
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

The Date

"We are here !!" he announced

That caught my attention. I looked out the window with curiosity. It looked beautiful but god knows how much time it took for him to do this. We were in the woods but not like any normal place.

Huge plastic flower light, these lights were kept on the snow in between trees. It looked amazing.

But then it hit me that I am freaking wearing heels! How can he possibly expect me to walk on snow with heels????

"Hey, Knox how jobless are you ???" I asked smiling like an idiot. 'hey you know you are blushing like an idiot right?' Zene yelled. 'It doesn't matter' I snapped. 'yes it does smiling and blushing is different' she snapped back. 'Fine you win' I said frustrated.

"Hey !!" He said snapping his fingers in front of my face

"You okay??"He asked "Your cheeks are red"

Zene burst out laughing. I mentally glared at Zene and glared at Knox which he shrugged as a reply.

"Why exactly are you blushing?" He smirked

"I don't maybe its because I have a hot mate who is taking me to a dinner I suppose" I shrugged and asked the last part with my eyebrows raised.

"por supuesto milady" he bowed and chuckled [of course milady]

"you got Italian from Ryder right, I bet when he speaks Italian it will be hot" I smirked, his face fell suddenly. His ancestors are from Italy so it's like a bloodline. Mine is Spanish.

"don't boost his ego, but I am sure when I speak Spanish you find it hot," he smirked

"That's true" I muttered under my breath so that Knox doesn't hear

"What's true?" He asked smirking

"no-nothing" I stuttered, shit why did I stutter, I have never stuttered to anyone

"that you find me speaking Spanish hot?" he smirked

"Whatever makes you sleep honey" I muttered

He chuckled and got out of the car and opened the door next to me. I muttered a quick thanks while getting down but stopped when I realized I am wearing heels. I look up to see smirking Knox. God screw heels and I stepped out of the car. Bad move. cause I slipped the instant I stepped out. Screw pointed heels. I waited for the pain which never came but I realized Knox caught me.

"Isn't too quick to fall for me?" he smirked

"You wish perdedor" I muttered [loser]

He chuckled and picked me. I let out a squeak.

"It's cold " I complained and snuggled closer to him

"If you wanted this you should have said so!!" he smirked

"yeah right,!!" I said

'And everyone knows you are lying' Zene sang. 'nowadays you take his side a lot' I mumbled. 'oh come on tell me how many times you complained to me saying you want to cuddle with him'

"What are you thinking about" he whispered in my ear. I squeaked as it sends me a shiver down my spine. I glared at him while blushing.

I can't live with this guy my whole life. I mentally groaned. I was happy this hot douche is my mate, but I ain't gonna feed his ego. He chuckled as he noticed he has an effect on me.

"What happened Zes?" He asked smirking.

"Playing innocent are we?" I asked giggling. Why did I giggle now? Knox Everett what are you doing to me?

"How far is it?" I groaned

"Your not even walking I am carrying you miss moody" He huffed

"Well I don't remember asking you to carry me " I huffed back

"Well I wanted to carry my mate is there a problem now," He said a bit loud, clearly embarrassed

I smiled and shook my head. I brought my hand started to pinch his cheek.

"Don't do that," he said pulling his head back. I didn't stop I started laughing at his reaction.

"I am supposed to be the bad Alpha don't do that" he groaned

"Well I don't see any bad Alpha here all I see is my cocky mate who is currently embarrassed" I chuckled and poked his nose

"Hey!! what was that" He whined

"You know you're not as light as you look" He whined

"Well get used it" I mumbled

"Well are you saying me that you will let me carry you" He grinned

I started playing with his hair which made him groan. Just so you know whenever our skin makes contact, we feel sparks between us. Soon after I heard him groan I stopped and earned a growl from him. I chuckled.

"Such a tease" He mumbled

"I heard that" I giggled and suddenly he stopped

"We are here" He announced as he put me down

"where are we-" I stopped in mid-sentence when I saw what was there.

"You like it ??" He whispered in my ear

"No.... I love it" As soon as those words left my mouth, my lips met his. I pulled away which made him growl.

"I am hungry " I complained while smiling in return he just huffed.

I turned around and stared at the scenery, while Knox's hand made its way wrapping me. He rested his head over my shoulder. I just hoped he won't whisper right now. I kept staring at this.

There was a white table and two chairs by the beach. A bottle of wine along with two glasses sat on the table. There were pink candles placed inside glass jars, container.

"you are such a tease" He whispered causing me to squeak and jump.

"who is a tease now??" I asked trying to walk away Which only ended in me falling pulling Knox along with me. Yes, I am clumsy.

"This brings back memories doesn't it?" He asked

"Yes it does" I smiled

"Now get up, you are heavy" I groaned

"Its pure muscle sweetheart" he smirked while getting up

"Why can't our dinner go like normal people's dinner ??" I asked laughing

"Well I can't complain if my date is clumsy and moody" He shrugged earning a hit from me

"It's cold!!!" I whined

"then get your ass up" He stated

"Or are you waiting for me to pick you?" He added with a smirk

I got up quickly, way too quickly I guess. Not that I care. We walked to the table.

"Here!!" He said handing me a White faux jacket.

