
Cleanse _ Sins

Only the pure will Survive the fight against dybbuk. A supernatural being who devours the souls of sinners is on the lose

Charley_Siwale · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Cursed Child

Most people of Rochdale still called it "the cursed town," even though the curse of Dybbuk had been inactive for years. Half a decade ago, Rochdale was cursed with the spirit of Dybbuk. The townsfolk feared it, and they avoided committing sins. But, for thirteen years, there had been peace, until the birth of Liam Carter, the cursed child.

"Jake, do you think we did the right thing?" Mariah asked her husband. They were hiding Liam's condition from the world, hoping to protect him from Dybbuk.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, concerned about his wife.

"Locking him up in his room and shielding him from the world. What kind of life is that?"

Jake sighed. He knew that they were struggling to keep Liam safe, but he too had the same worries as Mariah.

"It's for his own good, Mariah. You know that. We can't let Dybbuk get hold of him," Jake said, trying to reassure Mariah.

Liam was wise beyond his years, and even at sixteen, he could sense that there was something different about him.

"Jayden, do you ever feel like we're different from other people?" Liam asked Jayden, his brother.

Jayden looked at Liam, confused. "Different? How?"

"You know, like we're not supposed to be like this," Liam said, his voice trembling.

Jayden knew that something was troubling Liam, but he didn't have the heart to tell him about the curse of Dybbuk.

Suddenly, something inside Liam urged him to sneak out of the house. He felt a need to see the world outside, without his parents' protection.

As Liam stepped out of the house, he felt free, but he had no idea that his actions had triggered the curse of Dybbuk.

The next day, the townsfolk found a lifeless body in the middle of the street. It was stripped of the soul, the eyes gouged, and the tongue cut off. In blood, it was written on the wall that he had peeped on women with his eyes and lied to them with his tongue. Suddenly, sins started appearing on people's bodies again.

"This is not good," the head priest exclaimed. "Dybbuk's curse is back, and we have to do something about it."

Mariah and Jake knew that they had to find a way to protect their son, but they had no idea what to do.

"We have to keep him safe," Mariah said to Jake.

"I know, Mariah. But the curse has grown stronger, and we have to do something about it," Jake replied.

As they tried to find a solution, Liam knew that something was different. He asked his parents about his condition, and for the first time, he learned about the curse of Dybbuk.

"I can feel it inside me, Mom. The curse of Dybbuk is calling me," Liam said to Mariah, his eyes glistening with fear.

Mariah hugged Liam tightly, hoping against hope that they could find a solution before it was too late.