
Clearing The World That's Inside A Novel

Have you heard stories of love, love that would never waver for years, decades, centuries or even millenniums to come? But can you really call it love? To keep loving someone forever and ever can't be anything less than crazy, can it? This is one such story. A story of a crazy love. And it's also a story of ... Someone somewhere who wished to be saved. Someone somewhere who wished to be free. Someone somewhere who wished to be able to someday make a wish. It's a story that was supposed to be a fairytale but it turned too ugly, too twisted, and far too wretched to be called one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first time writing. So, I am a rookie? newbie? whichever's the right word. This story is gonna be pretty generic. I mean, I will try to not make it but as I said it's my first time writing. Why am I writing this story? Well, have you ever wanted to eat ice cream when you saw someone else eating it? Yeah, something like that. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The cover art is made by Faier. You will meet the man himself when you read the novel and come across his comments! Thanks for the cover Faier-san! Love you! Here's the discord link https://discord.gg/BVP7bSsr6q

kxixrxixtxo · Fantasy
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103 Chs

No holding back

(Third Person's Pov)

"The rule is simple, once the other party falls unconscious or dies during the duel, the other will win. Don't worry, you won't really die since you will be fighting inside the barrier made by an artifact. Once you are eliminated you will be thrown out of the arena and your injuries will all revert but remember that the pain you will feel will be real. So, are you all prepared?"

An artifact like this was just one of the few things that the academy has, having such huge privileges for the students went to show why the academy stood at the top.

The main cast and Noah, all of them nodded.

"Alright then, begin"

With those words, the instructor vanished from the arena leaving behind only the participants.

The main cast didn't unsheath their weapons.

They all just looked at one girl on their team and the girl looked at them, her eyes seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"D-Do I have to?" She asked stuttering a little.

"We discussed this before, didn't we? Please, it's something only you can do" Allen told the girl.

"Is it?" The girl asked.

Allen nodded as he thought Because you're the only dumb one to not realize, well Elinalise is dumb too but she battles maniac so it doesn't really help...

"U-um before we start I wanted to ask you something, we all wanted to ask something" The girl nervously came forward, her blonde hair tied in a ponytail and her sky-blue eyes gleaming with innocence, she had her hands raised showing that she really wanted to talk not fight.

"Sure, go ahead" Noah replied. With a completely relaxed posture and his calm or should one say, indifferent expression, he looked far less scary.

The blonde girl let out a relief, she didn't know what she would do if Noah had decided to turn down the conversation.

"Why are you fighting our entire class? If you just wanted to be first then you could have simply challenged rank one, right? You could have gotten in our class that way too" The girl asked the question told to her by Allen.

Allen of course, had realized that simply being in top 20 ranking didn't allow one to be in special class, that much was clear from he message the academy had sent them.

"Actually, you can't get into a special class just by being in the top 20" Noah replied to the girl.

"W-what?" The girl looked a bit taken aback, she hadn't heard anything about this!

She looked behind her and Noah sighed.


Exactly at that moment, a bird-like creature appeared just behind Noah, it was around 6 feet tall.

It's beak-ready to chew Noah in one fell swoop.

And from beneath Noah's shadow, hands of skeletons emerged grabbing his feet.

The main cast sprung into action.

"H-huh! What's going on!?" The girl shouted, completely surprised and afraid.


Amidst the battlefield, filled with fiery explosions, booming sounds, bursting aura and mana, and clashing metals, a blonde girl ran, her sky-blue eyes ready threatening to cry, the sleeves of her shirt a little torn, making her tattoo's visible.

"Fuck you, Allen! Fuck everyone! I hope y'all stub your toes every day!" She shouted at the top of her lungs finally understanding what Allen and everyone else did.

They had used her as bait to keep Noah at bay while the girl with long flowing green hair and saffron eyes, Emma, had used her bird beast who could turn invisible against Noah for the surprise attack, not only her but the girl with white hairs along with few strands of black mixed in and jewel-like amethyst eyes, Lucy and the boy with creamy blonde hair and silver eyes, Aden, had both used each other's abilities to make that skeleton attack.

Afterward, Sofia and Maria conjured up a spell attack.

And from then on, it's been a huge chaos on the field.

But she still couldn't believe it, Noah seemed to be completely fine! And with a wooden sword at that!

"My, oh my, even your cursing is adorable!" The black-haired boy ran beside her, his crimson-colored eyes were captivating but just as fearful. It seemed to hold a glint of pure blood in them.