"Thanks" I grinned

"Where did you get this?"I asked referring to the jacket

"well I got a jacket matching your dress" He grinned

"How come you knew what I was gonna wear while I got to know 2 hours before the party," I asked confused

"I may or may not got you that dress and told your mum to give to you" He sheepishly

My mouth went wide open. He took this as an opportunity he fed me a piece of chocolate cake which I ate without complaint and sat on the chair. He pulled his chair close to me and fed me some pasta right after I swallowed. Since I can't deny food so I ate and I glared at Knox because he is not allowing me to talk. He chuckled. I stopped him and motioned him to eat. Once he started eating.

"let's play 21 questions" I stated While eating grilled steak. Don't ask how much food was there. he just nodded.

"I'll start!!! who was your first kiss ?" I asked with my eyebrows raised

He gulped and answered "Claire the girl who kissed me today" By the time he finished my mouth hung open. I could feel Zene trying to take control, she doesn't like her. Knox notices this and grabs my hand

"It was a dare chill Zene," He said in a promising tone

"Well, it is my turn, who was your first kiss ?" He asked with a raised eyebrows

"It was your best friend James" I replied drinking some wine but quickly realized how that sounded.

"Knox listen, I don't like him," I said to Knox who was fuming now.

"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't kill him," He asked through gritted teeth, his eyes switching between blue and grey.

"Beca-" He cut me off with a growl

It looks like he won't listen to me. 'Let me take control' Zene asked. 'What are you gonna do?' I asked confused. She took forced control and said some words which surprised me and Knox.

"Because I love you," Zene said and let me take control.

I stared wide-eyed. How can she say that I would have proposed him in a better way! On his birthday I have always planned for that. She ruined it. she could have kissed him or said I don't like James. She could have said it was a dare!!

"Who is the moody one now" I smirked at him trying to change the subject

"Did you mean it or was it to calm me down?" He asked seriously

I took a deep breath and said "Zene said it and consider it was for Ryder and for me to say that you have to wait, baby" I like him, I will tell him on a special day

"OK" He smiled

"We should continue the game," He said while eating his pasta

"What is your favorite color? mine is silver" I said

"Mine is grey, Are you full? " He asked,

"yea, How long has it been since you found I was your mate?" I asked

"Since the ball" He replied drinking wine

"Why aren't you asking me anything ?"I asked annoyed

"Cause I know everything about you," He said with a smirk

I stuck my tongue at him. Which made him chuckle.

"What all do you know about me," I asked him

"favorite color silver, favorite food pasta, you like spicy food, you don't like too much sweet but still like sweet, favorite cake is honey cake, favorite ice cream flavor is pralines'n'cream, till now you have had 2 boyfriends, first was James second was a guy named Blake, Mae is your Best friend, people are scared of you in school because you like the pain you see in them and you are short-tempered, favorite animal is dogs, you're obsessed with white faux cloth, you want to move with your mate right after you find him, you like reading romantic books, your favorite Disney movie is beauty and the beast, your favorite movies are all avenger movies, you are a night person, you find guys who can speak more than one language attractive, you nearly killed a guy when he was trying to flirt with Mae and lastly you want to have 2 kids," He said while looking at me.

I said one word which came into my mind

"STALKER, and how do you know stuff even I don't know myself and I never said I want to move with a mate and how the hell did you know I want 2 kids" I was shocked, he just shrugged,

"Wait if you knew everything about me why did u get angry about my first kiss," I asked confused.

"I didn't know that you dated James I just got to know now." He said

I let out a yawn.

"come on let's go to your house, it's getting late, " He said with a smile, in the future, I am going to have a hard time trying to stay mad at him

He carried me to the car and I was tired to drive so I just sat in the passenger seat.

---------time skip to house--------

I guess I slept because I felt someone carrying. since I felt he sparks I knew it was Knox. So I snuggled closer to him. I felt myself be placed on the bed slowly. I felt something wet wipe my face. So I opened my eyes to see Knox trying to remove my makeup. He just smiled when he noticed me awake and continued to remove my makeup.

After that, he made me sit up and started undoing my hair. He has removed his coat. After removing my hair he braided my hair I was first surprised but I started giggling.

"How do you know how to braid," I asked still giggling

"My sister doesn't like my mom braiding her hair so she made me so I kinda learned few braids" He chuckled

I smiled soon after finishing my braid.

"Will you change yourself or should I change it for you??" He asked with a smirk

"I can do that myself" I glared at him and stormed into the closet and took pajamas and went to the washroom to change.

I heard him laughing his ass off.

I changed into my unicorn jumpsuit and came out. This jumpsuit had a cap that had a horn on the top, it looks cute so I put the jumpsuit on. I went out to find Knox shirtless

"Are you staying ?" I asked trying not to stare at his abs

"Yes miss unicorn" he replied with a smirk

I chuckled and jumped on my bed and whistled. A tiny furball came running from the closet and lying on the bed.

"Knox where do you want to sleep," I asked him looking up from the bed

"Right there" Pointing at Wiskey, where I was cuddling with Wiskey. I chuckled

"Are you jealous of Wiskey?" I asked him giggling

He just pouted.

"Come here!!" I said pointing to the other side, Wiskey free part

He mumbled something under his breath and came to bed

"Good night," He said as his hand made its way wrapping my waist

"Night " I mumbled

After that, I entered into an endless sleep with a smile.