
Classroom of the Elite: King of Conveniences

A seemingly normal school boy, Kazuki Hikaru, enrolled into Japan's best and most prestigious school, Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. A school for elites. But as things go, Hikaru has always been one for misunderstandings. Situations of convenience and inconvenience continue to bless or curse his days, even the uninteresting ones. When he arrives at the school, he will soon befriend a very important figure, fight for his future, create multiple misunderstandings, meet new people and familiar faces, and possibly even something more intimate. Follow the journey of the King of Conveniences, Kazuki Hikaru, of Class D.

AnimeGod768 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Ch-4 Genius Among Defectives

[Ayanokouji POV]

Even though th school is hard, the entrance ceremony is the same as any other normal school. It was as boring as it could get. There was a speech of thanks from the Chairman of the school and another speech by the Student Council President.

The entrance ceremony for elementary, middle and high school marks the start of one major trial for all the students- making friends.

For the next few days after the entrance ceremony, students will try to socialize and become friends with their peers, to enjoy the rest of their school life.

It is said that if someone failed at this task, a miserable three years would await them.

Following my principle of avoiding trouble, it would be best for me to possibly make friends and establish human relationships. The day before, I practiced making friends but I was inexperienced.

I had to practice because this was a totally different environment than the one I have been used to for my whole life. I was completely alone and entering a fierce battlefield.

The complete opposite of Kazuki Hikaru, who had already made a good impression and become friends with some of the guys here. I could see him talking vibrantly to a boy with short dark magenta hair.

Good for you, Kazuki. You're too good at these things.

I was honestly a little envious at how easily he was able to make friends. He didn't even know this guy until barely a minute ago, and now they were chatting like old friends.

This proves my thoughts though. He became my friend out of pure coincidence. I was lucky to have met him earlier. Kushida was also talking and laughing with some girls towards the front of the class.

How were they able to do these things ? I could never fathom.

My seat was placed towards the back of the room, near a window. And as fate would have, to my absolute joy, Kazuki's seat was right in front of mine. So even though he wasn't here now, I'd be able to talk to him more.

Maybe by conversing with a free-spirited person like him, a man who values freedom above all... maybe then I'll be able to understand what it truly is. Maybe... I'll truly be able to achieve it.

I noticed a lonely boy, a boy with an aura that screamed, "please somebody be my friend!" I wondered if I should approach him.

But suddenly approaching a random person and engaging in a conversation with them would only make them feel bothered.

Should I wait for the right time then ? No, by then he'll be surrounded by enemies and there's a good chance it'll end up with me coming out friendless.

I would have liked it if Kazuki was here to talk to right now! But he told me to try and make some other friends and expand my social knowledge. I don't understand what he meant, but he left me with that.

He seems to have some faith in me. Faith that I myself lacked.

As expected, I should talk.

Wait, wait, don't get hasty.

If I carelessly jump on and talk to an unknown student, I might get beaten by someone.

It was no use. It was like a negative spiral.

In the end, I couldn't talk to anybody and with the way things were going, o would likely end up alone, with only Kazuki to rely on.

The situation was looking bleak. Involuntarily, I let out a hefty sigh from the bottom of my heart.

"That's quite a heavy sigh, even though the school year hasn't even started. I feel like sighing after meeting you again." Looking to my right, I was met with the exact same girl from the bus, who had placed her bag down and taken a seat.

She looked around a little, then noticed Kazuki, making a frown a little, before looking back at me. "It seems that even your guardian angel has abandoned you. How sad."

Her tone was that of someone looking down on someone else, clearly indicating that she was mocking me.

"Kazuki is a very extroverted person. With his personality, I doubt I'd be the only person he'd interact with in this school." And that was certainly true. Considering how social and approachable Kazuki Hikaru was, odds are he'd be having a lot of friends in the future.

Also... Guardian angel ?

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you."

"You just went ahead and introduced yourself ?"

"Even if you think it's sudden, this is our second time meeting. Isn't an introduction fine ?" I asked her.

I had no way to introduce myself to my fellow classmates. Even to this cheeky girl. In order to become more familiar with my class, I must at least know my neighbour's name.

"Do you mind if I reject your greeting ?" She appeared to be outwardly polite when asking this, but deep down she didn't really care.

"I think it would be awkward to sit next to a person for three years without even knowing that person's name."

"I for one, see no problem with that." She retorted.

It seems she won't give me her name.

She sat down and removed a book from her bag, the very same one she was reading on the bus. She showed no interest in the rest of the class and sat down quietly like a model.

