scratches throughout my body!


"Affirmative" An electronic voice reached my ears, belonging to none other than the AI installed in the school system maintaining this arena.

I said and the ground shook or should I say it opened up in a literal sense and all the dead corpses were thrown into it and the ground closed up.

A new batch of slimes started to come out of a small metallic door, poison slime, acid slime, ice slime, fire slime, all the types mixed in together.

The digits on the board kept increasing as the slimes kept pouring out until it stopped at 1000 and the small metallic door closed itself.

In front of me were 1,000 slimes, moving in a way to surround me from all sides.

Welp here goes nothing

"Alright slime killer, it's enough for today."

Just when I was about to start another drill, a voice reached my ears.

It belonged to none other than one of the supervisors.

Hm? What's his problem?

Leaving things in the middle wouldn't be good, besides now that 1000 slimes are here better to finish them up, right?

Overlapping all my components of World's power with my inner muscles and enhancing my strength to as much as I can I kicked off the ground, launching myself towards the slimes.

"Hey, I told you to stop!"

Ignoring him, I focused on the slimes in front of me.


















Finished killing them all, I looked at the timer.


So, 54 seconds, damn.

Wait, it took me so long even after I used all of my world's components?

Just how bad is my efficiency? I shook my head.

If Liza was here, she would probably laugh at me for this pathetic display.

Done with my 6th round, I turned around and exited the arena ground, walking toward the person who had called me.

"Is there a time limit or something for using it?" I asked.

"Eh-uh, no-no.." The guy stuttered a bit and then shook his head "Whatever, you are a first-year student, right?"

I nodded.

"Follow me" He didn't say anything else, turned around and started walking and I followed.

Took you guys long enough

"System-san, time to be useful"

I muttered 



The man muttered looking at my system screen.


Name: Noah

Rank: G+

Class: None

Affinity: None

Skills: None


Yes, it is possible.

Class, Affinity, and Skills that are given by the system simply help the person to perform the task, like circulating the required component of World's Power through a person even if they don't have any proficiency in it or can't feel it. Like necromancers, beast tamers, summoners, and many more people with various classes.

I don't have that automated process, I have to learn everything to do on my own and balance on my own but that was fine, if I had to be connected with the system in any way that would be only detrimental in the long term. Even if it takes more work when compared to others I still prefer not having my system influencing me in ways I am not even sure about.

Enough about that though.

"So? Why did you bring me here again?"

I asked

"...You, your stats don't make sense!" 

Duh, they don't.

"Wanna use another artifact again?"

Yes, I said again, this was my 4th time doing this status reveal thing.

"I am G+ranked, believe it or not. If you got a problem then complain to the system managers or whoever it is who deals with it" I said

"You are one cheeky brat, aren't ya?" He said tapping on his phone and calling someone.

I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out a burger from my dimensional storage bracelet which I bought for normal everyday use- and started eating my burger.

I wonder how I should deal with the slimes to kill them as fast as possible while not exhausting myself too much.

I am planning on doing this process with every monster, I mean, once you keep killing the final boss of the same game you at some point will reach a position where even if your character is significantly weaker than your first game build you would still be able to defeat the boss with ez.

I want to reach that level of mastery.

Where even if in case I turn into a weak guy, I will have enough experience and knowledge to kill my opponent with ease.

Hmm, that sounds like a red flag. I shook my head.

Well, I am sure it wouldn't be slime I had to be fighting up against but meh, experience is experience.

And by doing it with as many as monsters I can, I will reach a state where I can deal with various types of monsters without being startled... maybe.

That's what I plan to do in the 1st month of the academy and of course, keep learning about myst and soul energy and keep increasing my proficiency in every component as much as I can.

Basically, good old grinding but this time my life is not on the line.

Done with his call, the man turned towards me.

"You are good to go, sorry for all the inconvenience," He said scratching his head.

"No problem"

I replied and left the man behind, his gaze boring deep into my back but I didn't turn back and kept walking.