
Classroom of the Elite: The mastermind.

Cliche class D start, i started watching Cote yesterday and decided to make a fanfic out of it. Cause the series and the premises were intresting as fuck, so yeah. This story is no Harem story, yes it has a system but nothing too overpowered, and yes he's has the potential to beat Ayanokoji. Classroom of the elite is not my property, and I claim no rights on it.

Vedora_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

A leader in classroom of the Defects?

'This is bullshit,' I thought as I stared at the blue panel in front of me, at the system-like interface.

Bold letters began to show up as I looked at it intently.

[ Welcome to the world of Classroom of the Elite. You are given this second chance at life because of your entertaining actions in past life. ]

What the fuck? Entertaining? Was killing a bunch of people from some high-rise building for money that much entertaining? And who the fuck is stalking me? Hey, show yourself, you fucking bastard!

I internally cursed. Even I know that randomly cursing inside a bus full of people would undoubtedly be a pain in the ass.

[ It is indeed bullshit. For a higher being to find your life entertaining if all lives in earth, you should be thankful for it. ]

Now you're pissing me off. You just randomly deposited me in this world, not to mention in the body of a student who was going to that ANHS.

I looked around and noticed that I was sitting in the far back of the bus. Judging by the time, the bus would arrive at the last stop in a few minutes, which was the government-funded Advanced Nurturing High School.

I needed to be prepared. I looked at my hands and flexed my wrists, clenching my hands hard. Veins bulged as I gripped my fingers with my thumb.

It seems this body is stronger than my previous one. Even though I was a well trained master assassin with tens of years of experience, I found myself fascinated by the strength of this body.

[ Of course it would be stronger; this body was made by the one and only $&$#. ]

Now what is this? Some incorrigible symbols? What kind of name is that? Even though I wanted to laugh, I understood that I was insignificant to this entity, and I'm far too weak in power and status to hear its name.

So I just looked at the panel once more and asked the next question I had in my mind.

'So, I am given this chance to entertain this entity once more, right?'

[ You catch on quick, no wonder he chose you. Anyways, yes, you are here to entertain the higher beings so that they can gain satisfaction from reading about your life in this universe.

Of course, you would get peak human potential right off the bat, but not peak human stats. Be mindful of that. ]

'I see, so I can train this body to be the peak of human potential. Does the same apply to the mind as well?' My second question was fired at the panel.

And it responded in kind as well.

[ Of course, the same applies to the mind as well. Anyways, you get two free rolls at the wish market. I will explain it to you as you might be confused. ]

No, I'm not confused at all. After all, the system straight up told me that I currently have two free spins in the "wish market." I assume this to be like Gacha rolls.

'I wonder if my wonderful luck applies here as well,' I thought sarcastically as I looked at the system once more, ready to hear the explanation anyway.

[ You seem to have already figured out what I was going to say anyway, but I will still explain it to you as it is my duty to assist with anything you require.

First of all, the wish market, as its name suggests, allows you to get Roll tickets as rewards from completing quests. You can deny or decline quests if you find them too hard.

You can exchange the Roll tickets at the wish market for some random items. ]

I see, so this is exactly like Gacha. I looked at the panel once more and wished it to change to the 'Wish market.' And it did. A new screen popped up with a Gacha-like interface.

There was a small box with 'spin' under the huge wheel. I clicked it immediately, and another question popped up.

[ Do you wish to spin all your roll tickets?]

[ Yes/No. ]

I immediately clicked yes, and the huge wheel began to spin at extreme speeds, until eventually it slowed down and stopped at something.

[ Congratulations, you get a never-ending camera pencil as your first reward from the wish market. ]

It seems my luck had not passed onto this world as well. A camera pencil? Even though I had an idea of what to do with this, I could just put it in my shirt pocket and record all the underhanded things that happen in this school, having evidence against them.

It would be beneficial in the long term. As I was contemplating what to do with the pencil, the wheel already started to spin and stopped at something else.

[ Congratulations, you get the skill Thought Acceleration ×5 as your reward from the wish market. ]

Hey, that's a huge buff from the previous reward. Are you sure this is what I get? Thought acceleration? That's some insane plot armor skill.

[ This is what you get. You are not mistaken; it is a huge buff indeed. Thought acceleration increases the speed of your thoughts, therefore giving you more time to think. It is indeed a huge advantage if you can use it efficiently. ]

Yeah, I know. Now then, the bus reached the last stop, ANHS. My new high school.

I left the bus and saw the entrance. Quite the big school. There were a lot of students and even parents who had just dropped off their kids.