"Do you have a friend from another class ? Or are you here all by yourself ?" I decided to press on for more, hoping to strike a proper conversation with her.

"You're quite the curious one, aren't you ? If I must say, you shouldn't talk to me as you probably wouldn't find me interesting anyway."

"If I'm being a bother to you then just say that."

I looked away and let out a sigh.

I miss Kazuki.

He would talk to me no matter what. And he'd put this cheeky girl on a leash like he did earlier today.

However, just as it appeared as though the conversation had ended, she seemed to have a change of heart and sigh. She closed her book and turned to face me again.

"My name is Horikita Suzune."

I wasn't expecting to receive an answer but she, no... Horikita, introduced herself.

For the first time, I got a proper look at her face.

... Wow, she's cute.

I mean, she's a beauty.

Even though she was in the same grade, she could easily be passed on as a second or third year. She seemed to be a mature woman.

"Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have no particular hobbies, but I have an interest in everything. I don't have too many friends, but I think it would be good to have some. That's the kind of person I am."

"Spoken just like someone avoids trouble. I don't think I'd ever be able to get along with someone like that."

"I feel you like you just denied my whole existence just like that." I deadpanned at her, feeling slightly hurt by her words.

"I pray that this will be my only offence."

"I sympathize, but I don't think that'll come true." As I said this, I pointed at the door that just opened, revealing another classmate of ours.

"The equipment of the classroom seems to be in order! It looks just like what the rumours say!"

It was the blonde boy that argued with Kushida and the office lady.

"I see... That is certainly bad luck."

Not being bothered by anyone else, the boy walked confidently to the table marked, "Koenji". He then plopped his legs on the table and began to tidy his nails diligently. He acted like he was the only one there and ignored his surroundings.

It seems his thoughts from the bus were actually his real thoughts.

In less than ten seconds, half the class has backed away from Koenji. The self-important attitude of his penetrated the classroom.

He didn't seem to care about the fact that the seat in front of him was occupied by a fidgeting young girl, who appeared very nervous and even uncomfortable with his actions.

But I noticed something others did not. Kazuki spared a glance towards the narcissist and narrowed his eyes, seemingly checking him out. Now that I look back at it, they were giving glances to one another in the bus too.

Did they know each other, perhaps ? Are they friends ?

I honestly couldn't imagine Kazuki every being friends with someone like that.

I remained silent for a minute or two but the discomfort on the girls face was visible for all to see. Eventually, a handsome boy walked over to them and decided to talk to Koenji. The boy in question had the appearance of an honour student, with the air of an outstanding young man.

"Excuse me, but you could please take your feet off the table ? You're making her uncomfortable." He spoke on behalf of the girl in a soft but polite tone.

"Hmph, why should I ?" Koenji retorted.

I couldn't tell if he was stubborn, confident or just indifferent. He has a broad grin on his face even now, oozing with confidence.

"She clearly feels uncomfortable so it would be appreciated if you could kindly put your feet down."

"Why must I accomodate for her discomfort ? Whether I wish to keep my legs on the table or not is ultimately, my right. I have no obligation to put them down." His words reminded me too much off the bus.

Behind him, I could see Kazuki frown visibly.

The other student retorted by saying, "I understand that, but it's common courtesy to be mindful of how your actions affect others."

"It's fine, I don't mind it at all." The girl who was at the centre of all this, said. She was smiling and speaking kindly, but despite her words anyone could notice that her smile was strained. She truly was bothered by his actions but she didn't want to cause a scene.

I noticed Kushida quickly approaching the desk, making me wonder if it was about to become a repeat of the bus incident with the old lady.

Koenji smirked upon hearing the girl say this. "See ? She doesn't mind at all. Now, why don't you-"


Koenji, who had finally shown some discomfort since he got here, held the back of his head and looked up at his attacker, who turned out to be Kazuki himself.

"Rokusuke, that's enough. Put your legs down and show some manners for crying out loud!" He cried.

Kazuki had beaten Kushida to the punch and arrived at the scene quicker and dealt a decisive blow on Koenji's head, but not hard enough to the point of actually hurting him.

Koenji stared at him for a bit before chuckling a little. As if obeying him, Koenji's legs left the tabletop and he placed them back down on the floor. An unexpected act that certainly served to surprise everyone that was watching, especially those who were in the bus such as myself.

