
Classroom Of The Elite: The Godly Genius

in what looks like pure darkness, a Old man is holding a pitch black Soul. Old Man: What a pity this soul was supposed to have a good life for the deeds it did and the amount of people it saved. Instead I made a foolish mistake and made his life a living hell..... I should somehow compensate this soul... ALOT! Main Characters Name: Takagi Dili Spoiler: (In this story there will be some OC's from different animes and made up But the Oc's will at most be on Aynakouji's level or a little higher... No one is better than our MC and his special OP Abilities.

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May 1st, (Chapter 5.) (Made some changes to this Chapter, if Possible Please Re-Read it.)

She handed out the quiz papers to everyone and started the timer.

I quickly looked over all the questions from top to bottom... there were some questions that were not in the curriculum, but most importantly... I think everyone here will pass.

I quickly finished all the questions but did not turn it in, I don't want my classmates to think that I am not trying on this quiz... It's just that this quiz is too easy... After the given time was over, everyone handed in their quizzes... Suddenly Ichinose spoke up.

Ichinose: "How did everyone feel about the quiz?"

Mostly all my classmates said that it was okay... They said that most questions were doable, but the last few questions were very hard and they did not understand that much... Only Kanzaki, Ichinose, and some other classmates believed they got wheresoever in the '90s... As for me, I am 99% sure I got a perfect score, but I didn't say this out loud because I did not want to sound cocky or anything.

After Class, some students went home. While Kanzaki, Shibata, Hamaguchi, and I planned to get something to eat for lunch, Ichinose and some other girls... Invited us to a cafe... We all accepted Hamaguchi was the most excited because this was his first time eating with females.

I would be lying to myself If I said I was not excited... Even Kanzaki and Shibata looked excited... While we were walking to the cafe with the girls, I noticed a short girl named Chihiro looking passionately at Ichinose... Probably just her role model or something, I thought internally.

After some time we finally arrived at the cafe... Ichinose, Hamaguchi, and Chihiro ordered Tea, Kanzaki and Shibata ordered Strawberry Smoothies, a girl named Mako ordered Vanilla ice cream and I ordered coffee.

We talked about a lot of different things... suddenly Mako said, "Hey Takagi, now that I look at you more closely..... You look really handsome." After she said that everyone looked at me more closely and... Agreed surprisingly, I mean If you look closer I guess you are really handsome.

Hamaguchi was on the verge of death, so I changed the subject, "Anyways, how many points do you think we will get tomorrow?"

Ichinose was the first to respond, "I think we will get a good amount of points maybe somewhere around the 80-90 thousands, because on the first day of school we kind of goofed off." Everyone seemed to agree with Ichinose's statement.

Just then everyone's attention was stolen by a girl entering the cafe, to say she was an angel would be an understatement, pure white hair, and purple eyes... It was the pinnacle of beauty.

Just then Hamaguchi spoke, "Look it's one of 3 great beauties of ANHS Sho Maya, 1st-year class 1-S." Kanzaki, Shibata, and of course Hamaguchi had their mouth wide open, even Ichinose and the other girls had their mouth wide open, this girl was the pinnacle of beauty... For some reason when I saw her at first, I was very surprised but then my emotions suddenly calmed down... It's safe to say this was due to my special abilities.

After she ordered her drink she gracefully exited the cafe... it took like 10 minutes for everyone to get back to normal, I tried snapping them out of it but to no avail, they were still hypnotized by her beauty.

After that happened we all bid goodbye. I quickly arrived at my room and jumped on my soft bed... Tomorrow is the day that we get our points, I wonder how many we will get, though I know it's not going to be 100,000.

I'm contemplating what Hamaguchi said, Shiro Maya, Class 1-S... Was there even a Class S, I thought it was just Class A, B, C, D... From observing all the people in different classes during my free time, it's simple to conclude that the superior students get a place in Class A and the so-called 'defective students' are placed in class D... The only reasonable conclusion is that class S is an enigma where special students get placed... Probably students with once-in-a-century skills or something.... but forty special students in one class, wait Takagi don't be dumb, since it's a special class filled with special students... It won't be surprising if they had a low number of students... Anyways I think I should do a simple workout, ever since I got Akashic Records Body... My body has been improving at a monstrous rate... I literally already have toned six packs which would take years to get... I should also practice Reversal Martial Arts... Even though it feels like I already mastered it I should still practice.

(Time skip to next day aka May 1st.)

Takagi was walking to school, he was contemplating about Class S. He remembered to check his points, and not to his surprise he only got around 85,000 points... After finally arriving at class, greeting his friends and finding his seat, he waited for the teacher to arrive... After a couple of minutes, Hoshinomiya-Sensei finally arrived and cut straight to the chase, "Hiya class I think you all have noticed that you have not gotten 100,000 points this month and you probably have a good idea why... Well, class remember at the start of the school year I said merit is what determines points... On the first day of school, you all were goofing off which lost you some points... Here class... These are the rankings for the entire school year in terms of class points,

Class S - 1000 points

Class A - 934 points

Class B- 850 points

Class C - 500 points

Class D- 0 Points

Hmm, So looks like I was right the superior students get sorted into Class A while the so-called, 'defective students' get sorted into class D... And looks like very special students get sorted into class S and looks like 1 point equals 100 private points... The S System is what is interesting, even though I didn't pay attention to when she was explaining about private points... In this manual, it says private points can buy anything... So if you have enough private points you can even get someone expelled or even get a ticket to class A.

Just then Ichinose spoke up, "Hoshinomiya-Sensei, I thought there were only 4 classes, why is there another class there, class S?"

"Good question Ichinose, Class S is a special class where super-duper special students are in... Even though they only have 10 students, all their students are extremely special and even the Class-A students cannot match up to them... Also, class S is now the highest class above Class A." Hoshinomiya-Sensei thoroughly explained.

"Oh, I almost forgot here are your quiz scores... You did very well especially you Takagi~"

Takagi: 100 %

Kanzaki: 91 %

Ichinose: 89 %

Shibata: 84%

Chihiro: 80 %

Mako: 80%

Other class 1-B students: 70-80%

As the quiz results were displayed everyone looked at me in astonishment... Kanzaki was surprised at first but then happy because we have someone good with academics in our class, which makes our way to Class 1-S easier.

"Hoshinomiya-Sensei, do you know the scores of Class 1-S?" A random student of Class 1-B asked.

"Fortunately I do everyone in their class got a 100% like Takagi."

That surprised everyone there except the smart students and me... I mean it is not surprising because Class 1-S is filled with prodigies so it would not be surprising if they all got 100%

'Class S huh, interesting' I thought while a smile was blossoming on my face.