"Stop flirting with me!!!" The girl shouted, in the span of the last few hours she had come to know about others, she had discerned the boy beside her was a ...playboy.

"Can you stop appreciating the life? That's just how it is." He gave a cringy reply.

"I can! I hate my life!" The girl replied.

"You shouldn't. You should enjoy life as much as you can" The boy replied, the blonde girl found herself annoyed but before she could say anything the boy continued "Well, it seems I need to go, that side seems more interesting."

And the next second the boy vanished from her sight.

"How is he that fast!?" She cursed unable to even keep up with the events.

But one thing was clear to her, she can't afford to lose here. The penalty for them losing is expulsion.

If there was something that made everyone work together, then it was this one penalty. Expulsion wasn't something any of them wanted for reasons special to them.

Even the slightest chance of expulsion wasn't something they were willing to take.

And she was no different.

I don't want to go back to my family

She thought stopping herself, finally far away from the chaos that was ensuing in the middle of the arena.

"Come out, Sia." 

Letting out a sigh she muttered under her breath as a huge circle manifested as her in the middle of it, from which emerged a blue dragon.

This wasn't something she had shown to anyone.

Well, in truth no one among them has actually shown what they can truly do to another.

The truth of the matter was, even though they knew about Noah and had seen his videos, they had still thought they could win with simple numbers and the strength on their side but right now it was clear to her and everyone else.

Noah is a monster.

Attacks thrown at him were parried, spells were cut through, and Noah was on defense not because he couldn't attack but because he was letting them attack.

And all of that, with just a training wooden sword.

They had all come to the same conclusion.

They need to get serious.

If Noah wanted he could have attacked them right at this moment when they weren't going all out but of course, that wouldn't help.

Noah needed them to know the sheer difference and there were other things that he needed everyone to work on.

But most of all, what Noah wanted was to show her what he could do.

Noah while dodging the attack, glanced at the person looking at him and others from high up above in the audience chamber.


(Third Person Pov)

A black-haired lady with azure eyes stood in the stands, she was wearing black pants and a white shirt, smoking a cigarette as she observed the battle taking place in the arena.

Her eyes darted around, only to see no one except the participants of the battle and herself.

The reason for that was quite simple.

Noah had booked the entirety of the arena for himself.

All the audience seats were his.

Normally, there's no fee or payment to watch the duel of other students but it doesn't mean that one can't reserve seats if they want to.

They can reserve their seats using their AP and sit in their respective seats without the worry of hurrying to come to see a duel.

The rumors of the current duel have already spread through the first years. They wanted to see the students from the special class and Noah's lone fight with them.

Alas, they can't.

There's no seat available despite all of them being vacant.

Sure, some students wouldn't mind just standing and watching the duel, but that wasn't a feasible option either.

The reason was simple, it wasn't just seats that Noah had booked but the entirety of the arena a month prior.

It was when AP wasn't introduced to students and the exchange for the services was real-world money.

That was when Noah had gone and made reservations, far too many reservations for himself.

Right now, at this moment the entirety of the cinema hall belongs to Noah, and the entirety of the stadium belongs to him, place in the training halls, cafe seats, and various other places throughout the academy.

All exclusively belonging to him.

"Fucking annoying..." 

The black-haired lady muttered as she puffed out the smoke. Even if the entire arena was reserved, there are still places one can't simply reserve, her was one such. The seat of the instructor.

To begin with, she wasn't a normal instructor, she was going to be the instructor who would be in charge of the special class, their homeroom teacher.

Her name is Laura Spencer, a person who reached SS- rank in her late twenties, a prodigy of her generation, and currently her thoughts are occupied with trying to understand Noah's actions.

For the love of god, she couldn't understand why he had done it, or the academy for that matter.

Why would someone waste that much money?

They knew Noah had earned more than a billion from the casinos alone, and they even knew that the novel that's been hitting off lately was written by Noah and he was earning quite a lot of money from it.

The question however remained why did he do what he did?


A thundering roar echoed throughout the arena.

Laura's gaze turned towards the blonde girl.

"Marianna Miller, an E ranker and a summoner... " muttering that, she heard another huge loud sound of an explosion.


She looked towards the person who caused it, it was a girl belonging to beast folk, her bright red hair made her stand out, and she had a dagger in her hands, her form like a beast ready to pounce on its prey.

The academy is the best human academy but other species also study in the academy. Of course, they still gave priority to human students during the admission process but once that was done, they did treat all the students despite being of a different race equally, or at least that's the rule written for the instructors in the rule book... but not everyone abides the rules.

