
Clearing The World That's Inside A Novel

Have you heard stories of love, love that would never waver for years, decades, centuries or even millenniums to come? But can you really call it love? To keep loving someone forever and ever can't be anything less than crazy, can it? This is one such story. A story of a crazy love. And it's also a story of ... Someone somewhere who wished to be saved. Someone somewhere who wished to be free. Someone somewhere who wished to be able to someday make a wish. It's a story that was supposed to be a fairytale but it turned too ugly, too twisted, and far too wretched to be called one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first time writing. So, I am a rookie? newbie? whichever's the right word. This story is gonna be pretty generic. I mean, I will try to not make it but as I said it's my first time writing. Why am I writing this story? Well, have you ever wanted to eat ice cream when you saw someone else eating it? Yeah, something like that. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The cover art is made by Faier. You will meet the man himself when you read the novel and come across his comments! Thanks for the cover Faier-san! Love you! Here's the discord link https://discord.gg/BVP7bSsr6q

kxixrxixtxo · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Entering the Academy

(Noah's Pov)

In this world, there are 7 continents, along with 7 tall dungeons residing in each continent, tall very tall, no one knows where the tip of the dungeon's tower ends, along with 2 moons and a sun.

In those 7 continents, there are 7 different races living in them.

One of the continents also known as the Floating Island which quite literally floats in the air, where Elves live, with a population of 250 million Elves.

Elves are known for their high proficiency in mana, and their youthful appearance, they stop aging once they reach their prime appearance and then die along with that appearance, they are the only ones who know how to make the Elixir, and they are the ones who sell them all around the globe... What's more important about them though is that some of them possess special eyes, allowing them to see something they shouldn't be seen, which I learned about just recently.

One of the continents with technological advancement that would appear far too futuristic, also known as Artifilogia, with a population of 300 million Dwarves.

Dwarves are known for their skills in craftsmanship, and their artifacts and weapons are one of the best in the world, when people go to challenge dungeons, it is the materials transported from Artifilogia that everyone trusts in the most.

One of the continents known for its nature, wilderness, mountains, rivers, waterfall, and huge towering forests, all of the sceneries are said to be able to make one mesmerized by nature, also known as The Great Land of Natura, where Beastfolk lives, with a population of 400 million Beastfolks.

Beastfolk, are known for their honest, straightforward nature, they have a kind of short temper but they are extremely good at harvesting the natural resources from their lands, the fruits, the wooden logs, and various other resources are best to be found and bought from them.

One of the continents is known for its cold temperature, it's cold, freezing all around the year, and the land is so cold, that without proper preparation you would freeze to death, and even with preparation chances are, you would still freeze to death. The colds are far too cold and harsh there, the land also known as Freezing Island, where Vampires live, with a population of merely, 20,000.

Vampires, are known for their eccentric and independent characteristics, but that is not all, what they are known for the most is their immortality. They don't die of aging. Just like Elves, they don't age but unlike Elves who stop aging in their prime youthful appearance, vampires are different, they stop aging at different times, some still kids, some who look to be in their mid-20s, and some who are old with wrinkles.

One of the continents known for its darkness, there is never any light that passes through the thick dark clouds that hang around the land, no rain occurs, the land dwells the demons, also known as The Dark Land, with a population of 50 million Demons, all in control of the Demon Lord.

Demons are a matter of concern, in my recent expedition, I learned a lot about them, a lot. Demons can control beasts that no one knows about in the world, and currently, they amassing the beasts, silently, slowly without letting themselves be noticed, all on the orders of their Demon Lord, who without a doubt is a lunatic willing to kill and sacrifice 2 billion souls all for her lover. Dumbass.

One of the continents known for the best habitable land, where any species could live, along with various resources of different kinds it can provide, the land of humans, who originally lived all around the earth before The Great Catalysmic Event, occurred. The land is also known as The Last Land, with a population of 700 million humans.