Well, can't blame them, because you can't see them for three years after all. Yes, this school prohibits any and all contact with the outside world.

Walking inside, I completed the necessary procedures and was on my way to my class. Quite the cliché, if I had to say so, as my class was none other than Class 1-D.

Entering the class, I found another cliché. I walked to the last desk of the third row, which meant that Sotomura, or as his friends called him "The Professor," was replaced by my presence.

A lot of people were here already, like the guy who is completely average and in no way is a hidden mastermind with no emotions.

And the beautiful black-haired exotic beauty who also in no way was a self-centered, narcissistic bro-con and the sidekick of the completely average guy.

And the angel who is also in no way a two-faced bitch hell-bent on expelling the tsundere sidekick of the completely average guy.

And now comes the most important part of the class, "I belong to everyone" Hirata Yousuke, the perfect ikemen with an "I'll help everyone because I couldn't help my friend" mindset.

And then came Yamadead, the perfect masterpiece of the black room, rivaling those from the white room. He just doesn't like to use his extraordinary powers to gain attention.

After him was Karuizawa Kei, the "I got bullied so now I will bully everyone and spread my legs if Kiyoporn asks me" girl.

And then was the "perfectly average" Matsushita Chiaki, who pulled off the average facade better than the perfectly average masterpiece of the white room.

Honestly, this classroom is a fucking mess already. No wonder they got dubbed the "Classroom of the Defects." Now I wonder, what was my defect?

After all the cannon fodder and bottom feeders settled in, the door opened once more. A beautiful woman with a big bust and quite seductive cleavage came inside, her heels making a "clack" sound as she walked to the teacher's podium.

She was a young woman with long brown hair tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left and brown eyes.

"Greetings, I am Chabashira Sae, the homeroom teacher for Class D. My expertise lies in Japanese history, but I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years at this school. I will provide written materials and the admission guide to help you better understand the school's unique regulations," she yapped while maintaining a perfectly neutral face. She's what we call the "Ice Queen."

The students in the front seats passed the familiar documents to the person behind them.

This is what it said: At this school, there are special rules that make it different from every other high school. All students must live on campus and are forbidden from contacting anyone outside the school. Even getting in touch with immediate family is impossible without the school's permission.

Even though this was all known to me from the show, I was still surprised a bit. I mean, if this were any school in my old world, they would be arrested already.

Leaving school grounds is also forbidden.

However, there are many other facilities so that students don't suffer from being restricted. There are karaoke, theater rooms, cafes, and even boutiques—you could say it makes up a small town. The vast campus takes up more than 600,000 square meters in the middle of the big city.

One more special characteristic of this school though—the introduction of the S system. It piqued my curiosity a little bit, and the student card, which acts as both an identification card and the equivalent of an ATM card.

"To use a student card, simply swipe it on the machines provided. These machines are user-friendly, so you shouldn't encounter any issues. Your points will be automatically credited on the first day of every month. It's important to note that each user already has 100,000 points on their card, and each point is equivalent to 1 yen. Further explanation is not required."

The classroom erupted in the stupidity of average and below-average students who could not hide their surprise and happiness when they heard 1 point is equal to 1 yen.

"Did the number of points you received come as a surprise? This institution assesses the capabilities of its students, so if you pass the entrance exam, you have demonstrated some level of merit and value. The amount of money you receive corresponds to your skills, so feel free to use it without any reservations. However, please remember that after graduation, all points will be nullified," she said, taking a breath and looking over the class once more.

"It seems pointless to save these points since they cannot be converted into cash. The decision on how to use them is entirely yours. If you have no use for some of your points, feel free to utilize them for things you enjoy or require. Additionally, there is always the option to transfer them to another person. However, it is strictly forbidden to bully others for points. The school takes matters related to bullying very seriously," she said in one breath and once again looked at everyone in the class.

"Any questions?" she asked with a neutral face, and that was the moment my system decided to do its work, just when I had decided not to ask any questions.

[ Ask questions about the S-system, make it obvious that the class would not get the same amount of points the next month. ]

[ Rewards: Interest of Chabashira Sae, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and Horikita Suzune.

Chance to take control of the class as its class leader, two Roll tickets.

Respect of the classmates barring Ayanokoji kiyotaka, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, Koenji Rokusuke and Sudo Ken. ]

[ Penalty: Nothing other than the fact that you would not get any points in class points, which will dump your class in the last place like the original timeline. ]

I sighed. Great, just great.