"Elinase, an E+ ranker, and a brawler ...they all seem to be getting serious"

The ground beneath Noah turned into a muddy swamp, disturbing his footing. His eyes darted towards the source of the reason and soon found it, it was a black-haired girl with dark green eyes, Noah recalled her name, it was Sofia, an E Ranker, Mage.

'I need to look for the other one'

Before Noah could look for the other person, he felt an attack approaching him from behind, without even looking back he dodged to his left, though the muddy ground made it slower to evade but he managed to do so.

A small flicker of fire made it past his cheek and then hit the ground, the moment it hit, the flicker of fire turned into a full-blown fire tornado.

"What! No fair! Just take the hit! Don't dodge!"

Noah didn't even need to look at her to know who this girl was, it was none other than the sister of Sofia, Maria, a full-blown dumbass.

"Maria, tell us before you use an AOE! I almost got burned!" Aleister shouted taking a step back.

"I had say let's eliminate her first!" A blue-haired girl shouted, it was Lisa Roland, an E ranker, a battle mage who uses a katana.

"Hah, touch my little sister and you are dead" Sofia scoffed at Lisa.

"Everyone step back!" At that shout, forgetting their argument, they all stepped back.

Noah who didn't get much time to react looked at the approaching, baby dragon, it was approximately 6 feet tall, just a little smaller than the invisible bird that had once again turned invisible, somewhere on the battlefield, ready to attack whenever.

The baby dragon's body was covered in crystal-clear blue scales, the moonlight shining on them.

Noah willed the aura in his legs and at the last moment when the dragon let out a huge roar and its ice breath attack, jumped into the air, and the muddy ground beneath him froze.

That was when Daphne decided to shoot, she had the class of a gunslinger. Gunslinger class bypassed the uselessness of the guns. She could coat the bullets with mana, making them dangerous.

Usually, it isn't possible to coat the bullets, well more accurately, the bullets can be coated with mana but it will wear off just as fast, in a matter of few seconds but those with Gunslinger class can coat the bullet with mana for a longer period of time. However, no one else can use those bullets except for them.

There aren't many people with a gunslinger class, it's the 5th rarest class in the world.


Daphne shouted, a bit dazed but soon after started running away, Noah moved mid-air dodging the bullet, and parried the fire-enveloped spear thrown at him, changing its direction towards Daphne.



Daphne let out a yelp, as the burst of air hit her in the back, the blade of the spear now stuck in the burned ground.

The boy with silver hair and amber eyes took back the spear just as fast, his eyes focused on Noah battling the dragon and the bird at the same time in mid-air.

'He will simply parry if I throw the spear again, what next should I do then?'

He thought, standing on the ground. He could will the mana in his legs and jump in the air but he still wouldn't be able to reach Noah's height.

He was just too high up above.

"Get back"

A voice came from behind him, he looked towards the person, it was Lisa Roland, an E ranker, a battle mage.

Taking the katana from her back, she clutched the hilt of it and bent her knees a little, as the unstable water covered the entirety of her katana's blade.

A mage is capable of shooting artillery spells but they are quite defenseless, on the other hand, battle mages are capable of fighting at close range due to their capability of faster spells.

Lisa was a battle mage but her way of using her class was quite different, instead of fighting bare-handed or simply throwing attacks at her opponent, she used her katana and covered it with magic, turning it into kind of a magic sword that allowed her to not only fight in close range but also in long-range by throwing projectile attacks.

"A thousand strikes" 

Muttering the name of her skill she threw the slash toward Noah, a single water strike made its way toward Noah, and the dragon, and the bird stepped backward, the moment the strike was about to hit him, it changed from a single strike to hundreds of strikes, making it seems like a star has been formed in the sky.

Noah pulled his sword from downward to upward in a vertical motion, cutting through the entire attack, and cleaving the star in two halves.

Making the water burst in mid-air.

Not even a second later, the dragon once again used its ice-breath attack on Noah.

From beneath him, Maria and Sofia were preparing to launch a wind attack towards him, and Aden, with his necromancer army of archers, prepared to shoot the arrows.

"These guys are able to use components of the world's power they shouldn't be able to. I do understand that the system is helping them but ...how exactly."

Noah thought and shrugged to himself, no matter how much he thought about it, he wasn't able to get the answer so in the end he decided to focus on the battlefield and the approaching, unavoidable attacks.

What happened next was the beginning of the hell.