
Classroom of The Elite : Fanfic

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 : Story Begins

Advanced Nurturing High School.

At the moment, a boy was simply standing in the balcony and looking at the beautiful scenery of his new School campus while enjoying the morning breeze.

The boy's name is Seishuu Handa . He is 15 years old this year and is also now a first year student in the Advanced Nurturing High.

Seishuu, or simply put Sei, at first is a very normal teen. With Black Hair, a tall build and a handsome appearance he was just like most other teenagers that were also in the prestigious Highschool. But if one were to pay attention they would probably be able to notice certain problems.

There seemed to be a sort of Invisible wall surrounding the young boy stopping anyone from ever getting closer to him. His brows were only slightly furrowed as if warning everyone from staying as far away from him as they can. There also seemed to be a mysterious aura radiating off of him that made people involuntarily attracted to the boy.

The most interesting thing about the boy that nobody would be able to notice Unless they have the ability to read mind, was that Sei Handa had a double set of memories.

One of his own. And the other one from another Sei Handa from a different world. There wasn't much difference between both memories. The Sei Handa of other world had also lived the same life as that of this world's Sei Handa. They were both Orphan. They were both adopted by the Handa Family when they were young. They both had intrest in Caligraphy. They both had same friends, same favourite food etc etc.

Though there were also some differences, certain memories didn't match like They went to different junior high school. But the most interesting diffrence was that the Sei Handa of other world had watched a certain Anime.

Classroom Of The Elite.

While Sei Handa of this world was living in the Anime. He was part of the Classroom of The Elite story now. He had gotten these memories while on his way to the School. and this had been a reason for his headache ever since.

'Hah. Still can't believe this all nonsense. But I've already checked the date and time in Memories. This is the same year when The Main hero of the anime Ayanokoji enrolls. I have also seen some of the people from the story already like that 1-A white haired girl. There's no denying it. I'm in the story.' Handa pinched the place between his brows and sighed.

He went back inside and picked up his enrollment form.

Class = 1-D

'Guess I'm in the same class as the main Character.' Handa sighed again.

"I shouldn't bother too much. Things will finally become clear today. I should get ready and get to the class now. It's the first day, arriving a bit early may be good." Handa out the form back in the drawer and went into the bathroom.




Currently walking through the corridors of the school was a young man who had a mysterious aura surrounding him that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who looked at the young man.

This young man was none other than Sei Handa.

He kept walking while ignoring all the people whispering around him. Whom he believed were surely talking bad about him. He finally stopped right in front of the gate of class 1-D. Handa took a breath and then opened the gate and walked inside.

Everyone present in the class looked up towards the gate to check and they all felt shivers when they saw who it was. They felt like a Dark lord had arrived among them. Some even gulped involuntarily.

Handa didn't seem to notice all the stares as he sweeped his gaze across the room. And the only one who was recognisable to him was a pink haired girl with glasses sitting at the back of the classroom. Sakura Airi. The meek girl who was saved by main character.

'Looks like none of the main cast has arrived yet.'. Handa thought as he started to search for his seat. Interestingly, he was assigned the the seat right next to Sakura. Last seat of the middle row.

He set his bag down and sat on his seat and without turning his head much sneakily started checking out the people currently present in the class room.

He first looked at Sakura Airi who was sitting on his right side. The girl looked like she was seriously ill as she was shivering in her seat nonstop. The girls in the class had huddled up together and were talking among themselves while clumsily sneaking glances at him while the boys were also doing the same thing.

Having nothing better to do he simply closed his eyes as if meditating. But in actuality he was thinking about many things.

Slowly people started to fill the classroom, each one first looking at Handa who had his eyes closed and then scurring off to their seats.

When he felt someone sitting down on the seat on his left Handa finally opened his eyes to look at his other neighbour. And he had thought that it was Suzune Horikita.

The black haired, spoiled egoistic girl with a higher than thou attitude, who believed she was much smarter than she actually was. She was also the supposed female lead of the anime.

Handa noticed that the girl was looking at him with a displeased expression. After that she hmphed and turned her head.

'God. I seriously don't want anything to do with oversmart girls. I'll simply leave the Main Hero to deal with her.' Handa thought but that's when he noticed a problem.

The main character - Kiyotaka Ayanokouji was supposed to sit right next to Suzune Horikita but instead of Ayanokouji there was a blonde girl wearing boys costume sitting there.

'But if she is siting there, then where is Ayanokouji sitting?' thought Handa as he turned his head to look around the classroom. And that's when he noticed the difference.

Almost all the seats were full, there were some recognisable faces but many things were different from the story. This was class 1-D for sure. And this was the anime. Horikita's presence confirmed that. There were other regonisable characters too like - Sakura Airi, The topper Yukimura, one of those idiot trio.

But there were differences too. Not only was Ayanokouji not in this class , there was also no Sudo, Hirata or Kushida. This was too much of a difference between the anime and this reality.

Just then the gate opened again and walked in a pretty girl with big bust and pinkish blonde hair.