"How bold you are, Freedom-kun. But how would I possibly be surprised ? Of course it would take the personification of freedom to land a hit on the perfect man." He said this stylishly. He stopped admiring himself and grinned towards Kazuki, who just stared at him with a look of annoyance.

Freedom-kun ? Personification of freedom ? The perfect man ? What was he talking about ?

Holding his hand up to his face to showcase his irritation, Kazuki spoke in Spanish. "Vas a ser la muerte de mí." (You're going to be the death of me.)

"Also, how many times have I told you not to call me that, Hijo de puta."

"I will refer to you as I please, Freedom-kun. Isn't it my right as a free person to be allowed such a privilege ?" He gave Kazuki a sly grin, making his expression harden even more.

He let out a sigh and pointed a finger at Koenji, waving it threateningly. "Ya te ocuparé más tarde." (I'll deal with you later.)

"I am terribly sorry about him, miss. He's just like that. I hope he disturb you too much." He turned to face the girl with an apologetic expression on his face.

I couldn't see what kind of reaction the girl was having, but she smiled brightly at Kazuki.

"T-Thank you offering."

"Of course. My name is Kazuki Hikaru. Feel free to use my first name if that makes you feel comfortable." He spoke in a tone upholding politeness, diligence and eloquence. One that carried through with it charisma.

"T-thanks... I am M-Mei Yun Wang... But my friends just call me mii-chan so... You can call me that too!" She squeaked at the end there, her face troubled and stuck between nervousness and gratitude towards Kazuki.

"Thank you for helping, Kazuki-kun." The other male, the one that looked like a kind honour student, gave Kazuki a welcoming smile, a gaze that was returned in kind.

"Oh, of course. I was only doing what I believed was right. And since I was already aquainted with this stubborn man, I felt all the more obligated to do it."

"My name is Hirata Yousuke. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kazuki-kun." He held out a hand to greet Kazuki, who stared at his hand for a bit before smiling back at him and accepting his handshake.

"Likewise, Hirata."

After a little bit more time had passed, I noticed Kazuki excuse himself and return to his seat. Not even a second after he did this, the doors slid open and walked in, a beautiful woman in a suit. She was our teacher. A woman that appeared to be around 30 years of age, she looked like the kind of person who valued scrict discipline above all else.

How was it that she conveniently entered the classroom right after Kazuki sat down ? Did he somehow predict her arrival ? Was it perceptivity or just plain intuition. Or was it all just a coincidence ?

"Ahem, my name is Chabashira Sae and I'm incharge of Class D this year. I teach Japanese History. During your three years here, you'll find that we do not change classes between years so for the rest of your time here, I'll be your homeroom teacher till you graduate. I hope I get to know you all. Best regards. The entrance ceremony will take place one hour from now. I will now distribute the list of special rules and the matriculation guide."

She distributed these handbooks and continued her explanation after waiting for us to finish reading a bit of it.

At this school, there were special rules that made it vastly different from other normal schools. For starters, the school absolutely forbade any contact with the outside world. Not even immediate family members are allowed inside and you cannot contact them at all.

Leaving the campus is also forbidden unless given special permission by the school itself.

However, there were many other facilities here so the students don't suffer from being restricted. There were Karaoke's, cafe's, theatre rooms, a mall, and even boutiques- you could say it was like a small town. In the middle of this big city, the campus took up more than 600,000 square metres.

There's one more special characteristic of this school, though. The introduction of the S system.

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. With it, you can buy anything from any of the shops and facilities available in this school. They work like credit cards. However, be careful of the number of points you spend. After all, there is nothing within the school grounds you cannot buy."

The point system associated with the student ID card essentially replaced money.

This way, all students will be provided the same amount of money and be forced to check their consumption habits. In any case, all points were provided by the school with no charges.

"Student cards are easy to use. All you need to do is swipe them on the card machine. Using the machine is also very easy so you shouldn't have to worry about it. Points will be deposited on the first day of every month. You should have all already recieved 100,000 points. Remember that 1 point is worth 1 yen."

The classroom erupted.

In other words, aside from being admitted here, we were essentially given 100,000 yen as a monthly allowance from the school. As expected of a school funded by the government.

100,000 yen was very high as a monthly allowance for high school students.

"Shocked by the amount you were given ? This school judges every one of it's students based on merit. Each and every one of you have already passed the entrance exam. That alone should speak enough about your talents. All the money is a reflection of your skills. Use it without holding back. After graduation however, all that money will be taken back as the points you accumulate in this school cannot be turned into real money. So there's no point in saving them. Use them however you like. If you wish to, you can also transfer these points to someone else if you don't need it. Also, keep in mind that this school monitors bullying very strictly. Should any report of bullying be filed, the school will take strict action."