—Third person —

Looking at the disappointment of the class, Sae was about to walk out, seeing that no one had any questions. That is until a voice broke out from the back of the class.


The entire classroom turned to the owner of the voice. He was a pretty good-looking boy with dark bluish-black hair and sharp purple eyes. He was sitting with the elbow of his right hand on the desk and his knuckle on his cheek, supporting his head.

His left hand was raised, indicating he indeed had a question to ask her.

She remembered him from the class information in the faculty room.

"May I ask a question?" she nodded to his inquiry.

"Do we get the same amount of points, that is 100,000 points, from next month onwards as well?"

She was surprised. To think there was a student who was perceptive, and that too in this defective class.

But she didn't show it on her face. Instead, a small smirk came across her face, and she answered, "I can't answer that."

Though she could hear some of his classmates mocking him under their breath, thinking it was a stupid question, he didn't give any mind and ignored them before looking at her.

"Then, may I ask another question?" She nodded once more, but this time she was intrigued to hear what kind of question he would ask.

"You said the school evaluates us based on our merits, right?" She nodded once again. He seemed even more impressive than she thought.

"Do the cameras have something to do with that statement?"

"What!? Cameras?" The students began to panic as they looked all over the classroom, and they found four cameras in the back of the class hidden in the edges of the ceiling, small and evading detection unless specifically looked for.

"The cameras are for checking your behavior and self-discipline in the class," she said with her ever stoic stance.

He sighed, loud enough for the sound to travel through the silent class.

"I would like to buy a detailed explanation on the S-system then."

Shocked, she looked at him once more. This student seemed way too perceptive.

At the same time, an emotionless stare was directed at the boy with interest, along with another gaze that was sharp in its own way.

"That would require one million private points," she said coldly, knowing very well he didn't have that many points to give her.

The class was shocked. One million points for a detailed explanation? What was so detailed that it required one million points?

"Sensei, isn't that a bit cruel?" he asked with a small smile before giving a once-over to everyone in the class, then looked at her.

"If everyone were to give you 40,000 points, it would reach one million, right?" The class once again erupted in exclamation.

"Huh!? Who do you think you are, punk!?" a red-haired gorilla roared, clearly angry that someone tried to decide for him. He had a lot of backup as well, in the form of both boys and girls.

But the boy with black hair simply looked at him in disinterest.

"If we didn't get 100,000 points next month, that would surely be hard, right? So why not use 40,000 points per person and contribute something to the class and get some answers?" His question silenced the enraged parties.

Sae sighed as Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou, two people in this class who were already quite popular, requested everyone to contribute something.

And so they did. Sae looked at her phone and saw 24 accounts that gave her 40,000 points per person, a combined total of one million.

Koenji Rokusuke didn't pay at all; instead, it was a combined effort from Hirata Yousuke and the black-haired boy.

Having Shinichi Kurogane in this class was the best for her dream of reaching class A, that is one thing Chabashira Sae found out today.

"Now listen up, you idiots," she sternly said, silencing all the students in the class.

"I will only explain this once." She began to explain how there is another category named class points and how private points depend on how many class points a class has. Class points depend on the students' behavior and discipline, and the classes are then ranked according to their class points at the start of each month.

This shook all the students to the core. The only one who was unfazed was Shinichi Kurogane, the one who took the initiative to ask this important question.

"And that is how classes are arranged, which means that all of you are defects," she said coldly without any remorse or compassion. "Now then, time is up. You can go. From tomorrow onwards, the classes start officially."

She stood up and left, leaving the class to barrage Shinichi kurogane...

— Shinichi Kurogane —

[ Congratulations, you have successfully earned the respect of the class, barring Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, Koenji Rokusuke, and Sudo Ken. ]

[ You have also caught the eye of Chabashira Sae, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and Horikita Suzune. ]

[ You have earned two Roll tickets and are now the leader of the Classroom of the Defects. For going the extra measure of buying the detailed explanation of the S-system, you have gained access to the panel 'Status.' ]

I was currently using my thought acceleration to increase my thought speed to the maximum, so I had enough time to chat with the system before I needed to talk to the class.

'Okay, open status then.'

[ Name: Shinichi Kurogane

Title: Leader of Class D, Genius.

Age: 15

Height: 5'9"

Weight: You really wanna know?

Academic Ability: A-

Physical Ability: A+

Social Contribution: A-

Cooperation: B-

Overall Ability: A-

Martial Arts: Aikido, Taiho-jutsu, Karate, Jiu-jitsu, Kalaripayattu.

Stealth Arts: Nanba. ]


Current Savings : 40,000 ppt