
Psycho or a Psychic

"Mom. ...mom... where are you!?! Is the breakfast ready? I'm late...Mom!!" a loud voice echoed around the house. "Calm down sweetie. I have prepared pancakes for you. Come down the stairs slowly. ", a calm and soothing voice replied back. The motherly figure who was cooking let out a sigh. This girl never changes. A great thundering could be heard. It was the sound of someone running down the stairs. The girl came into view. She was actually beautiful. But her unruliness and troublesome character made boys stay clear of her. Her long messy brown hair was tied into a bun. And she wore a normal pink T-shirt and ripped jeans a normal fashion of the girls there. What stood out on her oval face was a pair of startling grey eyes. It gave her a mystified look. And her eyes were one of the things she was proud about. Jade, as that was her name, ran to her mother have her a hug and started gobbling on the pancakes.

" Eat slowly or you will get an indigestion." , her mom scolded. Her mom looked just like Jade except for her eyes which were blue instead of grey. "Its okay mom. I'm immune to indigestion." , she said. "Of course you were to get an indigestion every time you ate like this, then you would be sick on all the days of the century", he mom scolded. Suddenly they heard a honk. the bus had arrived. " The bus came. ", Jade screamed. She swallowed the last of the pancakes and grabbed her bags and ran out. "This girl, can't she wake up early atleast one day." , he mother chided seeing her daughter run out in a hurry.

Jade entered the school bus. She greeted the driver and turned to go to her seat. Suddenly the driver said in a loud voice, "I don't know whether it's a new fashion or what. But you have got pancake syrup on your chin." The whole bus laughed. Jade blushed and hurriedly wiped her chin.

She looked around and saw her friend Willow grinning and waving up at her. As usual there was a saved seat beside her. Jade grinned back and walked hurriedly towards her. On the way her eyes accidentally met two dirty brown eyes. Jades ' eyes heated up. In those eyes she saw herself reflected. Like a movie a series of images flashed by her mind. She found herself walking towards her seat saved by Willow. Suddenly a leg thrust out, she tripped and fell in the ground. These images vanished as soon as it came.

She came back to reality. In reality nothing had changed. She was still grinning at Willow and walking towards her. It was almost as if the same thing repeating twice. She saw the leg thrusted in front of her and avoided it just in time. She then turned and stuck her tongue at the owner of that damn leg. The same dirty brown eyes stared back defiantly at her. Those eyes also held some kind of surprise. The girl who struck her leg out was Rianna the nastiest girl in the class. She was the most popular girl among the boys. She was beautiful, blonde and rich. And she loved bullying Jade and Willow.

Rianna was surprised because she had done it very quickly and almost no one could avoid tripping and falling down especially since Jade was a renowned klutz in her class.

Jade looked around and saw many looking at her in surprise everyone has Sen Rianna doing that and Jade avoiding it. She looked down to avoid the stares and sat next to Willow.

Jade could see the future . To be exact, she could what someone was going to do when she looked into the person's eyes. She mostly avoided holding a long eye contact with any of her classmates. That was the main reason she did not have many friends, well only Willow. That was also the reason she could not bear to have boyfriend since having one would mean looking at the person in the eyes for long time. She would then see everything set in that person's future.... even his death date. Well her abilities also had good uses, for example she saved herself from a great embarrassment today from Rianna. She did not know how she got it and why. For now her only aim was to suffer for one more year in high school until her graduation.

Jade was still deep in thought so she did not hear when Rianna turned and told something nasty at her. She broke out of her thoughts, "what did you say again I'm sorry I didn't hear you?I was thinking something else..." ,she said. Rianna curled her lips and said, "Forget I told you anything you psycho." Someone sniggered. Jade just rolled her eyes and turned to Willow who grinned and said, " Well she is not wrong. You are a psycho, I mean a psychic. " ,
