
Clearing The World That's Inside A Novel

Have you heard stories of love, love that would never waver for years, decades, centuries or even millenniums to come? But can you really call it love? To keep loving someone forever and ever can't be anything less than crazy, can it? This is one such story. A story of a crazy love. And it's also a story of ... Someone somewhere who wished to be saved. Someone somewhere who wished to be free. Someone somewhere who wished to be able to someday make a wish. It's a story that was supposed to be a fairytale but it turned too ugly, too twisted, and far too wretched to be called one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first time writing. So, I am a rookie? newbie? whichever's the right word. This story is gonna be pretty generic. I mean, I will try to not make it but as I said it's my first time writing. Why am I writing this story? Well, have you ever wanted to eat ice cream when you saw someone else eating it? Yeah, something like that. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The cover art is made by Faier. You will meet the man himself when you read the novel and come across his comments! Thanks for the cover Faier-san! Love you! Here's the discord link https://discord.gg/BVP7bSsr6q

kxixrxixtxo · Fantasy
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103 Chs

A Monster

(Noah's Pov)

"Alright, listen carefully, don't rush just because you get a little excited, stay close to me- Hey! Where are you going? Listen to me!"

Ignoring Alfred I entered the portal that would lead me to the dungeon.

I am still on the academy grounds.

The dungeon entries exist all around the world. They could be anywhere and of course, the dungeon entries that are discovered all fall under the control of the government ...or to the underworld, basically mafia, evil organization, or whatever word you wanna call them.

There isn't just one single dungeon entry in the world and when you enter the dungeon through the entry you will have to start from the first floor.

But just like how there are entries all around the world, there are several exits too in the dungeon that would pull you out of the dungeon.

Some exits are found some are still in the process of being found and some are under bad people, very bad people.

And this academy is built around a dungeon entry. In other words, I don't have to go outside of the academy to enter the dungeon.

When I was talking with Laura I had asked her for permission to go outside of the academy to enter the dungeon to make it seem like I didn't really know much about how things work, after all, it was common knowledge that there's a dungeon entry in the academy.

Basically, I left the impression that I lack common knowledge which wasn't a lie since I am still new in this world and I don't have much time to learn the trends and culture, sure I somehow find time to go through the memes and watch the type of anime's this world has to offer but still...

Ahem ahem

Anyway, back on point, there's a dungeon entry in the academy.

There are dungeon exits in the dungeon.

Dungeon exits can lead you out of the dungeon to the places you don't know about too if you don't know where the dungeon exit leads.

And I have a supervisor on my back.

Do you get where I am going with this?

I know the novel! I know the way to dungeon exit in the dungeon that would help me exit to the place where the damn hidden dungeon is! I just have to slip through Alfred which I can by intentionally falling into a dungeon trap inside the dungeon which I also know with the help of the novel!

And I will make it seem like it was Alfred's fault I ended up losing myself somewhere out there in the dungeon and when I come back I will catch one of the random criminals in the dungeon to get off the potential threat list or at least improve my image in the eyes of the academy!

Absolutely genius of me!

Anyway, now what matters is for me to pull this plan through.

I entered the dungeon portal, not wanting to hear Alfred's annoying voice.

And once more, just like back when I had entered the hidden dungeon, the unpleasant feeling of every inch of my body being stretched and torn apart came to me.

I don't feel any pain though, maybe that's why it feels so weird.

At any rate, it only lasted for a few seconds and then the next thing that greeted my sight was a sight filled with countless people, in an illuminated room.

Various species were walking around. I could see Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and a few vampires.

"Hey! Don't just go running off like that!" Alfred nagged as if he was some sort of nanny of mine.

I looked towards him who seemed to have emerged from nothing but thin air.

I walked towards where he appeared from and tried to move my hand around but all I felt was the feeling of moving my hand in empty air.

Dungeon entries are one-way tickets. You can't even see a dungeon entry portal once you have entered the dungeon. The portal just isn't there. For the people inside the dungeon, it's like you appeared out of thin air.

"Need someone around C-rank!"

"Anyone who wants to join the party!?"

I heard a few shouts here and there.

Some people come to the dungeon with their party while some come in hopes of finding a party.

The funniest part that I found though was that Elves were in a party/group of other Elves, dwarves stuck together with dwarves, and humans stuck with humans.

Well, it made sense. A dungeon is a place for resources.

Even in my world, people countries had peace treaties and all that but it wasn't like they shared stuff with each other, more so when the resources were of great value, there were many reasons for it. Economic interests, nationalism, to establish advancement dependence, cultural differences, and so on.

This world in that regard was no different than my own.

Well, at any rate. I don't really care about it.

"You are one hell of an annoying brat, you know that?" Alfred huffed clearly annoyed by constantly being ignored.

He was here as my supervisor but in the name only, the reality was Alfred had no choice but to follow me wherever I went and simply watch silently.

Of course, since he is an instructor of the academy and I am just a student he can try to exercise his powers but ...I am ranked 1 in the academy, so tough luck for him.

Besides, Laura did give him a warning before we left to not get in my way so there's that.

Well, anyway it was time to go.

"That's not the recommended route. This would lead to a monster-filled route that had ambushed you. It had been one thing if you were high ranked but you aren't"

For the first time in a while, Alfred said something that's actually quite useful but does he not know who I am?

"Dude don't you know my name?"

There were several routes available on the 0th floor that would lead to the first floor. All these routes were different and came with different difficulties.

For instance, a route that would literally lead you to the monster's horde. A route that would lead you to the 1st floor where no monsters are swarming and a route filled with monster traps.

Every veteran adventurer knew which route would lead you where.

The one I was choosing just happens to be the dangerous one. It would lead me to the swarm of monsters.