Chabashira looked around for a bit, her face not changing at all while doing this.

"It seems nobody has any questions. I suppose I'll be taking my leave them. Enjoy the rest of homeroom."

"Actually sensei-!"

A sudden voice called out to her, startling her.

Looking forward, Chabashira's gaze fell onto the person in front of me. Kazuki, who had his arm raised, apparently had a question to ask her. All eyes were on him.

"Yes ? What is it, Kazuki ?"

"What's the catch ?" He suddenly asked.

Huh ? What did he mean by that ?

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Chabashira replied.

Hearing this, Kazuki sighed. "Okay, I actually quite a few questions to ask, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Feel free to ask me anything."

"Alright then. For starters, is there any way to ensure that payment occurs properly. Earlier, you mentioned us being able to transfer points to other students ? There is an application for that right ? In case anyone is low on points, we can pay them right ? But what if we get scammed ? There's a high possibility that someone may try to coerce or force others into paying them and then leaving with the money. Or maybe just fool them. Is there a way to prevent this from happening ?"

After hearing him say this, all of the students immediately began murmuring. They were all too ecstatic on their newly recieved allowances to bother actually thinking about the situation at hand. Now that Kazuki had mentioned this, many of them gained expressions of nervousness and anxiety. His words in invoked fear and panic, the students did not want to lose the money they just received.

"I didn't think of that..."

"I'm glad he's asking that.."

"Yeah.. I don't want to get scammed!"

This actually made Chabashira smile a little bit. "You needn't worry about that, Kazuki-kun. In light of a negotiation, you can sign a memorandum or a written contract, which would make such a deal official in the eyes of the school. If one party breaks the deal, they will be punished accordingly. You may even summon s third party to act as a witness."

These words from our teacher were enough to calm the panicked students and make them all feel relieved.

But Kazuki wasn't done yet.

"I see. Thank you for that, sensei. Now onto my next question. What is our monthly allowance ? Do we even have a monthly allowance ? Because of I heard you correctly, you didn't really mention how much we'd receive on April and the following months." Again, he displayed his intensive perceptivity just like that. I doubt most people wouldn't noticed.

The students were confused by his words and didn't know what to make of it.

"What is he talking about ?"

Chabashira flashed him a smirk after hearing him say that, almost like she was happy he asked such a thing. I wonder why.

"I cannot answer that, I'm afraid. But, if you wish to ask for anything else, I'll answer. If it is within my power, of course." She replied with a smirk.

Huh... That's weird. Why can't she answer him ? Was there a reason for keeping this a secret ?

"I see. Well then, I also wanted to ask about the cameras-"

"Huh ? Cameras ?"

"What are you talking about, Kazuki-kun ?" Kushida suddenly questioned.

My gaze slightly hardened. So he noticed not only the loopholes in Chabashira's speech, but also the inconspicuous cameras placed on all corners of the classroom. Once again, he shows that his observation skills are above average.

I wondered what else he could show.

I then set my eyes on Chabashira, who seemed surprised by his question but she quickly smirked, wiping that look of surprise right off her face.

"How very perceptive you are, Kazuki Hikaru." She congratulated him.

"Wait... Guys, he's right. It's hard to see, but if you focus enough, there are cameras in this class in every corner of the room." A beautiful girl with brown hair swept towards one side and beautiful blue eye, spoke.

"Huh ?"

"Holy shit..."

Kazuki's face remained neutral while the entire class began to grow wary. Why would they hide the cameras like that ? Why not just tell us ?

Kazuki was silent for a little bit. I assume he was allowing the rest of us to properly process what he had just revealed.

After a short while, he continued. "Why are the cameras placed like that ? Wouldn't it be better to just tell us about them ? Without those cameras to keep an eye on us, most people would slack off or try not to take things seriously during class. Unless... You don't want us to know we're being monitored."

"And why do you think we would do that ?"

"In order to punish us, probably. If the students were informed about the cameras beforehand, everyone would behave well. But nobody knew that, so they would have not cared how they acted. In such a scenario, by hiding the existence of the cameras, you would ba able to discern how students truly act and evaluate the based off it, right ?"

Chabashira opened her mouth to say something but-


Kazuki snapped his fingers before Chabashira could talk and raised a finger up. "I'm not done."