We humans don't have much to talk about, we're kinda average buddy. Just living and managing somehow. Okay, on a side note, we do have one thing that stands above other species, we fucking don't have any potential rank limit on us, and we are also the fastest specie to have made our way to the 120th floor of the dungeon that resides in our continent whereas other species haven't even reached 110th floor. The resources we provide from the upper levels of the dungeon are invaluable for other species and we earn a hell lot from it. 

And the last continent, which no one knows anything about. All those who tried to get near it went missing, and nothing was heard from them ever again, the continent that is also known as The Mysterious Island, with an unknown population along with species unknown to everyone.

Meh, I had my system look around, for now, this place is off the charts. I have no wish of dying but one day, I am gonna rob this place.

In this world, there also live beasts, dangerous beasts, they are no different than animals, more accurately they are animals who changed after being affected by the World's Power.

And the beast can be easily controlled by the Demons, welp, I can do it too since I can use Soul Energy but after reading the book about Soul Energy I have decided against it.

It seems like if one were to control another's soul or try to influence it without a high level of proficiency in it, you are just courting death.

Well, now that we have talked about the lands, let's talk a bit about Dungeons and Hidden Dungeons.

There are 7 dungeons all around the globe, each dungeon located on each continent, their height far far too high with no end point visible, not even with satellites, and the best anyone had reached is the 120th floor of the dungeon, done by humanity as I have said.

Dungeons provide a lot of resources, mana stones, rocks, and what not, if that's not enough then the monsters that one kills in that dungeon provide valuables, which can be used in various things, more than 80 percent of the world, and manufacturing companies make things using the dungeon resources.

Of course, the rest of the percent involves natural resources, they are important too.

To go to the dungeon you need a license, and you have to register yourself at the guild. Various guilds are open in every city, where individuals can register themselves, all under the control of the central government.

There are no private guilds, so be aware of scams.

The dungeon has various entrances all throughout the continent leading everyone to the 0th floor of the dungeon.

There is no load and save in the dungeon, if you reach the 10th floor and come back, you gotta start from the 0th floor once again when you enter the dungeon.

No one knows what lies at the end of the dungeon, what would happen when you reach the top?

Well, that answer for now remains a mystery.

Now, let's talk about Hidden Dungeons, what I am about to talk about isn't something that people know. These hidden dungeons are categorized into three different levels. First, Easy Level Hidden Dungeon, one that can be done by even low rankers as long as they use their head properly, their portals are blue in color, and a total of 17 of them have been attempted by the world, 7 of which failed, resulting in a tragedy and loss of millions of lives, which I am suspicious about but we will see.

Also, I just recently cleared 3 of those hidden dungeons, leaving with 2 more of those easy ones left which no one knows about. So, 22 out of 20 Easy-level Hidden dungeons have been attempted and 13 have been officially cleared with no questions.

Second, Moderate Level Hidden Dungeon, they aren't something I have challenged. I don't know much about them, all I know is that The Demon Lord attempted 2 of the moderate hidden dungeons and cleared them. They are orange in color.

Third, Hard Level Hidden Dungeons, are red in color, again, I don't know anything about them, all I know is that The Demon Lord also cleared one of Hard Level Hidden Dungeons. Fucking monster, I am telling ya all.

30 hidden dungeons, that's all that is left to be attempted.

Out of those 30 hidden dungeons, 2 are easy, 18 moderate, and the rest 10 are hard.

On clearing the hidden dungeon, one gets a reward, a reward that seems unreasonable, things that a mortal has never seen, a reward that holds the power to change the entire world upside down.

I myself have rewards I earned from the hidden dungeon A marine colored protection necklace that would save me from anything that could kill me, no matter how strong the attack would be, it has 4 uses. A ring, which works as my inventory with a space for 25 different things, by different I mean, you can store as many things as you want if they are the same and it would still count as a single space used. For instance, 250 bottles of Elixir will only that a single space of the 25 available. Also, my ring is soul-bound, in other words, no matter if I lost the ring I could simply summon it and dis-summon it and no one else except me could have access to it.