But the thing is, it's just 1st floor so the monsters are basically gonna be just several G ranked monsters at best.

Why would I have any trouble going this route? Hell, why would any of the students from the special class would have a problem with this? The only ones who might have are newbies with low ranks, maybe those from lower classes in 1st year.

"You have been ignoring me all this time! I did ask you your name!" Alfred practically shouted in my ears.

"...I clearly registered my name before entering, the hell are those eyes of yours for? Decorations?"

"Agh! Where do you even get that kind of confidence to speak to an instructor like that?" Alfred complained.

"My name's Noah. I am from the special class. I plan on going through the routes you think are dangerous

The most dangerous routes were the fastest routes to the upper floors.

That's why most of the veterans preferred to use the dangerous routes instead of safer ones.

That's just how it is.

Alfred blinked his eyes again and again looking at me.

"...You are that Noah, the one who beat u-" 

"I am that Noah"

I interjected before he could finish up and turned towards the route that I had decided on.

Without wasting time or giving any to Alfred, I walked into the route while Alfred hurriedly followed me.

Throughout the way, he didn't utter a single word.

Finally, peace.


(Alfred's Pov)


That was the name that became popular in the entirety of the academy and also a name that no one dared to speak.

No matter where I went--to the classes or the faculty office, everyone seemed to be affected by him.

Not because of a good reason though.

It was because of their fear, repulsion, anger, and disgust.

The student who had challenged Noah to the duel is now hospitalized, his mental health has deteriorated and it will probably take him months to recover from it and even then if he ever saw Noah or heard his name he might relapse to shutting himself to seclusion.

I had never seen or met Noah.

But I was interested in knowing how a person who was ranked 1, the strongest despite being a low ranker has such a negative image. 

And now I just learned that the very person is someone I have been talking to this entire time.

But ...he seemed normal.

I couldn't help but think as such.

He does have a rude tongue but that was about it.

But ...those thoughts of mine changed soon enough.

He is dangerous.

In a mere 20 minutes into our dungeon exploration, we had already reached the 10th floor but this wasn't what bothered me. 

It was Noah's actions that did.

He walked over to the monster's spilled organs, and bathed in their blood but not once did Noah change his expression.

It was this part of him that felt terrifying, the unnerving indifference that sent shivers down my spine. He killed without care or hesitation, unbothered to the stench of blood or the grotesque sight of entrails spilled over.

He killed and killed.

Like a machine-- methodically, unfeelingly, and efficiently.

And this part of him was what terrified me the most.

It must be his first time coming to the dungeon and yet...

And so we continued like that. I simply followed him behind but not once did he need my help.

And just like that we reached floor 30th.

Still? He isn't exploring the floor or anything, just climbing them. He didn't even try to collect the monster stones or anything. Just trying to climb the tower.

Was he trying to see how far he could go?

If that's the case, he should be reaching his limits soon.

After this floor only monsters above D- rank will appear and it will become difficult for him to continue and with that, he will know his limits.

Well, it seems we are going to be returning soon.

I never would have expected that this seemingly easy job would turn into such a disaster.


It was on the floor 70th that I had finally begun to understand how much of a monster Noah was.

We are on the floor where we could sometimes even encounter B+ ranked monsters.

Honestly, I probably would have been too scared to approach him if not for his figure that was covered in sweat, his figure that was huffing for air rapidly, and his chest kept heaving up and down with each labored breath, his body had too many injuries piled up on him, he kept readjusting his weakened grip on the hilt of the sword. I probably would have been too scared to approach him.

He was clearly exhausted.

Too exhausted.

And that made me feel relieved.

I know that wasn't a good thing but I still couldn't help the feeling.

Just how he is so strong? He was just a 16-year-old kid, a low ranker.

What would happen when he grows up?

The very thought made me shudder.

Amid my thoughts, a serpentine monster slithered its way toward Noah as it launched its surprise attack, it covered the 30-foot distance in less than a second. So fast, it was almost impossible to see, its tail ready to smash Noah.

Noah realized the attack coming his way, a bit too late, before his sword could parry the attack, the tail reached him, slamming his body and sending him flying through the air in a tailspin, impacting the concrete with a thunderous crash. He coughed up blood as his body rolled along the ground over and over until it came to a stop.

This is his limit.

I stepped out of my spot and approached Noah now lying on the ground, coughing up blood and groaning in pain.

"We are going home after this"

There were several times when I had told him to stop and rest but he had continued saying he could keep going and told me to stay on the sidelines.

But now forget about standing up, he can't seem to even provide a retort.

I sighed.

I took the sword from Noah, who had managed to hold onto it.

He didn't resist when I took the sword from him.

Slowly, I started pouring my water affinity into the sword and performed a water-slash to cut the monster in half.

It was probably a B- ranked monster I concluded.

With that the matter is set-!?

I suddenly sensed danger overwhelming my senses.

And the next instant, I saw various monsters surrounding us.


Where did they come from!?

I hadn't sensed anything!

"What do you mean by we are going home? We are getting started" The monotonous voice came from behind me, slowly standing up, his empty black colored eyes and his indifferent face made me feel a chill. 

It didn't take me long to realize that his injuries were healed.


As if understanding my words he spoke.

"I am a rich guy" 

Saying so, he pointed at an empty vial lying on the ground.


This guy...

Noah too op~

This is what being the disciple of the best does, being someone who can use 4 different components of energies does. Being a D- ranker does.

Then again, Noah's enemies aren't these guys but those who can pull off the same thing as him :'(

Oh, I changed the floor that Alyssa had to collect the herbs from, it's now 66th lol

I must have been high when I wrote 26 back then.

Thanks for the read!

kxixrxixtxocreators' thoughts