"Hello everyone. Haha, looks like I was late." The girl said as she occupied the final remaining seat in the class.

Handa was able to recognise this girl. Honami Ichinose.

'But she was supposed to be in section B. what is she doing here? Is this an alternate world. Maybe this is what they call Multiverse of Madness?' Handa looked as calm as ever but inside his mind was bursting with thousands of different thoughts.

'Ugh, i should just stop thinking about it all. Maybe this is a dream. We will see whatever happens.' Handa thought as he started giving off a displeased aura which affected the whole class and they slowly started to quiet down. But Handa didn't notice any of this.

Just then the gates opened again and this time The teacher entered. Sae Chabashira.

She looked at everyone in the class, watching Handa a few seconds more than others before starting to give off the description of the school and the S- system.

'I don't really care about Class A. First I should assess my situation better.' Handa thought while listening to the teacher.

They then did the introductions and as Handa expected many named characters weren't there in the class.

Finally it was Handa's time to introduce himself. And Suddenly panic struck the anti-social boy out of nowhere. He hadn't prepared himself for this.

Everyone was looking at him. 'Most probably to make fun of me. ' Handa thought.

After remaining silent for a few seconds he finally got up and said,

"Seishuu Handa."

And that's it. He couldn't remember anything more to say. A few seconds passed and not wanting to embarrass himself any further he sat back down.

"Kyaaa!! So cool."

"What a deep voice."

"Handa-Kun is so awesome." The girls chattered among themselves. Handa could hear them whispering but couldn't decipher about what. So he simply assumed that the girls were probably cursing him.

'I messed up. But it's not like this is such a big deal. God!! This overdramatic anime. From what I remember evryone in this class 1-D was always very overdramatic. Making a big deal out of nothing. This is definitely going to be pain in the ass living here. I'm better off not associating myself with them.' Handa made a decision at that moment.




Seven Days had passed since the classes began.

Handa was currently sitting on his seat as the History class, taught by Miss Chabashira continued. But as more time passed he was getting more and more irritated by all the Mandrils( his classmates) around him.

In these seven days one thing had become clear. The school didn't give a fuck about whatever the students did. No reprimanding, Punishments or anything no matter what kind of mistakes were made by the students inside or outside the class.

Students were starting to enjoy this sort of freedom. The 100k points that were equivalent of money in the campus was a cherry on the cake.

What had gotten Handa so irritated was the fact that these idiots were disturbing the History class. His favourite subject. Unique yes, but many people who liked art and Literature enjoyed History.

Miss Chabashira was teaching a very interesting topic but his classmates were busy chatting among themselves.

Finally he could not take it anymore and stood up. "SILENCE!! Have you no idea that this is a school. Behave like a student."

Handa shouted in his deep voice and everyone in the class looked at him. That's when Handa realised that he may have overreacted. But he didn't know what else to say now.

Nobody else was saying anything either. Sakura Airi was shivering even more in her seat. The silence continued to last for a few more seconds before finally Miss Chabashira interjected.

"Don't shout in my class Handa-kun. Now sit down." Miss Chabashira said in her usual stale voice.

"Uh..Sorry Teacher." Handa said as he sat down. and closed his eyes not wanting to even make eye contact with. anyone. He was sure that they would make fun of him for his outburst.

But reality was far different from whatever Handa was imagining.

In these seven days, Handa's popularity had also spread among the class. Various stories about him were being spread by people who pretended to know Handa.

From tame stories about Handa being a child celebrity to more absurd stories of him having 666 lovers or being a boss of Yakuza Gang were already circling around.

Nobody really had any idea about him since no one had ever truly talked to him until now. They were a just making assumptions of their own. And all the while , Handa had no idea about it.

Girls had started to admire him, While the Boys looked upto him.

"Looks like we made Handa-Kun upset."

"Yes. we really shouldn't have behaved like that."

"We should be ideal students just like Handa-Kun." The Girls made a decision among themselves.

While the Boys....

"As you wish, Boss." They had made a gang around Handa and joined themselves in it and put Handa as the leader. Ofcourse, without Handa's own knowledge.

And just like that, Handa-Kun had stopped all the students of class 1-D from doing any misbehaviour again. Not that Handa knew about any of it.

The class resumed and this time all the students were much more disciplined. While Handa took out a pudding from his bag and started to eat it.

'Whatever. This class is going to lose all it's points anyway. Nothing will change it. These idiots will learn themselves. I should enjoy myself too. Just have to take care not to spend all my points.' Thought Handa.


MC is from Handa-Kun anime. same appearance. He is an anti-social guy. But he attracts everyone. His life is full of misunderstanding and I've decided to mix it with COTE plot. Let's see how this one goes.

I didn't want to put him in the same class Ayanokouji cause that would be boring since Ayanokouji is the better as an rival to MC than a teammate. But I've used Horikita and some other characters cause I need them for the story.

Initially I was going to make a new class 1-E all together but then I thought of doing things this way. More details will be shared next chapter.