I also have potions, one that could heal me entirely, can cure any illness except it can't bring back lost limbs but I have a potion that could bring even lost limbs back, far far more advanced healing potion than even Elixir, the best the world knows about.

Other than that, I have 2 books, one of them 'Soul Energy' and the other 'Myst' containing the knowledge of how to use them and what they are, how to be cautious about them, and all that.

These were the rewards I received from hidden dungeons that I cleared.

Now then, who were the ones who rewarded me?

It was the observers, that was the term used in the novel to describe them, small tiny creatures, with beautiful, mesmerizing wings, with beauty far too ethereal, and strong enough to destroy a planet all on their own.

....At least that's how it was described in the novel. My personal thoughts? They are nothing but pipsqueaks who happen to be strong.

Anyways, so yeah, these observers are called referred to as Fairies in this world by everyone, these ignorant masses don't know the truth, they will know after 6 years when they decide to enact their plan or whatever, and the second plot will fuck everything up.

Let's not talk about it for now, it's a pain, unnecessary stuff.

Well, other than that, there is some very useful information that I learned about. 

One that was never explored in the novel.

It seems there exists something called World's Will, Genre, Power, or whatever way you want to refer to it, that thing, nerfs the guns and bombs, and confines the world in a genre of sorts, at least that's what I understand. I still don't know much about it. But it's a matter to be explored more later down the line.

And then there's something called World's Power, it comprises of all the components that assimilated itself along the atmosphere which people don't know about. They think it's all mana, aura, and demonic energy and the actual name of demonic energy is Sould Energy.

The World's Power comprises 9 different components Mana, Aura, Soul Energy, Myst, Celestial Radiance, Nether, Numen, and 8th no one knows about except the guy that supposed to be the final boss whom I no longer think of as the final boss for various reasons and the 9th is basically considered a myth, so basically we don't have complete information about it.

These components are interlinked with intelligence, the higher the intelligence the more one can feel these components. In my case, as someone who has B+ intelligence, I can use Mana, Aura, Soul Energy, and Myst. 

Why do I have such high intelligence of B+ in a world where the average person has an intelligence of E? Well, because Noah was a part of the experiment until he decided he don't want to be part of it anymore and destroyed the entirety of the facility and ran away, erased all the records of himself and came to this city at the age of 14 where he earned money from casino's until he got blacklisted or so his diary says.

Alas, his condition was worsening along with time, a disadvantage of forcefully increasing his intelligence to such an extreme degree resulting in me being left with no choice but to challenge the hidden dungeon just after 2 weeks of arriving in this world to keep myself from dying.

And as I have said there is no information about him. He erased all his records, and the things that I learned about him were all because of the diary that he had left. I had asked the system to tell me about my past but the system said it deleted everything related to me for that was an order that I had given to it long before I became its actual absolute master.

What does absolute master mean?

Well, it means that my system is no longer in control of those observers, in other words, they can't use the system to spy on me outside of their domains, like how they still can when I enter hidden dungeons or dungeons but other than that I am out of their reach.

They are the ones who made the system and also gave the beta-tester system to our protagonist whose destiny is to lose and watch the world fall.

Stopping on my way, I stopped as the guard standing at the gate asked me to press my ID card on the sensor along with my fingerprints and retina scan that the machine took.

Where am I?

Where the first storyline plot begins, where the protagonist will meet his future comrades, and where the story originates from.

It's none other than the Academy.

Hero's Nurturing High School is the most prestigious academy on the human continent.

The Entrance Ceremony will be held 2 days from now.

I came early, to have my dormitory room assigned and to roam around the campus a little.

What? It's my first high school experience, I am kinda looking forward to it even if it's in a different world.

Now you might wonder, why are teenagers supposed to become heroes? Well, the world isn't in a good state, they have brought order and law but there are still problems that I don't want to delve into currently.

"Well then, let's get the room"

And so, I decided to head toward my assigned room for the next 3 years.