

In the city of lagos mr. Nelson okon lived with his wife Mrs. Nelson she was three month pregnant before it came to here knowledge that she was pregnant, the pregnancy was like a mystery because they was no sign or any symptom of pregnancy in her body. After nine month Mrs. Nelson was getting ready to put to bed, but to her surprise the day of her delivery in which she and her husband have both calculated was not the day she was going to put to bed. After several test was runned it was clear that she was okay and the baby is also doin well, the doctor said the reason she hasn't put to bed was because of delay and its Normal that they is nothing to be scared about.

Mr. Nelson was relieved because since the doctor said it was normal and she we still give birth for sure, Mrs. Nelson on the other was afraid, she said to herself that nobody in her family have ever had that kind of situation, she was surprise about her own pregnancy. Mrs. Nelson was the second to the last born in the okoye family, she had eight siblings five boys three girls, she followed the sixth born who was a male and the last born was also a male. She was the youngest of the female child, her eldest sister joy who lives at Abuja with her husband and two sons had no difficulty in child bearing, her elder sister that followed Deborah also had no difficulty in child bearing, and their mum have never told them of a story of she having difficulty in child bearing. All this thought and imagination filled up her brain, "what is this, what type of child am I carrying, this one is not a child, am sure its a monster " she whisper to her self.

After eleven months of carrying the same pregnancy Mrs. Nelson was tried and she was ready to abort the pregnancy, all the family members of her husband have called her several names, even her own brother called her a witch that she had brought cursed upon the lineage of their family because non of them had ever seen some thing like that before. "My wife please be clam let them say what they want to say, atleast me am not complaining " mr. Nelson begged his wife.