

After the birth of a new born child to the family, Mr. Nelson killed a very big cattle for the celebration of his new child. He could not believe that he was going to carry a baby from his wife. Mrs. Nelson on the other hand was quite unhappy but she just played happy so people attention won't be on her, most especially that of her husband.

After the celebration that very night, Mr. Nelson sat at their frontage to calculate what and what he was going to buy for is wife and baby to make them feel comfortable. In the point of him thinking, his mind went back to when him and is wife were still barren, So he began to give God all the glory, tears started coming from eyes. One night Mr. Nelson received a call from the hospital that is wife had gone for abortion at lekki, this time it was a different doctor that spoke to him.

"Hello Mrs. Nelson", said the doctor

"Good day Mr., how can my wife be of help to you ", he replied with a very low tune. The doctor was surprise because the name stated in the document were he took the number from stated Mrs. And that should be a woman, but not to waste the time of the gentle man that picked the call, "well, sir am the new doctor at Charity Health Hospital Lekki Zone, I was brought in to office early this morning and the former doctor, doctor mike has been fired for lake of maintenance ".

Mr. Nelson was already running out of patience, he was filled with the thought why the doctor was calling his wife "hello, Mr. Doctor please can you go straight to the point, I dont have all day for these your gist, if you guys maintain your hospital or not its not our business, the only business we had with you guys has already ended three weeks ago. So please let us be, and besides I paid the bill complete even with extra". Well Doctor Jude understood the frustration of Mr. Nelson, its only in Nigeria people hate receiving calls from any medical place, so he knew he had to calm him down. "Sir we have a report that says you wife came here for an abortion , that why we calling to check if she's alright; By the grace of God your wife was the first person on the list(which was a lie, but to make him calm down), so we're calling to check out her well being "

With no further speech Mr. Nelson hanged up the phone, he look toward the sky, and sighed.

That night Mr. Nelson ate nothing to bed and the following morning, I word about the conversation between him and the doctor came out of his mouth, his behavior towards Mrs. Nelson changed, he bearly even call her talkless of checking up on her. With a short period, Mrs. Nelson discovered the changes in her husband behavior, but she just kept quiet not to offend him the more.